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"The human brain is so powerful and metabolically active that it uses about 20% of all of the oxygen and glucose taken in by the body each day. Any interruption in the blood flow to the brain very quickly results in the decline of mental function, loss of consciousness, and eventually death if not corrected. The carotid artery carries blood from the heart to the brain. It supplies 90% or so of the brain's blood. The carotids are interconnected in the brain so that loss of consciousness happens in 15 to 20 seconds and death in 2 to 4 minutes." Tim explained as he took off his gloves.
Tyler was sitting on the floor and stood once Tim was out. He saw him taking off his mask. He has been waiting for hours now. It was dawn and everyone left except for him and both of his helpers, Beta and Delta. He gazed at the bloody cream gloves as he listened to Tim's words. 2 to 4 minutes. That's a short time he thought.
"Is she.. Did she?!"
He couldn't even say that word. It felt heavy. Like when you're a child and learning your first words. How thick and heavy it felt.
Tim wiped his forehead. He looked down to the gloves he was carrying now. "It was hard. One of the hardest surgeries I've ever encountered. She lost lots of blood."
Tyler waited. For the first time in his life, he didn't force the person he was talking to to get straight to the point. He felt like he didn't want to know. But he wanted to know. He didn't know whether to know or not!!
Tim raised his eyes to look into his Alpha's eyes. "You went too far this time Alpha, that I can expect nothing. We just have to wait. I've tried my best."
Tim excused himself and walked to Dexter. He tapped his shoulder,"Good job. You pressed on the right spot. You even called on the right time. If we were late or if she was left alone, I'm afraid to say what would've happened."
They were sitting on the hallway's floor. Tyler and Jacob with Dexter across them.
At some time, he didn't know when, A maid walked toward them,"Sir, your father wanted me to tell you that the breakfast is ready."
So it was morning. Dexter nodded to the maid and she left.
"Maybe we must go rest and come after that." Dexter suggested. And Jacob agreed,"That's a good idea. It has been hours. And Tim said we can't visit her now. So why not going? We're doing nothing"
Tyler sighed."I'll follow. You leave now."
And so, he was left alone. His heart aching. How could he do that to her?
"It wasn't your fault, baby"
He was startled by Eden's voice. She sat next to him and massaged his shoulders. "You didn't cause this. It was her father. So don't blame yourself. Ok?"
She kissed his head. "Come eat with me?"
He was focusing at nothing. He just looked down at his shoes. There was mud. Mud from the back yard. From where he stood earlier to hit her. "This is my pack. I allowed my father and hers to take a decision rather than taking it myself. And I did what they wanted me to. And then I watched as they mocked me and whipped her till.. Now." He pushed her hand away. "What a great leader! Just like his dad!"
He stood to leave. He was barely moving. He didn't have enough energy to raise his feet from the ground. He exhaled. Leaning to a small figure of Eden. Using her to steady his steps.
A nurse called from behind him. He turned toward the blonde girl. "Sorry, but I thought you'd wanna see her." Her looks traveled between him and Eden. "Dr. Said I can allow your visit if you want?"
She looked at Eden as if wondering whether she mist speak. "Luna's state is stable. She still needs some rest. But you can visit her for few minutes."
She coughed. "I believe you're concerned"
Concerned. Was he? His heart was pumping fast. He waited for this the whole evening. He wanted to see her. But suddenly he was afraid to get in there. He was afraid to see where he led her to. And as suddenly as that, he got energy from no where he could tell. He found himself leaving Eden's body. The woman was calling him but he felt weak to answer her. He jogged after the nurse.

Ellen. Her smell invaded his nostrils demanding attention. He took in her scent mixed with anesthetics, pain killers and faintly blood. Still, her scent was overwhelming. He opened his eyes to look through the room. In the middle there was a high medical bed. It was black. But Ellen wore white. Actually she was wearing a full cover of bandages all over her back and up on her neck. There was a white cover reaching her waist. She was laid on her front. Her face was facing him, so tired holding a frown of pain. He felt his heart aching to ease her pain. 'She's fine, Alpha. She is strong enough to overcome this.'
Dexter's voice came into his mind. 
His wolf jumped happily 'our Ellen. Our Ellen is fine!!'
