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"What would you like for lunch, Luna?"
It was something Rosy had been doing since her shift aka 4 days ago. She was treated like a true queen. She exhaled thinking of how nice that was. But since her shift, she never thought of her Nanny or Mia. It was as if the shift canceled those thoughts. But the truth was that she was afraid to show them her true nature. Nanny would understand and accept her, after all she lived with them. But Mia?! He best friend would never accept her. She might even freak out and run away.
"Toast, butter, raspberry jam and coffee"
Ellen walked to get a bath. She told Rosy that she was having her breakfast downstairs and descended.
Reaching the dining room, she saw her husband and his beta alone. She felt relaxed that she didn't have to keep up with Eden's moods.
Before she could say good morning Tyler turned his face with widened eyes. How did he do it?
'He can smell better with his wolf's aid. We can do that,too. It's just that I've been sleeping for so long that I need sometime maybe a day or two'
"Ok" Ellen smiled before realizing the voice was neither Tyler's nor Jacob's. She looked around the room, there were none but silent maids. She swallowed hard. Who was that?
"Good morning" she managed to say before sitting next to Tyler and across Jacob.
Tyler's hand extended to hold hers,"How do you feel?"
Ellen looked up at him. He never spoke to her in that intimacy. What intimacy?! She didn't know it was just that his voice seemed softer. She returned the smile that formed on his face,"Better."
Tyler liked her when she smiled. She was so beautiful. After her shift, her scent was stronger and different. It made his wolf going crazy. 'It made you going crazy, too. You don't have to blame me! Now tell her that her wolf was the most beautiful and sexiest wolf we had ever seen. Tell her th..' Tyler stopped his crazy wolf's thoughts. Since they saw Ellen's wolf, his wolf kept talking about it. But her wolf was great indeed. He took his hand away and resumed eating. Looking at his plate he decided to praise her. "Ellen, you know your wolf is.."
He didn't have the chance to complete his words as he caught the smell of the least person he needed then. Wait, since when he didn't need Eden!!!
"Look who chose to eat with us?" Eden's voice came as a cricket's noise in the middle of night. She patted herself mentally enjoying the fact that she put her chose the cricket.
Ellen smiled bitterly. "Well, I wanted to see your face. Missed it so much"
Eden scoffed and brought her chair between Tyler's and hers. "If you don't mind" she smirked and sat down. The breakfast ended then. She couldn't bare that woman. She stood up,"I'm done."
She was walking away when she recalled,"Tyler, I'd like to see Dexter. I want to do some stuff."
Tyler clinched his teeth,"he'll meet you in 5"


Jacob knocked her door. She could see his professionalism towards her. "Yes?"
He greeted her,"..And Delta is training. When he's done he'll be sent up here."
"Thank you" she answered with a smile. She missed training!
As soon as Jacob left she ran to her closet, wore her sport suit and got her gym bag. She ran toward the door hearing all those growls and kicks coming from in there. As soon as she reached, she opened the door to a silent room. It was crowded with males, but they were all looking at her. She wasn't the type that loved drawing attention once she entered a place. She blinked several timed taking taking in their weird looks. They were breathing sharply and the air was thick with their sweat.
Dexter's voice came from the corner. He was there with his bare chest wetted with sweat. His right eyebrow had a cut that leaked blood. "Dex?!"
She smiled happily and ran toward him. "How have you been?" She asked looking into his eyes. She was happy meeting him again. "What are you doing here?" A growl came from her left. She was shocked to hear Tyler's voice. She turned toward him oblivious to what to say. "I- Dexter.. Training.. Uh Jacob said that.."
Why does she feel guilty?
Tyler grabbed her hand tightly and walked outside then through the mansion. He was hurting her. "Where are you taking me?? Just let go of my hand!"
She gasped once he entered his office and pushed her on his chair. She stood up but he pushed her again. She was freaking out. But she couldn't show him. And she couldn't stay next to him. She turned her chair to the opposite side and walked away. But he followed her. Once she heard his steps she ran. Tyler was faster, he turned her and pushed her to the door holding her from her neck. "What the hell was that?!"
She shouted making her flinch. His eyes were sparkling with pure jealousy. His breath was hitting her face as hard as his words. And his hand was pressing on her neck. "You're hurting me." He didn't back up. His eyes went angrier. "When I ask a question I demand an answer. What was that?"
His voice was too loud that it made her eyes tearing."Stop it Tyler. You're scaring me"
He hit the door hard behind her that it made a hole in the wood. "I said what was that!! What's going on between you and James???"
She looked down her eyes watering,"Nothing. For God's sake let go if me"
"That didn't seem like nothing!!
She felt some anger building inside her. 'He doesn't believe us! Let's show him how to respect us'
She didn't know who was talking. But then the voice talked again,I'm your wolf Ellen. Think of me now. Our paws. Our ears. Think of our white fur'
Ellen found herself thinking of that. And soon she felt that rush of power inside her as she pushed Tyler away.
Tyler didn't expect that. He growled at her disrespect. But then the door opened and Dustin walked in. "Well if it isn't my disobedient child disrespecting me and her Alpha."
Tyler frowned to the two men who came inside carrying Ellen away. Before he could speak, his father came in,"Hello son."

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