Time to Rule

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"Oh god, honey. I came as soon as I could."
Tyler embraced Ellen into a hug as the reporters gone mad around them trying to catch that moment with their cameras. He refused to say anything other than,"I'm really pissed off seeing the media that's supposed to deliver the truth make up all this mess around my newly wed love"
As soon as they were in their car, and the driver started the journey, Ellen pushed him away.  She leaned her head to the window and stared silently.


Tyler was discussing business with different pack's Alphas when a maid knocked. It wasn't usual because the maid had served the men coffee and the next serving was not before 20 more minutes. He kept his posture, hands on the table while leaning forward and looking at some papers. He ignored the first knock, but upon hearing the second he called the knocker in.
The young lady stuttered as she announced,"Lady Ellen requests her presence."
The 12 men sitting in that room started whispering. He even heard Alpha Sebastian comment,"Did your wife miss u already?" 
Tyler gave him a silencing glare then turned to give Jacob a worry look. He was worried, for his new wife had been silent for a week since they returned home. He was worried she planned something because he knew women are witches in innocence dress. He waved his hand gesturing the maid to leave and returned his attention to his papers.
He realized that the door didn't close behind the left maid and the men's mouthes shut up all of sudden. He raised his eyes, and couldn't help but raising up his status to take in all her beauty.
His wife wore a beautiful long dress of blue color. It had those decorations at its hem that emphasized her long neck. She gathered her palms into a knot at her waist line, with her right one, with a red ring, was to their view. She was a totally attractive model.
He looked around him not surprised to see the strong harsh Alphas, softening like puppies to Ellen's smile. He returned his eyes to her and locked them with hers.
"I'm truly sorry, your majesties. I've not known that the meeting was held today, now and here. I accidentally knew." Ellen smiled apologetically to the men who nodded back.
In his attempt to send her distracting figure away, Tyler smiled,"Honey, can't your issue wait till the end of this meeting?"
Ellen frowned and walked all the way to stand next to him, she touched his left arm and locked her eyes with his. From that close distance, locking their eyes sent shivers along their spines. Ellen broke that connection and looked toward the men,"I'm here to attend the meeting."
Sebastian smirked,"I beg your pardon, your highness. I know that these meetings are all about business. Its held to discuss matters, men discuss those matters."
Ellen smiled back to his still smirking face,"According to the book I was given, that states my role here, I am to attend meetings with my husband and my opinion is to be considered. But today I choose to listen. May my ideas wait for the next meeting."
Everyone looked surprised and some took their phones out to check the truth behind her words. To her surprise though, she found herself answering one man who said she was saying the truth,"It's fine. I'll let it slip this time. But you are in my place, and I am the Lady of it. I am to be trusted with my words and to be respected by my guests. Am I wrong?"
Sebastian stood uttering an apology. He walked then toward her, took her hand and kissed it before adding,"A pleasure it was, meeting you today. None of us intended questioning your words. It is just that women don't usually attend this meeting. Now if you'll excuse us, You Highness." He turned to Tyler in his last sentence. Tyler just nodded still not believing what Ellen was doing. The men started leaving one by one except Sebastian. He stayed till the 11 left. With a grin he said,"Alaric said I was invited to dinner. I wish to see you then, my Lady." He then whispered as he passed by her,"I didn't believe them when they said you were gorgeous. The fact is you are stunning. I envy Tyler."
He didn't bother himself to raise his eyes to her, neither did he bother it to speak loudly. He knew Tyler was listening. Sebastian left grinning while Tyler was clearly pissed off.
Ellen was startled when Tyler's iron hand grabbed her upper arm in a tight hold. "Aw." She gave him a hard stare.
"What did you have to do in a room full of men?"
Finally, Ellen could return her hand next to her body. She raised her finger pointing to her chest,"I am the Queen. I am supposed to attend these meetings."
Tyler took a step forward,"Well, no one cares! There are zero queens following this rule and zero kings accepting it. How could you come into this room alone while its full of hungry men?!"
Ellen breathed twice to calm herself, yet it raged more and more. She pointed to her chest again,"I am number one then. I will be the first, I will be the different. I am a queen, and a queen take her choices regardless to other queens thoughts. And I came in here full aware of those men presence. Do you know why?"
Tyler didn't answer. Yet his fixed stare into her eyes meant he was waiting an answer.
She placed her palm spread over her left side trying to ease her heartbeats. "I came in knowing that in this room there was my husband. We don't share much, but still you are my husband. Yet seeing you stand still as one man speaks those words to me then letting him go?! That proved what kind of husband I'm dealing with!"
She turned to leave, but Tyler's hand turned her to face him again,"Oh and what is that? Plus You know I don't care! We are nothing but business couple. I would have cared if the woman in your shoes was Eden. And wait a minute! Judging me because of this?! Since our wedding you locked yourself in your room!"
This time Tyler was the one who walked away and Ellen was the one to grab his hand and stop him. She felt a hot tear resting at the corner of her eye, and she pushed it back. She knotted her eyebrows,"Really." To her surprise, her voice came out calm yet powerful."You need to know something, Eden is your mistress. I'm not telling you to stop seeing her, please go on. But I am your wife. I am your queen. And when the queen goes down the king gets weak. Do you know why I am more powerful? Because as in chess, a queen can move more than a king. A queen is the base of the kingdom. What kind of king sees his queen being talked to in an unmannered way and stays still? Isn't my value as a queen and a wife, represent yours? If the people didn't respect their queen, then they do not respect their king! And why I locked myself up? Because I didn't wanna go around covering for you to meet Eden. Oh one last thing, what kind of husband you are? The one who leaves his wife at their wedding night and runs to his mistress than goes back as nothing happened while his wife and best friend got all questioned and interviewed about the husband's absence! The husband that hides his wife's little son because he wants power. The husband that does not value his wife. And the list goes on.."
She saw a vein protruding abnormally through Tyler's neck. She tried avoiding the fear that started building inside her,"I will be meeting your people in an hour. If you wanna come."
She turned to leave and got face to face with Jacob. He was there the whole time. She saw that smile in his face and returned it sadly. Jacob moved next to her and wrapped the handle to open the doors. It all happened in seconds. The door pushed closed that it left cracks in its middle. And she was pushed away to the far right. A scream left her throat. And then she heard ripping of clothes and an animalistic growl. And her eyes popped out, she slowly turned her face to see that neither Jacob nor Tyler were still there. She saw a silver wolf and one huge black wolf.

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