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At first, I thought I was dreaming because that was the only perfect explanation for what had happened.
But after I walked all the way home and saw my dads reaction, I knew it was not a dream.

"I was just coming from your room" he looked very surprised the moment I opened the front door and so did I.
"Where are you coming from?" He asked, confusion clear as day on his face. I opened my mouth, thinking fast for something smart to say.

"I went for a walk" I blurted out.

"A walk? Since when do you go for a walk on a school morning? Or any mornings at all?" He questioned.

"Since today" I blurted out again.

"Honey, are you okay?" He took a few steps forward, standing in front of me. "If there is something bothering you, you know you can tell me"

"I'm fine dad, I promise. I just... " I trailed off, looking for excuses, explanations. "I just felt like taking a littke stroll" I said.

"But honey, I thought you would be ready so I could drop you off at school but now.. " he checked his watch.

"Its fine dad, I'll catch the bus" I told him. He sighed and looked at me.

"You sure you're okay?" He asked again. I knew I wasn't okay but I couldn't tell him. I didn't even know what was wrong with me.

"Yes dad, stop worrying too much" I convinced him. "Now don't get to work late because of me" I smiled at him.

"Okay honey, see you later. I love you" he said

"I love you too" he kissed my head before grabbing his bag from the table and heading out the door.

I let out a breath of relief and walked to my room which looked completely normal and exactly how I last saw it. I chose to brush it up for the mean time so I could prepare for school.

I stood in front of the mirror and lifted my top to observe my wound but to my horror, when I removed the bandage, there was no wound. No scar at all. Just smooth skin, exactly the way it was like nothing happened at all.

It took everything in me not to scream as I stared in bewilderment. I closed my eyes and opened it, still same thing.

I was horrified.

And I was also running late for school, so I decided to once again brush it off for the mean time.

I quickly had my bath and dressed up for school. I luckily catches the school bus and got to school.

I wasn't able to focus on anything, I found it so difficult because I was busy trying to figure out the things that had happened to me in the last few days.
I zoned out repeatedly while classes went on, until...

I started hearing whispers iny ear.

This class should just end already.

This is so fucking boring.

Jonny finally asked me out.

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