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"A wolf hunter" her words resounded in my head like an echo, sending a cold chill down my spine.

"His father use to hunt down wolves as.... " I slowly zoned out as thoughts of both the impossible and possible crossed my mind.

I remembered the stories Brad had told me. The war between human and werewolves, it all started with hunters. Hunters who only assumed the worse of the werewolf kind. They want them out by all means possible and they made sure to make the werewolves extinct. If Brad and his pack didn't flee, they would have all been dead.

And now, a hunter had come all the way here.

This was bad. Extremely.

What happens when he starts hunting us?

What happens when they find out I'm a werewolf? Will they kill me either ways.

I had to tell the park about this.

"I have to go" I suddenly said, interrupting whatever she was saying.

"But you just got here" she complained, "was I boring you?" She asked, sincerely concerned.

"No, I just have to get back because its getting late" i said.

"I can drive you back home or you could even sleep over if you want, I will just call your dad and infor... "

"No" I cut her off, "thanks but I really have to go. I have to prepare for school tomorrow" I came up with the perfect excuse.

She sighed, "I've really missed you Layla and I want nothing more than to spend some quality time with you" she told me.

I was going to say something out of anger but I swallowed it instead, I just had to get out of here before Frank returned home.

"maybe another time" I said and started making my way to the door.

"Layla" she called and I stopped halfway, turning back.

"I love you always, you know that right?" She said with sad eyes

I just nodded before turning around and reaching the door. Immediately I pulled open the door, I saw Frank standing at the door way just about to enter.

My heart almost left my body at the sight of him.

"Layla" he uttered surprised. "I didnt know you're here, are you leaving already?" He asked, looking past me at my mom, then back at me.

I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. It was funny how the first time I set my eyes on him, I hated him, but now it wasn't just hate anymore, it was fear.

I feared him now and I never want to be anywere near him.

"Yeah" I said and quickly walked past him.

When I was far away from the house, I took my phone and dialed Brads number. It was going straight to voice mail which only made me more worried. While at it, my dad called, worried as to why I wasn't at home.

So I went back home and decided that I would tell Brad and the pack at school tomorrow.

Next day at school, I shared my encounter with Brad, the boys and the girls during lunch period.

None of them were happy about it.

"We should probably start planning on which country to move to next" Alec said.

"No, we are not moving. Not again" Brad said.

"Our lives are at stake here" Gia said.

"She's right" Ashley supported, "we cannot risk it by trying to fight. It didn't go well the last time"

Brad looked to be in deep thoughts with his hands on the table propping up his jaw.

I was just lost in the midst of all this. Even if we were to move, what happens to me? How would I move with them? What would I tell my parents?

That plan looked rather impossible for me.

"We would think of something" Brad finally said, "for now, let's just be absolutely careful. The full moon is around the corner and we don't want to attract attention. If we can just live low key with our wolf activities then we can survive living amongst the humans"

"I agree" Andre chimed in, "we shouldn't see this as a problem, rather a challenge. We will survive this"

I couldn't help but doubt. A huge part of me was scared and I could feel that something big was coming.

"We need to inform the pack about this" Brad said and stood up. The boys followed him and they left the cafeteria.

I felt a little prick on my heart. I had wanted to spend more time with Brad but now, something bigger has taken his attention. I knew he was the alpha and had to protect the pack but I couldn't help but fear that with all these new happenings, he might not have much time for me.

"okay there's a new hunter in town, so what? Is not like we are dying tomorrow. Come on, brighten those faces" Gia tried to lighten up the mood.

"You're right" Ashley sighed, "we would survive this as a pack. We always do"

"And Layla, you have Brad as your alpha and your mate, you literally have nothing to worry about" Ashley added. I managed a smile, hoping she was right.

"Speaking of mates" Gia had a mischievous smile on her face, "I know what could serve as a distraction" both Ashley and I stared at Gia.

"You could tell us what happened between you and Brad two days ago" Gia winked at me.

"No" I shook my head quickly, feeling my cheeks flush.

"Omg Gia, thanks for bringing this up" Gia chuckled at Ashleys statement.
"I must say I have been dying to hear it all, the suspense is killing me" Ashley said.

"I'm one hundred percent sure it will be a juicy story" Gia said, eyes twinkling at me.

I just wanted to dig a hole in the ground and bury myself alive.

"Nothing happened" I looked down at my food, trying to hide my smile.

"That's a big fat lie, there is no way you're denying it. Andre saw you both in bed the next morning, meaning you spent the night together" Gia made sure to emphasize on the last part.

Just shoot me!

I couldn't believe I was blushing profusely.

"Look how she's blushing" they both continued teasing me until I couldn't take it anymore.

"Oh my god, fine! We had sex" I finally said it. The two of them squealed instantly, attracting stares to our table.
Again, I wanted to just disappear.

"Girl I'm so happy you two finally bonded" Gia said.

"Brad has waited for this his whole life" Ashley said, catching my attention.

"To have sex with me?" I asked.

"No silly" Ashley answered, "to finally be with his mate. He waited so long for you"

"You are the best thing to happen him Layla" Gia said and I couldnt help but smile.


Alpha Brad's Human MateWhere stories live. Discover now