Across the Sea

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"No. Leave her." The voice ordered walking towards her. She breathed out, he was clearly pissed off.

"You see, little girl" he frowned," what was your name?"
She waited a moment. No one knew her there. She could be whoever she wanted. She could have them call her whatever she wished. And then it came out,"Mia" she was surprised herself,"My name is Mia". She repeated with a smile. As if she wanted to get used to it.

"Mia. A name of a lady" he talked low. But then she felt it the hard smack he gave to her cheek. She didn't even see it. He was too fast. "But you are clearly not!" She raised her hand up to her cheek. It was stingy and warm. She could swear it was turning red.

'Next time he tries touching us I won't give you the lead!'
Ellen frowned. And her wolf talked again,'you are being weak. You proved strong once you escaped. And now you are acting like the lowest omega ever!'

Her wolf was crossing lines. And she wasn't taking it easy. But before she could say a thing, she saw the man raising his palm again. She saw it clearly this time. And she wanted to prove her wolf wrong. The old man that brought her here was moving to stop the king-looking guy. But then he stopped raising his eyebrows in surprise and so did the king. She felt as if she was making lots of effort. She looked at her hand where the energy she felt losing was located, and her hand was grasping the king's. But what surprised her was the fact that it wasn't a human hand, she saw white fur. Like Tyler described; later you'd be able to transform one organ apart.

"You are so not getting away with this!" The guards said approaching her she felt a sting of a needle on neck. She felt herself shaking and losing power as she fell to her knees. She was weakening and sweating.

"Aconiton Velberia." The king breathed out,"A herb that is so powerful that it'd stop a transformation of a strong highly born wolf"

The king caught strangled her and raised her up from the ground with her poor neck,"You are a high born, I smelled it once you shifted those long fingers of yours. What is she doing here?" He turned to the old.

After a long pause, Ellen thought the man would be sentenced to death. But then the man answered,"She's no longer a one. She ran from them. She's a rogue now. One of us"

The king thought for a while glaring intensely at the old man as if through his look he could find out whether he's lying or not. It seemed like forever before the king smiled and turned to the beautiful woman. "What pack were you from?"

Ellen blinked,"When I escaped, I intended to start a new life. My past has nothing to do with me now. Does it?"

She didn't know where that came from. But for a moment she patted her back mentally, that was what she wanted and she was proud she spoke it into words.


And that's how things turned out to be. She became one of them. Rob, the king, made her a welcoming party. And Brad, the old man, became her father. Well not her father as in a dad, it was more like a guardian. She took a deep breath. People in there were founding her appealing. It was almost a year since she became one of them. Her mark would sting everyday and every night. She avoided it as much as possible but sometimes the pain would be unbearable that she'd take a day off.
Oh, yes! She started working at the kitchens. It's a huge place were group of them cook for them all. The place was her dreamland. They'd help one another. Some cook, some harvest, some haunt, some teach the little ones and some guard. None was rich, but none was poor at the same time. Rob was a good leader, she thought. He wanted these people to be safe and made sure they fed and slept. There was Brad and his group, the only ones sailing away to the other shore. They'd sell what they produced and get them essential things like some fabrics and steel.

The Black WolfTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon