Ch1: Personal Writer

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Ellen was bending over her grey toilet throwing up and feeling all weak. She placed her hand over her stomach and rested her head on the adjacent wall closing her eyes. She has been feeling sick for months and whenever she went to a doctor he'd say she's perfectly healthy. She exhaled forcefully as she tried lifting her aching body from the floor.
Her assistant's and best friend voice crossed the wide office and the wooden door to hit her ear as she called for her.
"God Ellen, where are you?! I've been calling you since forever! You have an important issue to deal with and.." She paused as she saw Ellen striking to pass to the office and ran toward her, "Oh my God! You should have told me! I will cancel the meeting... You look messy! You are still having these dizziness times?!"
Ellen took Mia's offered hand and walked to her desk,"I will be alright. And I'm doing the meeting so cancel nothing.."


"No buts! Now go welcome the client. I will follow in a minute"
With that, Mia's protests faded and she left.
Ellen wore her jacket and held her notebook as she followed her assistant's lead.
Descending the rotary stairs wasn't helping as she felt her head spinning faster and faster. She looked down, she still had 3 steps but it looked as if they were 6. The walls in front of her were shaking. She forced herself to steady. But as unlucky as she had been for the past few months, she felt that black shadow blocking her view, her legs going weak, too weak that she felt her muscles were transforming to jelly like material, her ears losing function and she felt her brain shutting down for a break.

She wanted to add a new photo for her mother on her office desk. Maybe she'd choose the one they took at the beach 2 years ago?! She recalled the photos they took that day. They were happy. The smell of water and the feeling of sand under her feet and between her foot nails. Her hair was freely waving with the summer air and her mother..
She heard Mia calling her.
Where did Mia fit in the whole scene?! Why she felt too heavy to move but too light to think? Why her cheeks burn with hurt? Ouch, someone was slapping her! She heard noise around her. Her eyes were still shut as she tried opening them, but her eyelids felt heavier. The noise became louder and louder, and she felt her lids responding and starting to open slowly, but then, and suddenly, she felt water splashing all over her face!
She started to cough as she felt her senses coming to live again.

Her ear caught a strange voice out of the noisy atmosphere. She looked, still encountering blurry double vision, and saw a male figure with black or maybe grey suit shouting at Mia. Why was he shouting?
She set her ears into harder work and registered few sentences..

"..Insane? She might have chocked to death!"
She smiled with awe for the male's voice was so .. masculine.

"I was trying to wake her up! She has been immobile and not responding for over than 5 minutes! At least it was better than slapping her on the face!"
Whoa whoa whoa! The man with the nice voice slapped her?!
"Such a crazy woman!"
"Watch your mouth, mister. Last time I checked you were in my territory"
"Hers actually. You are but her assistant!"
"Just s.."

Ellen found courage from god knows where and sat up. Mia's chilly chat with the man stopped as she ran toward her boss. She knelt to her knees next to her placing a hand on her back and handling her a cup of water. Ellen pushed the cup away and gave Mia a thankful look,"not thirsty, Mia"

Why her voice sounded too low?! She really was getting weaker as an old at range of death women! She was not that weak nor that old!!!!

The man approached them and looked at Ellen's petite figure. Her vision returned registering a dark grey suit with underlying blue suit. Oh so it wasn't black. Wow her vision is getting better for her to be able to distinguish the right color of his suit. Wait why her thoughts are roaming all around him?! Oh but .. His husky voice's waves propagated into her ears. She loved his voice! Why she suddenly felt her senses came back with his encounter?? Why is she even rethinking of him?!
His beautiful eyes gazing at her informed her that he asked something and he was waiting for an answer. She felt an auto-self blush invading her cheeks as she lowered her eyes to the floor. She was feeling super firing as if she was in her solarium sessions that her mother used to force her to attend, "sorry, I missed your question"

He said nothing for a while, but then she saw him lowering his face and her face snapped up. He was opening his hands?! Why?! And then she felt his warm hands at her back and underneath her knees, she was following every move, but like an idiot she followed his moves without any perception. Soon, she no longer felt the hardness of the ground under her. She looked at the grey suited man, he suddenly seemed closer, much closer. He seemed huge. She looked down at the floor, it seemed way lower than it usually does.
Did she grew up taller?
But then she heard someone protesting, oh Mia, right. Mia the protesting queen! Mia was yelling at the grey suited man,"put her down right now!"
Ellen looked in front of her to witness her legs, so he was carrying her? Wow! She felt a rush of shyness.

The man started to move and walked all the way to the meeting room. Her colleagues, the security man, the valley parking man and the clients were looking at her either envious or shocked.
And she knew why. She had never dated a guy! It was the first time they witness her with a man since she started this company. And the grey suited guy seemed the prince from those comic books and fairytale where every one envies him for his wealth or his princess for being with him.
Princes?!? She gave herself a mental slap, since when he became her prince?

She felt the cold leather under her as the grey suited man placed her on a sofa. He sat across her and kept silent. Mia followed and closed the door,"what were you thinking carrying the boss all around? Do you imagine the scandals that started to roam?"
Silence reappeared and then the grey suited man rolled his eyes and sat back in his place. His husky voice came again,"how do you feel now?"

Ellen blinked clearing his image. She wanted his image to stay clear because it seemed the most beautiful image she ever saw. The grey suited.. wait why didn't she get his name?! She tilted her head and thought, What name would fit a hot guy like him?

She frowned at his word. Did she spoke that out loud?!

"Don't frown. A lot of people speak their minds when they are in deep thoughts."

"I'm sorry, I.. You.. what was your name?"

"My name is Tyler Ryle, and I'd be glad if we started our meeting, miss Ellen Brice."

"How do you know my name?"

The man tilted his head and huffed,"miss Ellen, I believe I came here to have a meeting with you for business. You are a pretty famous writer. And I called your office four times asking to talk to miss Ellen Brice, but you weren't available. So i guess any man would have memorized your name by those four calls at least."

Tyler sat impatiently, "I drove 2 hours to meet you miss. And I woke 1 hour early to get here on time. And you have wasted 30 min of my time till now so shall we start our meeting?!"

"Yes. Sure. of course. Um, so enough with introducing ourselves. What can I do for you, mister Ryle?"

"I want you to pause any project you're working on. I want you to stop accepting work orders. And I would like you to be my personal writer"

"Wow. And I'd want to say no"
"The thing is, miss Ellen Brice, I don't accept no to my request"
"It didn't seem a request rather than an order"
"Okay order it is. You are going to do it"
"Order yes, but I do have the right to say no."
"No you don't"
"It is something even children knows it. Huge institutes.. protocols.. the human rights says that this is my right!"
"I have dream of leading a campaign against that. But still you cannot object."
"Look, I know you've helped me, and I am thankful and all, but this will not work."
As if he was not listening he moved his index finger over his brow and breathed loudly,
"I will expect you in my office in three days. Or you won't like it."
"Won't like what?"
"The consequences of not accepting my request"
"It is not a request"
"You think it is an order, but none pays for exchange of obeying orders. People pay as an exchange of request agreement"
"Enough with your philosophy"
"I will pay you a good salary"
"I really have the right to do what ever I want and accept whatever freaking request you propose!"
"I said you won't like the consequences"
"You can do nothing. no matter how much you bank account is, you can do nothing."
"Absolutely. I never do these kinds of work. That's why I have people doing them for me. Oh and I'd sincerely advice you not underestimate the results. I have this vision... of the results. Your colleague and this whole thing to fall apart. Oh and your mother and your clients and all. I'm willing to see you in my office miss Ellen. Bye"
And he left!

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