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I was pacing back and forth, a lot of worrisome thoughts on my mind. Ashley, Gia and I waited patiently in an spare room in the pack house, while the boys went to get their hands dirty.

By dirty, I meant kidnapping Hayley.

I was also beginning to realise how crazy and risky this plan was even though I knew the plan was already in motion and it was too late.

"What is taking them so long?" Gia asked concerned. They had indeed stayed longer than we imagined.

I checked my phone for the hundredth time, it was almost 11pm and we had not heard from them.

I was just about to give Brad a call, when we heard them come in.

"Incoming" Andre alerted us, as he carried an unconscious Hayley in his hand bridal style into the room and gently placed her on the bed. Brad and Alec followed behind.

"Well thankGod, we almost thought you guys were busted" Ashley said in relief.

"I was so worried" I told Brad as he came beside me and kissed my forehead.

"We encountered a little problem but it's fine" Brad assured me.

"No one saw you leave the house right?" Ashley inquired from them.

"Uh... about that..." Alec started, "we took her from the hospital" my eyes widened in horror.

"What?" Ashley, Gia and I literally exclaimed together. I was full blown freaked out now.

"Hospital?" I looked at Brad, "I thought she was getting discharged"

"Well, turns out she wasn't" Brad said like it was nothing.

"Oh my God" I exclaimed and started pacing again.

"We are so screwed" Gia said in defeat.

"Not yet, if we pull this off, it wouldn't seem that way. She could just say she took a walk" Andre said shrugging. They really seemed to not be affected by the gravity of this situation.

"How the hell did you guys pull that off" Ashley asked.

"We will spare you guys the details" Alec replied .

"Shit! She's waking up" Andre announced as Hayley showed small movements on the bed.

"Quick get out, all of you" I hurried them all out.

Once they were all out, I closed the door behind them and went back to stand by the bed. I then waited for Hayley to regain full consciousness.

When she did, she jerked up from the bed, scanning her surrounding quickly before her eyes met mine. Her expression turned from suprise and fear to anger instantly.

"Oh you are so going to jail for this" those were the first words that came out of her mouth. She stood up and started walking towards the door but I quickly stood in front of her, blocking her.

"Hayley, I need to talk to you  and you need to listen" i said

"So you had me kidnapped? Are you a fucking psycho?" She yelled at me angrily.

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