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"I thought it was her responsibility to deliver such an information. It's valuable!" Jacob turned to face Tyler,"Plus I don't see where's the point of your knowledge. Your feelings are strictly negative. It is just that agreement, otherwise she would have stayed away from our world, your world."
"Your job was to watch her!" Tyler shouted out.
"Yes", Jacob maintained his calmness,"And I have done my job. I protected her, followed her wherever she went and every single information was delivered to you at the exact timing."
"Every single information except the boy's!!!" Tyler shouted again pointing at Ellen's house.
"It's one of the basic information that our investigation team should have stated in their report. My job was to figure out every new news and inform you of them. And I did."
"You've always been a smart man!" Tyler huffed.
"Just like my Alpha."
With that they walked outside the house to Tyler's car and headed to the company.
The waited until Ellen's car parked. They followed her and as soon as they walked through the doors they knew they were not alone. Ellen's assistant walked to greet them, shrugged in Tyler's face and smiled to Jacob.
She walked with them to the meeting room,"Umm, Ellen is unusually in the office. Not that she doesn't come to her office, but this is one of the few times that she requests a working Sunday. So there's the three of us and Ellen."
She smiled to Jacob again,"Please, sit. I will tell her she has customers.. Guests, I mean."
And she left.

Ellen covered her face with her hands. How could she explain to a child that they were attacked by wolves and that's why she canceled camping?! She couldn't even tell her mother or Mia.
She called home.
"Hello, mom."
"Hello,Ellen. I know why you're calling, and no. Jimmy is still mad. He didn't eat his breakfast, the plate is still untouched."
"Can you tell him that I need to talk to him?"
She could hear her mother delivering her message to Jimmy.
"Sorry, hon. He's back to his cage."
She didn't wait to listen to her mother's answer. She was too upset for that.
Mia rushed to her office and broke her misery session,"2 guests. Now. In the meeting room. And absolutely not the waiting type."
She wanted to dismiss them, but work can actually be a little bit disturbing. She stood up and went down to her meeting.

Not fully surprised, she met Tyler. He did bother himself to show up and stand to greet her.
"Finally! Look who choose to show up."
Jacob didn't wanted to interfere, walked to the coffee machine to make some coffee.
Tyler sat down again," Last time I checked this was my company and I left it in your charge".
Ellen sat too,"Well last time I checked owner's who trust their employees do not need a stalker!"
Tyler pointed to Jacob,"Jac you mean?! He is a good stalker. No?!"
Ellen accepted the cup of coffee Jacob offered,"I don't need a spy!"
Tyler then stood up and walked toward Ellen who remained sitting. He raised her face to meet his eyes,"I do trust you to manage this company. Especially since I saw your care for your employees. But I need a spy, if that's what Jacob is, I need a spy to know what are you hiding from me."
"Nothing". Ellen replied.
"But I am." Tyler announced as he returned to his seat. "That's why your going with me to my house. A week where we'd discuss business, and you'd take a closer look at my life for your book."
"Are you accepting me to take this offer?" Ellen asked.
Tyler kept his calm serious face,"No. It was an order. But I can make it a request."
Mia rushed to Ellen's side and took her hand,"Give us a moment ,please"
Mia took Ellen aside,"You stupid head. Say yes. Why refusing?!"
"Because I don't care about him"
Mia hit Ellen's head,"Stupid boss. Use this week as a make up for Jimmy. He'll love it and forgive you."
"But Tyler knows nothing", Ellen protested.
Mia then pushed her forward toward the meeting table,"Tell him then."

Walking back to her seat, Ellen had one thing that she was sure about, Jimmy will love it.
She cleared her voice earning Tyler's attention,"I agree. Yet I have a condition. I wanna take someone with me."
"I don't usually accept conditions. But I'm eager to get to know this someone. This someone seems of an importance to you."
Tyler smirked, turned around and left and so did Jacob.
Ellen drove back to her house with good news. She was tired with a headache yet excited. For now she has something to make it up for Jimmy.
As soon as she arrived, she threw the keys and ran toward Jimmy's room ignoring her surprised mother.
"Jimmy, Jimmy.. honey.. oh I've got good news."
By then she reached his door. She knocked,"I am really sorry for what've done. I shouldn't have done that. But I am making it up to you. A full week of nothing but fun. I arranged.."
The door opened and Jimmy threw himself into her arms. He cried out,"sorry mama. "
"Ohhh babe." She felt tears gathering in her eyes as she hugged her boy tighter.
"Oh and mama," Ellen turned to her mother,"I'll be gone for a week. I've got business to do. Could you please take care of Mia?"
"Ah! You need not to tell me about it. Enjoy." Jessy headed to continue her book.

Ellen agreed to a working week starting the next day. Yet she must pack earlier. She set Jimmy for bed and started packing his stuff. She was done when her phone peeped. The there was a text message. It read,"Are you awake?" with the name Jacob following.
She texted back,"Yes. Just finished packing"
She waited for his reply. Unusually, she was willing to talk to him. She had nothing toward him, but he was the spy. She didn't like it. Yet at that moment she wanted to talk to someone and he seemed right.
Her phone peeped again.
"I'll see you tomorrow then. 7 a.m. We'll drive in my jeep."
Although she wanted a chat not an arrangement of the journey, she just replied with "Deal".
She kissed Jimmy's forehead,"I'm doing it all for you. I'll do anything for you." She whispered. Then she returned to her room, packed quickly and slept. She prayed that the coming week would be fun for Jimmy and peaceful for her.

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