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I sat alone in the empty classroom, speechless. Not that there was anyone present for me to talk to but I just felt a void inside of me and a strong inability to speak. After Layla left, I felt distraught. The realization that I might have made the worse mistake ever hit me like a ton of bricks.

A part of me thought that turning her would make her love me and feel the mate bond but I was wrong.

I also wanted to protect her. Being a human was being weak. I thought turning her would make her strong and powerful, enough to be the Luna. I probably was also wrong.

Now I was afraid of what her reaction would be when she finds out it was me who turned her.


What have I done?

Still pondering on my irresponsible decision, I heard footsteps that pulled me out ofy thoughts. When I looked up, it was Tyler.

Oh I was so not in the mood for whatever he had to say.

"Nice move" he said, standing in front of me, "I would confess, I didn't see that one coming" I knew what he was referring to but I kept an emotionless face.

"I mean turning her into a werewolf?" He shook his head, a stupid grin plastered on his face.

"But... " he leaned down, his hands on my desk, "do you think that will stop me?" I fisted my hands, clenching my teeth in anger.
"She's still going to be the weak human that she was and I will have my revenge on you" his smile was gone in a second and so was my cool.

"And do you know what's worse?" I didn't know why I wasn't already punching his face,
"She will hate you once she figures out you did this to her. Poor Layla"

I stood to my feet instantly with a deadly look on my face, challenging him, but just then my betas and my mates walked in on us. Noticing their presence without turning around, Tyler smiled once more before walking away and exiting the classroom.

My anger was boiling over inside of me. I turned to the desk beside me and flipped it over slamming against the wall and breaking to bits. I didn't care if I had just destroyed school property, all I could think of was how to make sure Layla never hates me.

"You really did it this time Brad" Alec spoke, judgment dripping off his voice and annoying me further. As if sensing I was about to come at Alec, Ashley quickly stood in front of him just as I took a step forward.

"He's right. She is not taking all this well, she's already frustrated" My anger was immediately replaced with guilt and worry.
"Her birthday is on Saturday and its the full moon"

As if I wasn't already frustrated enough, this new revelation only worsened it. I ran my fingers through my hair, pulling at it. I had to stop myself from destroying another desk due to the amount of pressure I was feeling. so instead, I walked past them and out of the classroom.

I got into my car and drove home.


I couldn't stop thinking about what Cole told me. His voice kept echoing in my head, distracting my previous concerned thoughts.
I hated Cole for what he did to me but after what he said to me, I wasn't so sure anymore. If there was anything, my feelings just resurfaced again.

Alpha Brad's Human MateWhere stories live. Discover now