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"Is she okay?"
Tyler asked his beta for the seventh time that day.
"Since I checked on her 20 minutes ago, she was just fine."
Jacob poured fresh orange juice in a crystal cup and placed it next to the busy Alpha. Tyler frowned,"Since when coffee is served in these cups?!"
Jacob took a sip from his own cup,"Meet something healthy called juice. You are not eating and you need nourishment. Coffee, which is the only thing entering your stomach beside water, would get you nothing but long nights."
Tyler objected though he drank it in one gulp,"I love long nights."
He stood from where he was sitting and moved to sit on the coach. He was nervous. He didn't know how he'd ask. He took a deep breath and smiled,"Tell me about her."
"Eden?" Jacob mocked.
Tyler swallowed hard,"Ellen I meant"
Jacob took a deep breath. "She doesn't talk to me. I've been around but never been allowed access to her room. Maybe James knows something."
Tyler exhaled forcefully, "She refused seeing him, too. She doesn't wanna see us. Alaric tried and heard the same response. Rosy and the other maid are the only ones entering her room. The only ones seeing her."
Jacob nodded. He drank what was left in his cup and placed it on the table. "She needs time. It wasn't easy."


"No coffee??" Ellen protested as the maid got her the morning tray.
"Alpha said to serve you milk. He said you need nourishment." The maid replied keeping her eyes down.
"Hey, Rosy. Since when do you stay by my side?"
Ellen frowned to the other maid whom she saw last thing yesterday and first thing that morning.
Rosy stuttered, "It's Alpha's orders."
Ellen exhaled forcefully. It has been 9 days since the awful night. She never left her room. And none had ever entered the room except the maids.
She stood up and walked to the bathroom. She was feeling dizzy. She scoffed once her eyes met her reflection in the mirror. She saw a pale face of her with black circles around her eyes. She looked dead. She was dead. And none cared. They were concerned for two days. And then none knocked her door but the maids.

She washed her face and brushed her teeth. Time to live again!


Tyler was in his office when he caught Ellen's smell. He pushed Eden into the hidden room inside his office. He could imagine Ellen's soft hand as it knocked lightly on the wooden door. He jumped toward the door, swallowed and took few breaths before opening the door.
"Ellen!" He called in surprised tone. And apparently Ellen bought it. "Come on in".
She was wearing a black dress. He didn't see her in that since Jimmy's death.
She stood in the middle of the office and turned to face him. "Can you call your beta, delta, I assume he is my guard?"
Tyler smiled forcefully,"Is everything ok?"
Ellen nodded. "I just wanna hold a meeting."
Tyler nodded and walked to his office. "Take a seat please."
Soon Jacob and Dexter where there. They bowed lightly to their leaders then took their places.
"Where's the Delta?"
Tyler silenced the answers,"Not available."
Breathing hard, Ellen nodded again. "I called you here to say few things. And please don't object. I'm a Luna of this pack. Things went bad lately, I know. But it was a big mistake to hide, I must've resumed my chores. Don't act with me as a different, wounded person, I wanna be treated normally. But please make sure to keep the pack's knowledge restricted. I went through a fight with a hunter, point. Nothing more and nothing less."
She stood to leave, "That'll be it."
Tyler hurried and stopped her by holding her arm. She pulled it back quickly shocked with fearful eyes. Tyler was surprised and took two steps away. "I'm sorry. Didn't mean to touch you."
She breathed hard and forced a smile. "I told you to treat me normally. Don't worry." She swallowed hardly, "Excuse me."
And the office went into a deep silence.


It was late that night. There were those noisy sounds the crickets do in the middle of nights. There was an owl trying to scare others. There was a guard having a chat with his friend next to a burning fire. Dexter passed by them and stopped to eat some meat. And then it happened, again. Ellen's scream in the middle of the night. It happened again yet it was louder.
Dexter crashed the bedroom door and stood in front of the bathroom's. Ellen's voice peirced through his ears, she was in pain. "Are you okay, Luna?"
She was still sobbing and coughing when she answered,"It's.. It's happening a..again. It's more painful. I.. I ca-n't ha-nd-le this.." She hissed in pain. Dexter felt Tyler's presence behind him, he turned and bowed,"The Luna is feeling terrible. It was happening before, but never like this. I guess we must call the doctor."
Tyler nodded. "Call her nanny, too. I guess we can find some answers."
It was past midnight when  Jessy knocked the bathroom's door,"Ellen, this is Jessy. Let me in honey. I've got you a doctor."
The three men, Tyler, Jacob and Dexter could hear her movement. She was hissing with each one. And they could smell the bitterness of her pain. The door made a click sound and was opened. Tyler was shocked to see her state. She probably threw up all over her clothes, her hair was a big mess and her face was yellow. Her cheeks were covered with her sweat and she could barely walk. She was hardly standing, her shoulders making a pull down. She was making an effort to open her eyes with all that pain she was feeling. He found himself pushing Jacob and Dexter away and ordering,"You two, OUT!"
Jessy changed Ellen's clothes and cleaned the dirt. And then Tyler held her to her bed. He was about to put her down when he found out that her bed was dirty, too. He wanted to carry her to his room, but he remembered the red woman sleeping in it. He didn't wanna do it, but it was a good solution. He wanted her to be safe, so he turned toward Jacob,"You sleep out of your room tonight."
Once in Jacob's bed, the pack's doctor started examining her.
He found the doctor waiting. With a head motion, the doctor started talking,"Luna is under a lot of pressure. It is mainly psychological but it is affecting her physically. It's probably because she is fighting. Her wolf is trying to get to the surface and she is suppressing it without knowing what she's doing. But once she went threw that process of.. You know what I mean, mating and so, Alpha. Well since then, her wolf became more aggressive, and the fact that she killed someone, according to some books, it makes the wolf appear. She must not fight. I have no cure but this. She must let her wolf free."

The Black WolfHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin