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She turned to face the wall not knowing how to act. Where did Tyler and Jacob left? Where did the wolves came from? The windows maybe! She did hear ripping of clothes, this meant someone or both of the men were attacked. She felt the fear consuming her remembering how that silver wolf killed another wolf in front of her. If he could kill a wolf, he could easily smash a human. Terrified, she reached one conclusion, run away!
She didn't know how she reached the door, unlocked it and left. She realized that once she was pushing her bedroom door. She covered herself in her white blanket and stayed there.
She felt someone pulling the cover off of her, after around an hour. She didn't move but cut her breath, maybe the wolf would think her dead. Jacob. She smelled Jacob's Cologne. She open her eyes and saw him smiling. She sat and hugged him tightly,"Are you ok? There were wolves. Were you attacked? Were you harmed? Oh god! Where is Tyler? Is he.."
"Shshsh," Jacob patted her back,"Easy. We are fine. We dealt with it. We are fine. Are you?"
Ellen nodded. She was pushing herself up when she felt a sting in her left shoulder. She hissed as she examined a bloody wound. 3 actually. The same as those on her stomach. Suddenly that night came over all again and she felt herself crying. Jacob tried soothing her but she pulled away from him. She soon heard the door opening then closing. And she was all alone again. She rested her head to her pillow as more tears streamed down.
An hour later, she was applying some makeup. She wanted to look fresh. Finishing her preparations she chose to descend to the first floor and then escape to the beauty of the garden. The meeting she was supposed to attend was postponed to the day that followed. As she reached the kitchen, she looked back checking if anyone was looking at her. Everything was clear. She opened the small door and took a look at the wide space of green grass in front of her. She took off her shoes and stepped barefooted outside enjoying how the grass felt under her feet. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath smelling the nature's scent, a mixture of mud and flowers and life!
She chose to walk not too far away. As she moved, the itching sensation on her shoulder made her wince.
"Were you hurt?"
Alaric's voice sent her jumping and cursing. He scared her. "I'm fine", she managed to say.
She looked around her, she was alone with Tyler's brother. A man she feared. "I'll be returning because the weather is getting colder" she announced as she turned and started walking away.
"Was it Tyler or Jacob?"
She frowned and turned upon his question. He added,"The one that scratched your shoulder, was it Tyler?"
She was surprised seeing that no one knew she was injured save for those two. She tried denying it,"My shoulder is fine. I don't know what are you talking about."
Alaric moved closer and pointed at her shoulder,"From where is the blood leaking then?"
She took a deep breath. "What does he want?" She questioned herself inwardly.
"Stay away from her, sir. Your brother orders were to keep her away from anyone, even you." A man appeared from nowhere and said those words as he stood by her. She looked up at him. His face was familiar, but she couldn't identify him. She saw Alaric smirking,"I can command you as well, James."
The man bowed his head a little,"I'm sorry, sir. I take commands of none but sir Tyler."
Ellen took a step backward as she heard Alaric growling. A similar growl to that animalistic one she heard hours ago. Her eyes went super wide seeing Alaric's face changing. His jaws were elongating and hair was growing from no where. She saw his fingers thickening and elongating as well. She saw his whole body actually changing. She was hearing cracking sounds as well. She closed her eyes for few minutes  trying to wake up from the whole bad dream she was having. She heard more growls and cracks. She pushed her eyes open and saw two wolves ready to attack each other. She didn't knew why her voice was muted. All she knew she couldn't scream. She didn't knew who paralyzed her. All she knew she was on her knees unable to move.
Suddenly, out of no where, three figures appeared. Tyler was among them, Jacob was there, too. And there was Eden.  Tyler shouted one word,"Enough". And the two wolves backed away then in a matter of seconds, the wolf next to her went back to a man she felt she knew him. Someone was next to her, extending his hand to help her up. She looked up and saw Tyler. Unexpectedly, it wasn't Jacob that time. She gave him her hand as he pulled her up. And they walked back to her room. Slow unsteady steps, a ton of thoughts and lots of stare was all she got. Tyler left her to two maids who took off her clothes and helped her into her bath.
She asked the maids to leave. She stripped out of her gown. Heavy, her body felt for her legs. She dipped her toe in the water, and felt it's hotness. She took a careless breath and stepped into the bath. The water reached her knees with the foam surrounding them. She sat enjoying the water cleaning her skin. She rested her head back and closed her eyes trying to free her mind from those terrifying thoughts.

A wolf bit hard on her neck making her bleed and cough, she raised her fingers to touch her wounds and she felt thick warm blood on them. The pain couldn't be bared anymore and her soul started to leave her body.
Ellen felt something cold touch her and she shot her eyes open, jumped out of the tub and screamed backing to the corner. She blinked several times, and found out that it was just her maid. She was safe. She was in her room. Yet, involuntary her fingers touched her neck making sure she was safe. She smiled in apology and took the towel that was resting on the shocked maid's arm. She covered her shivering body and walked back to her room. She didn't bother to wear anything. She laid on her bed and drifted into a deep sleep. She wanted to sleep and forget about everything. She wanted to sleep because she was too afraid to face the reality. And then her eyes shut open, if those people were wolves, what about... Her heart went crazy realizing the fact that Jimmy was with them.

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