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Ellen's heart beats fastened as her fear rose. She looked toward her tent, Jimmy was there. She did the best thing she could do, she ran toward her child. And the growls went higher as the wolves approached. She carried her deep sleeping child, returned outside to stay with him by the fire. Fire fears animals, something she read in books and watched in movies.
The wolves were forming a circle around their small area. They narrowed the circle but they were still away. She could reach the fire for it was too close to the tent and sat by it. Wolves are animals. So, Fire fears wolves, right? That was what she has been taught and that was what she taught to her child. She placed Jimmy down and held a firing branch and threw it toward the first wolf she saw,"Go away you freak animal!!"

The wolf stepped few steps behind, but the fire hit him and his growl scared her even more that a scream escaped her mouth. She covered her mouth and looked back toward Jimmy praying he wouldn't wake up. She didn't want him to be scared. And as she turned her face to look back at the scary wolf she saw him by her feet and her eyes went wide open. She kept her hand over her mouth as she screamed lightly. The wolf growled again and she could see his scary incisors and canines. The wolf snarled and growled angrily and the other wolves followed. The voice had an echo. And the silence of the night made it higher and the darkness made it scarier.

"Stop, please. You'll wake him up. Stop it!"

And then the angry wolf that she burnt his ear jumped over her and scratched her chest with his fore-claws ripping her shirt and hurting her as his claws cut into the flesh. She wanted to scream out of pain and fear. The wolf even drooled over her face as his eyes met hers. She wanted to scream in disgust, too. She tried as hard as she could not to shout to keep the wolves quite, so Jimmy wouldn't wake up. She closed her eyes forcefully as the wolf's breath hit her, warm and disgusting.

And then she heard load snarls and the wolf that was about to kill her was pushed away. She was relieved from the weight she felt on her aching chest wounds. She opened her eyes to see a silver wolf standing next to her and growling angrily, she thought. Or at least she hoped that. For minutes the wolves growled at each other until the brown one chose to strike, and that was when the silver wolf jumped over him and kept trying to reach his neck. The two wolves struggled for minutes and the rest watched all along as Ellen did. And at some point, the silver wolf bit the brown's neck and forced his canines deep until the brown made no other move. The rest 4 ran away scared of having the same fate as the dead brown wolf.

Ellen backed away toward Jimmy keeping her eyes on the silver wolf who was getting closer. She was feeling pain in her chest as blood leaked out of her multiple wounds. For moments, the silver wolf just stood there, close to her and stared. But then he moved a step and licked her leg few times as if he was feeling sorry for her and returned into the darkness of the woods. At that moment, when she no longer could see the silver wolf or any and was left with a still sleeping Jimmy and the sound of the burning woods, she stood up and carried Jimmy to the car. She ignored the pain she was feeling with each breath and each move. She grabbed her stuff and turned down the fire. She barely could walk as she went back to the car. Her wounds were hurting her and the blood didn't stop. She returned to grab the last bag when she tripped and fell next to the dead wolf. She groaned with hurt and sat down.

Jacob stood behind a closer tree, and watched. Ellen tripped and fell next to the dead mutt. She freaked out when her eyes saw the cut head few inches away from her face and pushed herself back. She sat and sobbed. She sobbed for a while before she realized she should return before any further thing could happen. She wiped her cheeks with her hand and a freaking sound escaped her throat as she saw the blood that covered them when she fell, the mutt's blood. She took off her shirt and wiped her face as more tears spilled from her eyes. She threw the shirt in her bag, wore a clean one and ran toward the car, started the engine and drove as fast as she could.

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