A Queen A Luna 2

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"What is it?"
She could hear Tyler's voice from a distance. It seemed like she was hearing through a long tube. She couldn't move or open her eyes, she felt exhausted. It happened whenever she fainted.
The other man's voice seemed similar as he answered,"She's ok now. She's just sleeping. But she is having all this because..She is fighting. Her wolf demands freedom. I can do nothing, Alpha."
Tyler cursed,"I went through nothing once my wolf chose to come out! You went through nothing. None of us had such symptoms."
The man exhaled,"Alpha, we wait our shift day by day. We start our life having this eager to shift and feel our wolf. She, our Luna, all of this is new and different. She is barely accepting the fact that she is one of us, or more specifically the fact that we exist. She doesn't want this. She is trying to keep her human form forever. It is not easy. But she has to stop. If she keeps fighting, her shift will be coming sudden and painful."
Tyler dismissed the physician and sat looking at his wife.
He didn't know how long he sat there observing Ellen. He couldn't imagine how her petite figure would handle all that pain. His shift was painful as hell, and it lasted few days to fade. He exhaled angrily, how could she handle a harder one?
She heard footsteps walking into the room. She was stirred by the man's words. She didn't know what pain was he talking about. How can she have a wolf inside her? What did it mean??
Eden's voice took her attention. She wanted to focus. She couldn't see, yet she can use her ears, she would have an idea of what's happening.
Tyler felt Eden's hands wrapping around his neck. He could sense her chin resting on his skull. He could feel the movement of her jaw as she pouted,"leaving me bored upstairs while you sit here? What are you doing with an unconscious.. Wife. While you beautiful lover stands right behind you?"
Tyler said nothing. He took one last look at Ellen and stood. Eden's hands fell to his waist as she managed an evil smile,"let's go upstairs."
Her heart started pounding. She felt her breathing process getting harder. She shouldn't feel like that, but she was! Ellen wished she never heard those words.
Tyler moved away from her, "I need to run. Alone."


Tyler asked his wolf. It has been 2 hours since he let go of his black wolf. They ran into the woods. And there they were, resting next to a tree trunk.
'She's gonna feel pain.'
Tyler kept his silence. His wolf stirred uncomfortably. 'Though I want to see her wolf. I believe it's beautiful.'
To that Tyler smiled,'Yeah.'
Tyler asked,'how can we think of her like this, while our mate is there next to us? Shouldn't we think of Eden only? Like she's the only one?'
His wolf jumped to his legs,'You are the one who's confused. I am not.'
'But she's our mate not mine!'
His wolf started walking back,'We are Alpha's. We can choose a different mate. You married Ellen. Oh, the beautiful Ellen. Comparing both, One can win our love. And that definitely is..'
Tyler silenced his wolf. He didn't want to hear it's opinion. Somehow he knew it. But he didn't want to admit it. He just didn't want that.
He put on his clothes and walked to the kitchen. He almost hit the door as his eyes landed on Ellen wearing a white robe. Her wet hair lifted up and her neck exposed. She was eating rice with some sauce.
To the other side, Eden sat gazing evilly at the sick woman. Damn! He was going to end it all. He made his choice. He walked toward his mate,"Sweetie, I'm back. Do you still have time?"
Eden looked away,"for what?"
He felt Ellen's eyes piercing through his body. He lifted Eden up,"To do some activities upstairs. Burn some calories maybe?"
It seemed like a whisper. But he wanted it to be loud enough for his wife to hear. Eden laughed seductively as she nodded.
At the kitchen's door, Tyler stopped and turned keeping his mate in his arms,"Oh sorry, Ellen. I hope you're ok now. See you later."


"Purple is not quite the color I'd choose, your highness."
The middle aged woman spoke,"I respect your choices. I love your stylish eye. But, your highness, I prefer darker color. The tour is going to be in dirty places. Things that can dirty your dress."
Ellen smiled. "I want purple. I am a Luna aka Queen. According to the Nordic culture, Purple is the royal color. I want to look a royal in front of my people. So please, stick to purple."
The woman smiled and bowed lightly,"of course, Luna".


