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The next two days, I was left alone. Like literally alone. Brad didn't try to come near me or talk to me, he didn't even look at me and if I was being honest to myself, it stung. I didn't think it would hurt me that much. I couldn't help but miss the times he chased after me.

Ashley and Gia also hadn't tried to talk to me but that could have been because I never gave them the chance to. I was always so quick to avert them whenever we crossed part.

In class, I would steal small glances at Brad but to my surprise he wasn't staring at me like he used to.

During lunch, I sat alone at a table across from Brad and his friends. I would look across from time to time and stare at him, somehow hoping he would look back at me but he never did.

I couldn't believe I was starting to fear that he had gave up on me.

But then again, I was the one who told him to leave me alone.

God this was so complicated.

"Hey" I tore my eyes away from Brad and looked up at Ashley and Gia standing in front of my table.

"Can we sit" Ashley looked at me, her eyes pleading.

"Yeah" I said. Honestly, I was done avoiding them.

"Layla, we are really sorry" Gia started, "we wanted to tell you about it but it really wasn't our secret to tell"

"Its fine" I sighed, "I think I understand everything now" there was no point being mad at them any more. I also thought I had already held the grudge long enough.

"We really missed you" Ashley said and I bit my lip.

"I guess I missed you guys too" I admitted. I glanced over at Brads table again. He was eating his lunch silently and somehow I could feel his sadness.

"We haven't seen him like that before" Ashley said, getting my attention back to my table.

"Yeah, he hasn't said anything to us" Gia said as well. I couldn't help but feel responsible for his recent mood.


He is really sorry though" Gia added.

"Please just give him a chance" Ashley told me. I glanced at him one more time before looking back to Ashley and Gia.

"Okay" I agreed. I had no idea what I was doing but I felt it was the right thing to do.

"Really?" She beamed at me

"Yes, why not? I mean what's the worse that could happen" I said.

"I promise you, you will not regret it" Ashley smiled at me.

After school, Ashley and Gia convinced me to spend some time in the pack house and I agreed. I really wanted to learnorw about the pack and get to blend in like the others.

Who was is kidding?

I just wanted to see Brad.

We arrived somewhat later because I had to do some research in the library. I was feeling anxious as I walked in, kind of also scared of rejection. It might seem fair though but I didn't want any of that to happen.

When we entered into the living room, it was empty but then when I looked to the dinning room, my heart sank into my stomach as I saw him sitting on a bar stool, drinking.

That  was not what got my heart to break though, what did was the girl that  stood beside him with her hand on his back.

As if sensing my presence, he turned around still on his seat and so did the girl. Feeling instantly intimidated at how pretty the girl was with her mini gown that hugged her body like it was a second skin, exposing so much cleavage.

"Hey" the girl spoke, looking at Ashley and Gia.

"Hey" Gia said, both of them looking back at me with a worried look.

who was she? Did they know eachother? Was she part of the pack? But I hadn't once seen her.

My eyes quickly caught the girls movement as she placed her hand on Brad's shoulder, sliding it a little down his chest.

The action got my heart to squeeze inside my chest.

"Who is she?" I heard her whisper to Brad. He was just silent, staring at me, he didn't even make move to move away from her touch.

I couldn't help but feel really hurt and jealous by the scenery in front of me. Did he already replace me? Or was this just to get back at me?

Maybe coming here was a mistake.

"Brad, can we talk" Ashley said.

"I'm listening" he surprised me by saying. I couldn't take it anymore. The feeling I felt in my chest was increasing by the second as I watched him look at me with no sign of emotion.

"I have to go" I said and didn't even wait for a reply before I hurried out.

"Layla wait" Gia ran after me. I stopped for a moment and turned to her.

"I'm sure there is a perfect explanation for what you saw in there" she tried to convince me.

"Really? What is it?" I asked

She couldn't answer, probably because there was none.

"I should just go, I shouldnt have come here" I said with pain in my chest, then turned around and left. She didn't try to stop me again, so I hurried out of the driveway and walked a few meters before I got to the road.

My mind was scattered with thoughts as I walked down the road. I heard the honk of a car behind me and when I turned back, I saw Tyler in the car. I ignored him and kept walking but he just kept following me while honking.

"Come on, let me give you a lift" he said through the window.

"Thanks but no thanks" I said

"Don't tell me you're going to walk all the way home. Come on, I will drop you home. I don't bite"

Right. Was that supposed to be a joke?

I thought about it for a few seconds then I opened the door and got in. He smiled at me as I did so.

"You know, you shouldnt be offering me help. I know who you are" I said after about a minute of silence.

He hummed and looked over at me.
"Who am I then?"

"Brad's sworn enemy" I answered.

"But yet, here you are in my car" he said and then I realised just how stupid it was to even accept his ride.

"And that, was your biggest mistake" I frowned at him. He slowed the car suddenly and my first instincts was to immediately get out of the car but before I could do that, Tyler grabbed me and pressed a cloth onto my nostrils.

I struggled against him until I became weak and my vision blurry.

"Night night Layla"

And everything blacked out.

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