Dexter James

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"Hello, James. Thanks for coming."
Ellen welcomed her body guard. The one Tyler assigned for her. A tall muscular man with those features that she could clearly remember now.
"What's your first name, James?"
Ellen stood and walked toward him,"When I first came here, you were at the gates, right?"
Surprised, he smiled and nodded. "You remember, your highness."
"Yes. Now you are my guard. So you are supposed to be the most trusted person here."
Ellen walked in a circle around him. "Or are you Jacob's type?"
She stood behind him. He said nothing as if waiting her to describe Jacob.
"The type that protects and delivers".
At that Dexter tilted his head toward her,"Deliver?"
"As in spying for Tyler."
He turned fully toward her,"I am here in a total protection mission. That's my role and I stick to it. I do respect the terms, Luna".
Ellen found herself smiling,"Good. I need a glued mouth. But what if you lied?"
She looked deep in his eyes trying to detect any sense of regret. Nothing. "I am loyal to my masters, Luna. None of the free men was chosen while I was to leave my position to occupy this position. I am trusted by the Alpha."
Ellen thought 'that's what's frightening me', but she really trusted him. Sometimes you meet people and your heart tells you these are good ones. And sometimes you just feel you must keep your distance. It's a matter of heart's thoughts. And with Dexter, though from her experience she learnt not to listen to her heart, she wanted to trust him.
"Great" she clapped her hands. Then she turned toward her personal maid, Rosy, and the 2 guards at the door,"I'd like to be left alone with mister James. We will have a walk, so do not follow. He is strong enough to protect me."
Ellen turned toward Dexter and smiled,"Come on."


A week later, they had the same private walk. They stopped by a stream. It was cold enough to refresh her skin as she splashed some on her face.
"I didn't see you leaving, last night. But I smell and hear pretty well."
Ellen turned her face to look at the stream ignoring him. She was lost in her thoughts for minutes.
"I want to be your Diary, my Luna."
Dexter spoked and startled her. Ellen was sitting on a fallen brown trunk of a tree. And he was sitting before her. She blinked several times,"Why?"
Dexter's smile was amazing. Be turned to look at the stream's water,"I feel your loneliness. When I met you at the gates I loved your happy spirit. I can sense your sadness now, and I hate it. I told you I can be trusted." He looked into her eyes, and she felt his look reaching deep into her heart making it skip a beat as he said,"So trust me. With every single thing, trust me. I can help you, too. But don't be sad."
She kept her stunned state for few minutes. She needed those words. How could he spoke them? Why didn't Jacob tell her those? Why didn't her husband tell her those?
She smiled. "Yes."
She stood up,"Tonight I want your help."


Ellen startled the maid that was cleaning her room.
"Yes ma'am?"
"Good morning."
She smiled to the maid's blush. "Good morning. You're up early, Luna. It's 6:00 a.m."
Ellen sat covering herself with the blanket. She turned to look at the green space through the window. "I love the morning breeze."
After few minutes, Rosy brought her a tray. Coffee and apples. Her favorite.
"What are you, Rosy?"
"Sorry, ma'am??" She stopped dusting and turned to face her mistress.
"I mean, what type of werewolves are you?"
Rosy looked down as if ashamed,"I'm an Omega, mistress. Maids are omegas. We can't shift, so we are useless."
Ellen choked in her coffee, a werewolf who can't shift is a useless being.
"Leave me alone, please." Ellen whispered.


After that depressing session of the morning, Ellen felt in need to punch.
"Rosy, please call Dexter."
Before Rosy could leave, Dexter entered, "Yes Luna?"
The perfect guard, she thought. "I want to punch and break things."
"Oh my! Someone is angry"
Dexter joked. "Do you know how to fight?"
Ellen huffed,"When I learn, I'll send you away."
Dexter laughed as he asked her to follow him. "Have you been in the training room, Luna?"
"What training room?"
Ellen frowned as Dexter smirked,"Come on, let's punch"


"Today the training was canceled thanks to your Wife's moods."
Alaric spat as he walked angrily toward Tyler's chair. Tyler stopped reading his book and raised his eyes to look from above the rim. He frowned,"Where does my wife fit in canceling a training session?"
Alaric scoffed and looked toward a worried Jacob,"Guess what?!" He turned to look at Eden,"Your lover's wife," and be ended to look at Tyler's furious face,"Which happens to be my brother's wife, she decided that she must learn how to fight. And her guard, James, asked the men to leave so the Luuunaaa could train."
Eden's jaw dropped while Tyler took off his eyeglasses. Jacob just stood smiling,"She is the Luna after all."
Tyler breathed heavily at Jacob's words. He knew a Luna could order his men. But what in the hell?! He dropped his book and spectacles on the adjacent table and walked out with a growl. And The rest followed him.

No one. There was no one at the training room. There was a single maid cleaning the sand bags. Tyler approached her and she bowed once she detected his presence. "Where is everyone?"
The maid steadied herself,"Luna came to practice. But the men said she must start with some workout first. And Sir James asked her to run so the men left to accompany her."
"Running with her?" Tyler asked.
"Actually they asked if they can watch and she said as you wish."
Tyler felt his anger raising to hit higher levels. Why would his men leave their practice to watch his wife run!?!?
Tyler walked out at the same moment that his wife appeared. She stopped and sat on a wooden bench. Dexter was next to her and gave her sunscreens and a bottle of water. He saw her grinning with red face due to the energy she had consumed. Not that what sticked his eyes to her, it was something else. His beautiful wife raised her hair up probably because of the heat she was feeling inside. She was wearing black sports clothes and snickers. She looked stunning with that flat abdomen.
Comments coming out of young guys caught his attention. To his right a group of teenagers, the ones that were supposed to be training, were sitting and looking at her admiring her beauty. He clenched his jaw and turned to Jacob,"100 push ups for every guy sitting there. And Ellen, tell her that tomorrow starts her real training."
Tyler walked back with Eden and Alaric. He knew those guys were still young and acting their age. In his pack, in all the packs actually, you hardly see a woman as Ellen's beauty. Well you can find one with more beautiful eyes, or nose, or mouth.. But with Ellen, everything completed the other and resulted in a perfect beauty. You rarely find a woman dressing as elegant as Ellen. And you rarely find a woman of Ellen's body. The women in the packs, the females to be more specific, never cared about their clothes. A shirt and pants is all you'd ever see.
He heard one comment that kept peeping in his ear,"I wish she was not our Luna. At least we could have flirted with her!"
Ouch! Whenever he remembered those words his anger would raise and he'd feel it kicking his guts. What was happening to him?? And then he stopped at Ellen's voice. She was laughing lightly to something Dexter has said. He turned to look at her. She was listening intently to Dexter with a clear interest. Ouch! That feeling came again. And then it hit him: he was jealous.

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