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I stared at the big brown wolf with utmost curiosity. It stood there and watched me with equal curiosity. I didn't know why I felt so drawn to it but I immediately had the urge to touch it.

With gentle and carefully calculated footsteps, I walked towards the wolf and slowly crouched down in front of it. My heart was beating so fast, fear creeping up my body with every movement I made but still I didn't stop. I lifted my hand and placed it on its side, feeling the soft but rough fur beneath my palm.

I was more than shocked it didn't move and that weirdly calmed me.  I felt at ease until it moved forward towards me. I wasn't expecting it so I gasped and retreated quickly, falling backwards in the process.

Then I woke up. I sat up on my bed and recognized the not so familiar space that was my new room.

I furrowed my brows together, wondering what sort of dream that was when my dad barged into my room.

"Oh good, you're awake" he smiled, dropping a box on the floor.

"Morning dad" I greeted.

"Morning honey, hope you had a goodnight sleep because its going to be your first day in a new school" he cheered but my eyes only widened in horror.


"Ofcourse honey"

"But dad, we just moved here...can't I atleast get a week break" I whined.

He sighed and sat on my bed, "honey I understand that you need some time to settle in, but remember its the middle of the semester and you need to catch up fast" I pouted as he tried to convince me.

"Come on, you are strong and you can do this" I let out a long groan.

"Fine" I finally agreed.

"Now go get ready, I'll make you pancakes" he smiled and pinched my cheek.

"I will" he got up and left my room. I stayed a few more seconds on the bed, recalling the weird dream I had before I shook my head and stood up.

I got ready and dressed up in a simple blue jeans and a cute white top. I put on my white sneakers and grabbed my back pack and my phone. When I opened the phone, I saw my wallpaper which was a picture of Cole and I. Seeing it brought back a sudden rush of pain so I instantly deleted it and shoved it in my pocket.

After eating the yummy pancakes my dad made, he drove me to my new school. Bradhills high.
I was given a brief orientation after which I was Shown my class and my locker.

I opened it and shoved some of my books in it, then from the corner of my eyes, I saw someone come up to me and stood beside me.

Standing beside me was a tall dark brown haired boy. He looked rather breath taking with his strong yet baby-ish facial features but I didn't give it much thought. He stared at me weirdly yet intensely. I was about to ask if he needed something when he finally spoke.

"Mine" he said and I frowned.

"Excuse me" I didn't think I heard correctly.

"Mine, you're mine" he repeated, as if saying it the first time wasn't creepy enough.

"I'm sorry, I think you've got the wrong person" I closed my locker and started walking away but then I felt his hand grab my wrist and I felt a sudden chill run through my body. I quickly withdrew my hand and stared at him both shocked and alarmed.

"No, its you. You're my m..."

"Hey man" another guy rushed up to him, stopping him from completing his sentence. He had black hair and was just as tall as him.

"I'm sorry about my friend, he mistook you for someone else" he apologized. I looked at them suspiciously before I walked away, wondering what he was about to say.

"So we have a new student" the homeroom teacher announced and I puffed out a breath, dreading whatever would happen next.
"Come out and introduce yourself to the class" he said


"Hi, I'm Layla Rodrigo" I said once I was standing in front of the class. I noticed the brown haired boy from earlier just staring at me, it almost made me uncomfortable.

"Welcome to Bradhills high Layla" I looked at the man and flashed a small smile before going back to my seat. The weird boy was still staring at me all the way, even when I sat down and looked over my shoulder to check.

Well that wasn't creepy at all.

Everything was so new to me, not just because it was a new school for me but also because it was my first time changing school. But then again, it was exactly what I needed at this moment of my life. I needed a fresh start after what my boyfriend and friend did to me.

During lunch period, I got my food tray and spotted an empty table at the back. I walked passed a bunch of students chatting happily as they ate their food until I got to the empty table. I didn't mind staying alone, hell I didn't even mind not making friends. I knew it would be impossible to trust anyone again.

Just as I settled down to start eating my food, I saw a tray drop on my table. I looked up from the tray and saw none other than the weird boy who had been staring at me all day. He slid down on the seat opposite me, not taking his eyes off me.

Ofcourse go ahead and make yourself comfortable, I thought.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion, but can we sit here" his friend from earlier asked politely. I looked at him and then over at the other boy who was standing close to him.

"Sure" I answered. Both boys sat joined the table, sitting at either side of him and making me slightly uneasy. I mean, it was my first day here and three boys are already sitting with me. Especially with the brown haired boy continuously staring at me.

"I see you're new here, my name is Andre" the boy who asked for permission to sit, introduced himself.

"And this is Brad" he introduced the brown haired boy, "what is your name?"

"Layla" I said, feeling greatly uncomfortable at how Brad was staring at me.

"Oh right, you introduced yourself in class, nice to meet you Layla" Andre said.

Suddenly the other boy who had been quiet cleared his throat rather loudly, as if signalling he has been forgotten.

"Oh sorry, I totally forgot you were there" Andre said, sounding sarcastic,  "that's Alec" he then introduced.

"Nice to meet you Layla" Alec spoke and I let out a small smile, feeling unable to say anything.

"Would you go out with me on Saturday?" Brad finally spoke and my eyes widened. Both boys also seemed taken aback by his question.


"Would you go out with me? On a date, Saturday" he repeated. As if I wasn't already feeling uncomfortable enough, his question took it to another level.

"No. I'm sorry, I have to go" I quickly stood up and carried my tray along with me, leaving them on  the table.

•     •      •

A/n : I need comments! Tell me what you think. Don't be a silent reader.

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