'Where is Tyler's beauty? Ellen has disappeared since the mistake the red woman did. Where is Ellen? The Facebook is going crazy with this question. Everyone misses that face. We are sorry please bring her back, is the title of the campaign that a group of guys is using to gain Tyler's forgiveness and thus seeing Ellen again.'
Tyler threw the newspaper away. It landed next to Jacob's feet. She went back to gain the attention of the media.
"Where is she?" Tyler asked Jacob who was checking the thrown newspaper.
"She's in your room".
Tyler exhaled,"stop being smart! Ellen I mean."
Jacob folded the papers neatly and sat,"With James. They're going out today."
Tyler turned to his right,"Out? Where out? Why didn't you tell me?"
Tyler and Jacob turned to Ellen's voice,"Because Jacob doesn't have the right to do so. I'm his Luna, I don't have to take his permission. I can go wherever I wish. It is my pack."
Tyler blinked several times. She was great in her long purple dress. Her hair was tied up in a silver band. She looked amazing.
"Where do you get your dresses from?" Eden spoke from behind Ellen.
As soon as she entered the room she saw how Tyler sat restless. His eyes were taking in Ellen's usual elegance. He was obviously taken by Ellen that he didn't recognize her entrance. She was supposed to be the one. She was supposed to consume his attention once she's present. She was supposed to drive him crazy once he smells her. She was supposed to be his mate. But then here she stood, for full 7 minutes waiting Tyler's eyes to shift towards her. And there he sat for those full 7 minutes gazing at his wife.
"I design them. I have them made."
Ellen answered without turning around. She was waiting Tyler's words. Soon they came out,"You can't step outside without my permission, right?"
Ellen smirked,"As a husband, yes. You might not want me going out because you need me next to you. Well I doubt that. We all know it's ok as long as Eden is here. So I'm not much of a help. As a Luna, no. You need me and my opinion. I need to see my people and the pack to understand things. I need to have a base to help you take decisions. So" she clapped her hands cheerfully, "I'm meeting your people, personally, so I'm being a Luna."
Ellen crossed the distance towards him. She leant and whispered into Tyler's ear, "Thus I needn't your permission. Yet here I'm telling you. I'm going with Dex in a tour." She tilted her head a little as she stood up again,"Excuse me."
She turned and walked out without any other word.


"I just need something, anything that can help me rest." Ellen pleaded in front of Tim, the pack's doctor. She remembered him. It was his voice she heard once she was in his office.
Tim bowed,"Hello, Luna. Tell me about it."
Ellen sat on the examination bed,"I feel pain all over my body. A deep pain as if something is eating up my bones. I usually take medicines given to me by my previous doctor. But tonight it didn't help. I have fever. I'm even throwing up more than usual. Help me. please!"
Tim lowered his head in a defeat she didn't like. "Sorry, Luna. There is really no cure."
The episodes of blackness returned. She felt herself losing conscious. And she fell.  


She opened her eyes feeling much exhausted than ever.
"Why am I feeling that I'm locked in here?"
Ellen frowned. The bedroom door was guarded by two muscular men.
They stayed without a movement as Alaric entered. He had that smirk,"Good morning, beautiful."
Ellen sat covering herself as she realized that it wasn't her room either. "Where's Dexter?"
Alaric sat on the nearest chair,"Dexter was given a vacation. I will accompany you until he returns."
She was about to protest when Jacob entered, "All along with me."
She felt a heart twist. Jacob handed her a recorder and earphones. She pressed play and felt nervous hearing Tyler's voice.

"Hello Ellen. You know already who we are and how do we live. We are not humans. we are not wolves. We are much better. Werewolves. And apparently you might be, too. And all those sickness episodes are a result of suppressing that nature. My beta and brother will help you relax. They will help you releasing your wolf. Listen to them. And please note that unless your little wolf appears, you are staying inside that room. Have a nice weekend. "
she was about to take off those earphones when Tyler's voice raised again,"oh and I guess you'd be worried about my delta. Well, James is fine."

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