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I was laying on my bed wide awake, my thoughts running to and fro. I couldn't help but remember the events of earlier when Brad held me.

What was wrong with him?

I was mad at him for not knowing his place. Furious even,  for having the guts to touch me. But then I couldn't stop thinking about the way my body reacted to his touch. It was so weird. The way he deep voice vibrated through me. The way my body pressed against his body. The way he looked at me. The way he....

God no!

Layla what is wrong with you?

I shook my head fast, wiping away every stupid thought. I got out of bed and went straight to my window, as if being called. When I stood at my window I found the familiar wolf watching me. I immediately rushed out of my room and quietly got out of the front door.

To my surprise, it was still there and I was somewhat glad it was. I hadn't still understood why I was so fond of this animal, that even when it starting heading towards the woods, I followed. I knew I said I wasn't going back to that woods anymore but I felt weirdly safe around it.

When it finally stopped, I crouched down behind it and started caressing it, getting a purr in return.

"I'm sorry I didn't come back to see you, I was just a little scared" I admitted. I knew it couldn't reply to me but I just wanted to talk. I just didn't expect the next thing that happened.

The wolf turned around so quickly startling me and then opened its mouth revealing sharp canines. Mortified, i wanted to get up but I fell down instead enabling it to jump on me and before I could make another move, it tackled me and bit hard on my waist.

I screamed, as stinging pain overwhelmed me. Once I was able to get off the ground, I took off running as fast as I could.

I got home and quietly made it to my room without waking my dad. I entered my room and locked the door. With tears in my eyes, I hurried to my bathroom and grabbed a clean towel, pressing it against my bleeding waist. After drying out the blood, I stood in front of my mirror and removed the towel. I gasped at the sight of the large bite wound and my lips quivered at the pain that shot up my body.

I opened the cupboard above my mirror and found some first aid kits. I treated the wound the best way I could and covered it with a bandage. When I was done with that, I immediately started feeling dizzy.

I grabbed unto my wash hand basin to support myself and managed to get out of my bathroom, but the more I moved, the more my vision blurred. I was almost at my bed when I lost my balance and fell on the floor, everything going black.

My eyes fluttered open and close a few times before it finally stayed opened. I saw rays of sunlight peering into my room through the slightly opened curtain. I looked around, realising that I was on the floor. I slowly got up, feeling fresh pain in waist that reminded me that last night wasn't just a nightmare.

I managed myself up from the floor sat on my wxaaq  slowly. I brought my fingers to it and touched it, wincing as the pain stung.

Fresh tears rolled down my cheeks at how stupid I was for going back to that woods after I got attacked the first time. How could I have ever though that wolves were friendly.

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