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The music had already died down as everyone dispersed to their various corners to lock theirself up in preparation for the full moon's effect.

I checked the time on my phone again, pacing impatiently in the front porch. They were supposed to be back by now, the moon was almost at it apex.

I had specifically ordered Ashley and Gia to not let Layla out of their sight and bring her back safely before its time but here I was waiting. I had called countlessly but no answer.

"Everyone is perfectly chained and safe" Andre came up beside me. Mind wasn't settled to reply him, I just kept staring at the driveway waiting for their arrival.

Finally, their car pulled up in the drive way and I was finally relaxed but then only Ashley and Gia came out of the car.

I hurriedly walked up to them, my eyes blazing  fury.

"Where is Layla" my voice came out as growl. The two of them shrieked away at the tone of my voice.

"We lost her" Ashley's reply which was the last thing I wanted to hear, made my blood boil a hundred degrees over.

"I told you to fucking watch her and not let her out of  your sight!" I shouted.

"We are sorry alpha but she was so angry, she ran away. We looked for her but we couldn't find her.

"Fuck!" I angrily slammed my fist on the car in front of me, putting a huge dent on the hood of the car.

Without another word, I walked quickly away from them, trying to figure out where she would have gone to then it clicked.

I remembered.

I shifted into my wolf form and ran into the woods, sniffing the whole place to find her.

I was right. I found her in the exact spot I found her the very first day I set eyes on her. To my surprise, she was already in her wolf form. I paused for a moment and admired her wolf. She was so beautiful and calm, which was what surprised me more.

She wasn't violent as supposed. Although I knew she would be here, I wasn't one hundred percent sure because it was the full moon and she was supposed to be running around trying to kill someone. She just layed on the ground peacefully, well until she sensed movement.

She quickly got up on all fours and glared at me. The next second, she started snarling at me and I wondered why.

Then it hit me.

She remembered my wolf.

Oh no.

I remained on the spot, confused as to what to do. I was trying to figure out how to get out of the situation when suddenly she came at me.

She jumped on me so fast. if I expected her attack, I would have been able to move away but I didn't. She pushed me to the ground and stayed on top of me trying to scratch me with her claws. I avoided it by pushing her off and staying on top. She pushed me off aggressively, once again being on top. This went on for a few seconds before I  finally pushed her away   from me totally.

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