White Wolf

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Alaric sniffed the scent. "Oh, Ellen! For god's sake! Stop it. I can sense your pain. I know your bones are trying to deform them let it deform so we can go back to our normal lives!"
Ellen glared at the angry man. Alaric was yelling and Jacob sat watching the scene. What a couple!
"Stop yelling my head hurts!" 'Wrestling' Alaric's wolf whispered into hi mind what left a smile on his face.
"Did you just order me?"
Ellen turned to the angry man again,"So?!"
"I take no orders from women!" He growled.
Ellen laid down on her bed cover herself,"I'm your Luna. Go away now."
Jacob could sense Alaric's play mood. He wasn't angry. He could sense something bad. He saw him approaching Ellen's bed,"A weak Luna has no right to order others. Or is that you're so pathetic that you've got nothing to do but boss around? Oh no not that. It's the fact that your husband has given his body and soul to some other woman. Or maybe it's Jimmy? The boy that was killed here. And you're..."
Alaric was cut by an angry Ellen. Jacob had never seen her that angry. He saw her jumping from the bed and aiming a punch at Alaric's face. It hit his nose as he tried avoiding it. And Jacob knew things would get worse. He mind-linked Tyler 'Big fight! Luna's trying to make your brother submit.'
After few other matches Ellen started breathing hard. She was about to sit on her bed when a sharp pain hit her and she fell to the floor. She started screaming for the pain to stop. For someone to help her. For anything that could stop it.
Tim all along with Tyler entered the source of the noise. And there she was. Ellen. She was laying on the floor all sweaty and pale. She was kicking it then sliding along it in attempts to reach something invisible. She was screaming badly. It was a pain representative model.
Tyler knew she was about to change. She was about to transform. He took a deep breath. "Everyone out except for you, Jac"
In a second they were the only two beings with Ellen. He saw her tears and reddened face. "Make it stop, pleasee"
Tyler pushed her hard to the ground as Jacob held a robe. A robe she frowned. But then Jacob was tying it to her neck keeping it loose. Tyler then held the other end. She felt Tyler's hands holding her face as he caressed her cheeks. "Just let it go. " he said. "Let it free and the pain will go away. Breath. Breath. Now relax your muscles. And let your body do what it's meant to"
Tyler knew that once a bone got access to change, the transformation begins and you won't be able to hold back no matter what. It's as they say. The first is the hardest, but then it flows. He closed his eyes, tightening the grip on the robe. He focused his hearing. He heard her trying to control her breathing bOne minute. Two. Three. Five. Ten. Eleven and 'crack'.
A full 17 minutes zone passed with nothing but ear's deafening screams and bones' breaking. Her limbs, her skull and ribcage, everything was changing. 17 minutes with Tyler holding the rope with much force as Ellen jumped up and down of the floor. Moved right and left. She was going hysterical with the force of pain.
And then he heard it. A wolf's growl.


The wolf was trying to escape. It was white like snow. Tyler could feel his wolf stirring inside and asking him to shift. Tyler swallowed and took in a deep breath. The wolf was pulling hard and he was trying to hold it back. And then it happened. The wolf pulled it hard enough to cut it and throwing him to the ground. It jumped out of the window and ran faster than any female he had ever seen. And he couldn't help it. Soon his black wolf was following her into the woods.

It was hard to believe how much power she got. She felt herself unbreakable. She giggled and smiled to the feeling of satisfaction she felt. It was as if she was nothing and now she was born. She felt her wolf in every part of her brain like she was living inside it. She was happy and all. But there was something other than happiness. There was fear. She was afraid of her new form. And as she thought deeply, another feeling popped up. She felt like something thickened the air. The wolf slowed down till it stopped and turned around.
Not too far from her stood a black wolf. It's fur shining with the rays and turning it into some shades of grey. It was breath taking. Ellen felt her wolf's distress. Two other feelings were invading it now: submission and attraction. Why?! She couldn't tell. But she felt it consuming her and then her wolf purred as it lowered it's head. What was that? Ellen couldn't tell either. She just knew that her wolf lowered her head down and exposed her neck. Then it waited. After what seemed like hours, the black wolf clasped his canines on its neck lightly showing her that it got the upper hand. The black wolf licked the exact spot of its canines before it started sniffing her fur.
It kept rotating around her and sniffing as if memorizing the scent. Then it licked under her belly teasingly. Ellen could feel its wolf's distress. The black wolf was a male apparently and her wolf was attracted to it. And then she remembered something. That black wolf. It was the same wolf that attacked her in Tyler's office! Involuntary she pulled back and so did its wolf. The black wolf showed disagreement but then it turned and walked away.

Ellen breath fastened. What to do? She wished she could have a great bath and some rest.
'You can shift back if you want.'
Ellen freaked out trying to figure out who was talking.
'just imagine yourself in your human form. How do you look like? How your body looks like? Think of that and you'll retu..'
The voice dispersed as her bones started remodeling and the pain was induced again. It didn't last more than 10 min. And then she felt cold.
"Damn it, Ellen!"
Ellen heard Tyler's voice as he stood above her. He was cursing as he took off his shirt and handed to her. She looked down to find herself fully naked. "Oh my god!" She gasped taking the shirt and wearing it as quick as she could.
She tried getting up. Her body was weak. All those pain episodes left. But there was like pain wrecks settling deep inside her muscles and bones. As if after all that pressure that her body went through, it decided to take a break. Everything was relaxing. Not a single part accepted to function. Such a lazy body she thought.
"I think it's better if I carried you inside. It's goi.."
Once Tyler turned to help Ellen up his body froze. Ellen, his wife, was naked and laying on the ground. Damn her beauty! He looked away and took of his shirt offering it to her. He turned after a while to see her with his blue shirt reaching her mid thigh and her body re-laying down. She felt exhausted.
A first shift hurts as hell. How would it be if it was late, too? She looked miserable. Even Though her face was pale and sweat decorated her forehead, she was the most beautiful female he had ever seen after her shift.
After few minutes, he could hear her breath relaxing. She slept. He laughed like an idiot to the fact that she slept in the middle of nowhere with a man's shirt only. 'Must be too exhausted. Let's carry her home' his wolf suggested.
Tyler smiled. He's gonna enjoy it, he thought. Then he knelt to lift her up.

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