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They returned to the road with a damn irritating silent. Jacob said nothing, in fact she was surprised that he returned to his normal facial expressions. He pulled next to her company and they walked to her office. He was supposed to return back to his new apartment and that bothered her.

She ordered him green tea and a cup of coffee for herself. She needed coffee to concentrate on whatever she was about to encounter. Jacob was holding a magazine and skimming it since they arrived. He didn't make any phone calls, and she didn't notice him sending any texts or emails. So the fact that Tyler knew was still vague. But she could sense he was to know, sooner or later.

As Mia placed the coffee in front of Ellen, she whispered,"Did he like his residence? We could throw him a party?"

"Just shut up, Mia. You've got work to do?", Ellen pushed her lightly.

Ellen tried as hard as she could to revise the documents she wrote, but the fact that Jacob knew she lived with a mother and a child was bothering, too bothering. She was thinking of ways to hide Jimmy's story, like telling him he was her brother?

"Why are you so nervous?", Jacob said while his eyes were still fixed on the magazine.

Ellen was excited by his question that she raised her face suddenly and gazed with wide eyes at him. She swallowed after few moments and asked,"Who said so?"

He placed the magazine on the table and walked toward her, he held her hand and moved it to the left side of her chest and pressed lightly,"Rapid heartbeat?" He turned her palm,"sweaty hands?" He raised her hand next to her nose,"Breathlessness" And he pointed to her desktop,"same page since we entered the office, 2 hours ago, and you are still on the same page?"

She blinked several times, and raised her eyes to him.

"I know that these signs mean nervousness."

She cleared her voice,"I am not.." she didn't have to continue her denial when Jacob raised his left eyebrow and stared at her. She looked toward her hands and huffed.

"Fine, I am nervous. I.. You have.. I have told you about a child in our home", her voice came low as she raised her eyes slowly towards him to check his reflex.

Yet he kept a steady gaze. For few minutes his eyes kept locked with her until she burst it out,"Ok, I am worried about your friend's attitude toward this. I need this building to keep my work. I can't just lose it like that. I have worked hard for it, believe me. If he knew, and chose to take back his property, I.. We will lose our jobs. I.."

He cut her out,"It is between you and him".

She relaxed her shoulders,"You didn't tell him?"

Jacob stood up,"It is your decision whether you wanna tell him or not. I am not here to deliver your life span to my employer. I am here to aid in managing one of his.. properties. Now would you please walk with me out, it is time to depart."

She liked him. He was such a gentleman. They walked out and left each in his car. And she wished him all the good fortune, for how kind he was. Jacob reached his department to see its door opened. He smelled a familiar scent, Mia. And few others, maybe 3? He was about to move inside when she got out,"Oh, hi!! I brought you some stuff, Ellen orders. And here is your spare of keys. Bye".

She place the key in his hand and rushed out. He saw three other silent women who ran after her. He didn't know there was a spare! And with Tyler's woman's friend!!

He walked inside and locked the door. The department smelled roses, freshly cleaned with some chemicals he guessed. He walked toward his kitchen and spotted a white dish with fruits at the bar's side. He opened the refrigerator and saw that it was already filled with vegetables and sodas and few other things. The fridge had pre-cooked meals, some frozen chicken and meat. He smiled and walked toward his bedroom to change, and there his bag had disappeared. He opened the closet and drawers to find his clothes and shoes well organized there.

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