The Agreemant

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"Come on, Elle. You know his money can do a huge difference here!"

Mia argued as she placed the salad plate in front of Jessy, Ellen's mother. Jessy looked up and smiled,"I guess Mia is saying the right thing. You should accept his offer. After all, he will pay you what can afford the whole employees' salaries for a month. And I've been told that this man is quiet attractive"

"Mom, he is not attractive, he is an ugly possessive man!"

Mia was giving Ellen death glares, but Ellen chose to ignore it.

"Honey, you haven't been in a relation since you got Jimmy. I am worried about you. You are still young and.."

"Mother, no."

Ellen set the plates forcefully and sat down. She could see Mia's un-relaxed stature, yet again she ignored her. Jimmy's  sweat voice came from backward as he rushed into the house giggling,"Mom, I won today. I scored 3 goals out of 5!"

He was standing by her then, she looked at his small green eyes,"Jimmy, I believe you forgot something?"

"Ouch" he snapped and ran outside. He knocked the door,"Mom, I'm home"

Ellen walked toward the door, opened it and grinned,"oh I missed my little boy, give me a hug, please?"

He jumped into Ellen's arms and giggled. Ellen tried as much as she could in order not to let him sense her discomfort. "So tell me hon, how was your day?"

Ellen carried Jimmy to his room to get him change his outfit and prepare for lunch.

Mia and Jessy observed how lovely the mother and her son looked. Mia sighed as she started pouring the juice in cups while Jessy distributed the dishes.

Tyler sat back gazing at his laptop screen. He didn't receive a reply from her. He had given her a chance so until midnight he will wait in his office. Still there was 2 hours, but he was sure she wasn't going to come. So he had to provoke her, it was his duty to get her. He sent her an email and waited. Would she come?

Ellen laid next to a sleeping Jimmy playing with his black hair. He was so innocent when he slept. She spent the afternoon playing with him in the backyard until Mia left and it was his time to sleep.

Her lids were dropping when her phone peeped. She held it to see a mail notification. It's presence in the notification bar was as always annoying, so she pressed to open it.

It read,"subject: reminder.
Dear miss Ellen, I believe my warning wasn't some kind of a joke. I believe it as much as I believe that you still have 2 hour to reach my office before I set my warning into action. Goodnight."

Ellen typed forcefully her reply and covered her body aiming to sleep.

His mail peeped as a thread holding Ellen Bryce name appeared. And before he opened it he knew the answer. In the subject bar she typed a one meaningful word,"My Right"

And upon opening the new mail one sentence was there,"I believe when I said no it wasn't some kind of a joke either"

He shut his laptop down and picked up his keys. Ellen Bryce must learn to start obeying his rules. The coming days with her next to him all the time would turn hard if she doesn't learn that simple rule.

It was 6 a.m. Ellen walked toward Jimmy's closet and prepared his stuff. She returned to the bed and started massaging his hand,"Jimmy, come on hon. It's time to wake up"

His petite figure stirred and he started digging his head in his pillow,"But Mom, I need to sleep"

"Well then you'll be late for school, and I'll be late for work. But since I cannot be late for my duty, I will go without riding you to your duty."

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