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I was sitting in class, the teacher's voice slowly fading into the air as I zoned off and sank deep into my thoughts. I had managed to convince my dad that what happened was nothing, that it was simply a reflex. ThankGod he believed my stupid lie.

I knew I said I didn't want any help from them, but maybe I did.  Alot of things were happening to me that I didn't understand and I very well knew that only them had the answers I was seeking.

With all thw thoughts going through my head, starting from the day I was bitten until now and also Cole, I found myself becoming agitated.

I could feel myself tense up, my breathing uneven, and on top of that, I started hearing someone calling my name repeatedly.



I knew it was Brad, I could feel it, I could recognize his voice very well. I ignored him, keeping my gaze on the teacher but not my concentration.


"What?" I shouted, looking back at him. It was then I realised that he wasn't really calling me out loud and now I looked like a total idiot.

I clenched my teeth in annoyance  and immediately I did that, his eyes widened. The next second, he was on his feet, he got to where I sat and pulled me from my seat before I could even react.  He then dragged me out of the class ignoring the teachers complain.

"What are you doing, let go of me" he totally ignored me and kept pulling me with him through the hallway until he stopped at a door. He opened it quickly, pulled me inside with him and then closed the door behind us.

The lack of space in the room made him stand so close to me, almost like pressing me against the door. The room was dark but yet I could see so dry clearly, it somewhat fascinated me. I looked around, seeing all the broom and mop sticks, and realized we were in the janitors closet.

"What is the meaning of this?" I asked angrily.

"Your eyes..." he said, looking straight into my eyes, "...is glowing"

"What?" I said horrified.

"Do as I say" he told me, "close your eyes" I stared at him unsure.

"Close your eyes" he repeated. suddenly, I felt like I could trust him, so I did. I closed my eyes and listened to his voice.

"Take a deep breath" he said and I did exactly that.

"Again" his voice was surprisingly soothing to me, I couldn't explain it. I felt myself relax completely.

"Now open your eyes" the moment I opened my eyes, the intensity of his stare hit me. Suddenly, it felt like all the air got sucked out of the room leaving me to suffocate. No word was spoken, we just stared at eachother.

"Listen" he then said to me. So I did, still not taking my eyes of him. At first, I heard nothing but slowly I started hearing a heartbeat. A really fast one.
Once again, fascinated, I asked.

"Is that your heart beat?"

"No, its yours" he answered. I brought my hand up to my chest to confirm, and indeed it was my heart that was beating fast. The reason for that being how close he was to me.
With that, I looked away from him.

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