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I had turned Hayley?

Was that even possible? I thought only Aphas could turn people.

I was getting more confused by the second. So I left the hallway in a haste, wanting to share the new information I had but I didn't know who to tell. I was still very much mad at Brad.

I held my phone and searched for his number but I couldn't bring myself to dial it. So I called Cole instead, and told him to meet me up. Then I stood outside the hospital and waited for him until he arrived.

I watched his car pull up in the driveway before he hurriedly came down and approached me.

"Layla, are you okay? You sounded so distressed over the phone" Cole said, worry laced in his voice.

"Thank you for coming, I really needed someone to talk to urgently" I said.

"Is everything okay?" He asked again.

"No, nothing is okay. I did something so terrible" I started, he watched me anxiously.
"I almost killed Someone, a girl from my school"

"Hayley Logan?" He asked.

"Yes...wait, how did you know her name?" I was surprised.

"The news is all over town that a wolf attacked a cheerleader during a school game" he said and I shut my eyes in despair. The news only increased my blood pressure.

"That was you?" He uttered in shock.

"Yes it was me" I looked around before pulling him to a corner that was more quiet and secure, to prevent anyone from eaves dropping.

"There is an even bigger problem" I told him. "Remember my mom's boyfriend?" I asked


"He's a hunter. A werewolf hunter" I clarified. His eyes widened in shock.

"If he finds out about all of this, he will come hunting us. All of us"  I said.

"That is not good" he said.

"As if that is not enough, Hayley is in transition" I added.

"What? What do you mean in transition?" He asked, eyes wide.

"Apparently, I turned her" I almost sounded like it was nothing. Almost.

Cole's demeanor changed and for a minute, he looked lost in thoughts.

"Is that possible?" I asked, concerned.

"I don't know" he said.

"You don't know?" I echoed. I thought they knew it all.

"I am a born werewolf, I and everyone in my pack. We only recently found out that turning people was possible. I mean if I knew about this a few months ago, I would have turned you and have you as my mate" my eyes widened at his statement, which was not needed at the moment.

"What I mean to say is that, I really  don't know" I sighed, raking my fingers through my hair.

I was frustrated. I needed answers desperately, solutions also. I didn't know what to do. Anxiety was probably  the only thing flowing in my veins at the moment.

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