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She was afraid and hungry and cold. But she escaped. She was happy to be away.
She waited till her legs ached and she sat by a tree to rest. She looked down at a dagger she stole from the Tyler's drawer once she was in his office.
She lifted her head up and breathed the cold breeze. She liked the smell of freedom. She liked the smell of hope. A smile invaded her face as she closed her eyes.
She thought of Jimmy. She wouldn't be able to go to his grave. But he'd be seeing he and knowing her reasons. He'd forgive her.
She didn't know where to go. She just wanted to flee.
She smirked as she remembered the guards at the gates. She show them her royal mark at her shoulder and they went in a deep shock. She told them she was in a secret mission and to keep quiet. She had to lie in order to run away. Otherwise they'd trap her.
She felt a little bit of energy and stood to continue. She knew that Tyler won't track her. But Dexter would, and Jacob might as well do so.
She heard something and her heart beats accelerated. She felt it was something bad. The dagger. She forgot it by the tree. She walked back slowly and just as she knelt to lift it, a hand wrapped around her arm. She screamed but not for too long. The man pressed his palm over her mouth. He smelled sweaty and yuck. She felt herself crying at her hopelessness. And the man turned her around.
He was fat and his laugh was scary. He had black teeth and his saliva was drooling. He had wrinkled hair of red color, dark red color. Then she realized he was holding her just by her face. By the hand he was pressing on her mouth. He was keeping her still with one hand, and she thought it was an opportunity. She tried to kick him with her two hands but he was too strong to be affected. And she saw it. He had his belt unbuckled and he was taking his pants off.
So that's it, Ellen. Your escape lust is done. It's the beginning of your ruin.


"Sir." A maid stopped Jacob in the corridor as he was returning to his room after the hard office work. He had been there almost all the day and stayed over the night. He stopped once a guard mind-linked him "urgent".
Jacob blinked twice to clear the maid's image. He must rest, he thought. "Yes?"
The maid stuttered,"There's a bad news, and I don't know whether I must inform the Alpha now."
Jacob turned fully and frowned. Something was not ok. "What's wrong?"
The maid took a step back and went all shaky. Jacob started to feel awful. The maid's face paled,"I swear I didn't knew till early morning."
"Knew what?"
"Luna's pregnant."
Jacob was shocked. As far as he knew, Ellen and Tyler never shared a bed. She can not be pregnant. And then it hit him, pregnancy wasn't limited to husband-wife but male-female.
"I asked the other maids and they confirmed it. Luna has those pregnancy moments of vertigo, every morning."
Jacob remembered the urgent call. But he asked,"Why is that a bad news?"
The maid's face paled even more and she whispered,"Luna's lost. We couldn't find her."
For moments, Jacob stood still unable to do the simplest biological tasks, blinking.
The guard mind-linked him again,'Sir, please faster.'
He cursed as he instructed the maid to search again and if Luna was gone for real, to wake the Alpha. He cursed again as he shifted and ran toward the gates.


So she thought it was the beginning of a great life just to be attacked by drunk hunter who tried to rape her. Ellen thought scarily. Why a hunter? Because he was saying it over and over. "I killed hundreds of wolves."
She protested hundreds of times. She tried to apply her fighting lessons. But she found she was weak and tired to use all that energy.
It lasted for almost half an hour, she tried kicking and biting and all. Nothing worked. Everything was faced by a senseless body and returned by hits harder than Tyler's. Ohh how much she wanted him to be here.
His beating sent her weaker and weaker. She felt that pain every woman talks about on their first time. She then stopped hitting since what she was trying to protect was gone. She wanted to think. Thinking could get her solutions but crying would not. And her eyes lit with hope. she searched for anything sharp. And she saw a piece of glass. She tried pulling it out of the soil where it was buried, and she hissed to the cut it caused in her fingers and palm. But this was her only hope so she kept pressing and pulling until she succeeded.
She waited till he closed his eyes in deep pleasure, and she slaughtered him. He tried to strangulate her by pinning her to the ground, and she started losing breath. His neck was shooting blood all over her face and bare chest and some were leaking into her mouth worsening the situation. but soon he lost lots of blood and died right above her.

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