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Ellen laid down on the grass enjoying its texture and scent. She didn't hear anyone approaching until something softer than the grass touched her cheek. She tried to guess what it was without opening her eyes. But then it caressed her cheek, a hand.
She sat with wide eyes at the same time as she pushed the hand away. She wasn't expecting a good looking man in front of her. A great looking man in fact.
"Sorry, ma'am. Your skin looked so touchable. I couldn't keep my hand away. I wanted to feel it to add a proof to how soft it was."
She hated his words, but she couldn't help the pink blush that formed. To hide it she stood up,"Next time, don't bother. You have to prove nothing."
She was walking away when she heard the fraction sound of the grass and her follower. She turned,"Are you following me?"
The weird man took few more steps and closed his eyes. He inhaled deeply. "Such a magical scent you have."
"Stop following me." She said that one short sentence as she ran as fast as she could to reach the wooden door. She could see it from where she was. And she cursed that decision she made of walking to as far as she could. She thought of having as much privacy as she can. But she didn't thought of how dangerous it might be. She realized it then as she was running away from a rich-looking man. And as she turned to check her stalker, she saw 4 other men walking behind.
"My guards." The freak man said.
She cursed and carried on the run as her fear started to get to higher levels.
It was less than a minute when she felt someone carrying her. She wanted to scream when she recognized her stalker. But an order stopped her. "Enough"
Although his tone was sharp and high, she felt safe. She saw Tyler walking toward her and then she spotted Jacob following him.
The stalker dropped her down that she almost fell. But as soon as her feet felt the grass she ran toward her savers who stopped, sending death stares to the freak man and neglected his crew of guards. She noticed from the men looks that they new each other. But she didn't dare to ask. She walked toward Jacob, the safest. She liked how Tyler's voice made her feel safe, but Jacob meant caring to her and Tyler meant bossing.

When she stood slightly behind Jacob, Tyler spoke to the freak,"You are aware that this," and he raised his hand to make a rotation in front of him as if pointing at the whole area surrounding them,"belongs to me. And she,"he pointed to Ellen without turning around,"is my guest."
The stranger laughed one annoying laugh,"Oh, calm down. I was just welcoming Ellen."
He looked at Ellen and smirked,"Right? It was totally a chasing a game. Nothing less. And maybe nothing more."
Ellen frowned and whispered to Jacob,"He knew my name!"
The strange man smiled,"Off Course I know your name! I've got my eyes all around my little brother."
To that information, Ellen gazed at Tyler to find him clenching his teeth. He was totally unwelcoming the visit. They stayed like that for few minutes. Every one staring at someone and waiting the next move. And then Tyler turned to walk back to the cabin as he said,"Welcome home, brother."
So the man was none but Tyler's brother. Ellen looked at him trying to guess why she didn't figure it out even though he looked familiar from where she stood. He looked as if she knew him. She woke up from her deep thoughts to Jacobs gentle hand on her back,"Come on." She nodded and followed him without missing the smirking brother of Tyler.
At the entrance, Ellen heard Jimmy's cries. She dropped the two yellow daisies she chose from the garden and ran toward the voice. She stopped at the end of the corridor, something was not right. Jimmy's voice was coming from the right turn that leads to the bedrooms. She turned her head and looked behind, Jacob was looking at her stiffly. The brother was still outside. And Tyler was absent. Jimmy called her between his cries,"Mama". Her left side of the chest hurt. And she ran toward the voice again. She slowed down as she reached the intended room. The door wasn't totally closed. She could see through the opening Tyler's back. She looked further inside and saw it, Jimmy's foot. And to that she pushed the door open and ran toward Jimmy who hugged her in fear. She stared back to an angry Tyler, and she got angrier.

After a long two hours of bathing and singing, Jimmy slept. Ellen placed a kiss and walked downstairs. Time to start a war. She went to the dining room and found it empty and so was the living room. So she headed to the salons. There she saw Eden chatting with 2 men and Jacob and 3 other men and the freak. But Tyler wasn't there. The freak walked toward her and held her hand, then he leant and kissed it. "I'm Alaric. Tyler's younger and only brother. And I am pleased to meet you My Lady."
"Hello, Mister. I'm pleased to meet you, too. But I need to find your brother now. Could you please tell me where he is?"
As soon as she spoke, Eden rushed toward her,"I believe Tyler wants to stay alone."
Jacob said from behind Eden,"He's in the Library, Ellen".
Ellen was about to thank him when Eden ran toward the library. Ellen followed her trying to reach it and she stopped when she saw Eden blocking the door. Eden breathed in anger,"No one is allowed to enter this room. No one except the family. Well Jacob is an exception," she rolled her eyes,"But no one can enter."
"Then I'll knock and when he opens I'll tell him that we need to talk and he'll decide." Ellen folded her hands over her chest.
"No!" Eden hissed."He said to not interrupt him. He needs to stay alone. So you cannot even knock and ask."
Ellen turned when she heard Jacob's voice,"Let her try. After all she is his guest. And apparently they have a good issue to discuss otherwise miss Ellen wouldn't insist to disturb the sir." Jacob sat on the floor calmly as he smiled to Eden.
Alaric showed up, too. "I agree with Jac."
The door opened at that moment and they all turned toward it. Tyler stood at the door staring intensely at Ellen who stared back. He knew she'd keep staring as long as he'd do. such a stubborn woman, he thought. He then pushed Eden to the side lightly,"Follow me, Ellen."
When Jacob stood to follow Ellen, Tyler looked at him,"Alone".
Eden kept stunned as the two entered and closed the door behind them. She looked at the left two men,"You two, your mother, your father, Tyler and one special maid has ever entered this room. I. I wasn't allowed. Now this woman, barely 2 months of meeting my future husband is allowed while I'm not!!!!"
"Cause she is the future wife," Alaric answered.
Jacob said nothing.
Eden to the shock laughed. "Tyler is going to marry Ellen?!"

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