Tyler pushed him to the back of his mind trying to talk with Dexter James. His Delta and the one that drove him crazily into this.
'And how do you know!' He asked bitterly.
'the doctor said that. He said that Ellen's shift was an advantage.'
Tyler's eyes softened at her. She realized the truth in the most painful ways. She shifted in the most painful ways. And she was punished in the most painful ways. Everything has to be painful for her here. Even her husband.
Tyler turned to the door where the nurse stood. "I think we better leave her rest."
He nodded leaving the room. He looked one more time taking in her pale face. He smelled deeply trying to collect what's left of her scent out of all those medical smells. And left.
At the door of the infirmary, Dexter was waiting for him. Tyler ignored him and walled away. But the delta was persistent to catch his attention that he called,"Alpha"
He called few times as he followed until Tyler decided to answer. "I don't wanna get in a fight with my delta. So stay away James. And if you have anything to say, send it with Jacob. I'll read it later."
"Your highness," Dexter bowed,"I really wish I could do that. But I'm afraid that I can't. It has been Luna's orders to inform you. And only you"
To the Luna's name, Tyler stopped."As in Ellen?"
Dexter nodded.
"My wife?"
Dexter nodded again.
Tyler found himself ordering Dexter to his office.
As they walked through the doors, Eden caught his scent. She ran toward him aiming a hug. And Tyler did nothing more than uttering,"later" and walking away. Dexter greeted her briefly and followed his Alpha. They met Jacob, too. And again there was a brief greeting this time associated with curious looks. It wasn't normal that the Alpha summons the Delta alone. Or anyone unless the Beta was present. Or at least unless the Beta knew about it earlier.
Once they reached the office, Tyler sat one rule,"No eavesdropping." His words were and order. One with if-you-dare-disobey-you-want-like-it meaning.
Dexter closed the door as his eyes followed the tired and furious Alpha having a seat and reaching the coffee machine for a cup. "Talk. I don't have all the night"
Dexter nodded. "Alpha. I have somethings I must tell you. Luna wanted me to tell you after step 1 of the plan. But things changed. And I think I must tell."
Alpha frowned, "what plan?"
Dexter knew that Ellen, his Luna would never forgive him. But he needed to tell his Alpha. He needed to prove her not guilty. Prove them precisely.
"Luna was planning to escape. She was going out into the wood and hopefully have a pack that accepts her or join the rogues."
Alpha's hand shook as he was setting the cup back on the table. It made repeated clicking sounds. "And you planned on keeping it from me? Till when?!"
dexter bowed,"I'm sorry Alpha. But you ordered me to follow her orders. Her orders were to keep everything secret until she leaves."
Tyler crossed his hands. His wife was planning on escaping. Normally, this must please him and raise up his adrenaline. Oddly, it raised up his adrenaline in fear. Fear of her departure. He wanted her to stay? What for? He was searching for a way to get rid of her and enjoy his life with his mate.
He shifted in his seat. Still uncomfortable, he stood and walked toward the window. "Keep what a secret?"
Dexter's distress was obvious. He was betraying her. The thing that everyone did to her. He was doing the same thing.
"I know you heard us that night when I was trying to make her stay. I smelled you, Alpha. Luna knew, too."
Tyler said nothing. He waited for Dexter to continue. "Luna and I, and since the second or third week of my job as her personal guard.." He coughed,"Well we had this night activity. And I would love to show you rather than tell you."
Tyler nodded awkwardly as he walked away from the window. "But before we go, please wear this," he took a black suit from a bag that he was holding. And Tyler hadn't noticed it till then.
"This is starting to get weird!"
Tyler protested. "I'm not exactly in the mood to do funny things with you Dexter."
Dexter breathed out,"Just bare with me, your highness. It is really worth it. I will prove Luma's innocence from the accusations against her."
He pleaded one more time holding the suit up,"please"
Tyler wore it. "What is this?"
Dexter explained as they both jumped out of the window. The night starting now. "Sometimes, the guards in my team used these to hide their scents. We use them when we spy close to other packs. It keeps us save."
"And what would we want with these now?"
Tyler enquired.
"Please follow me Alpha. Oh and" he approached his Alpha slowly lowering the hoodie,"please keep your face somehow hidden. You wouldn't want them to recognize you"
Tyler was getting bored now. Bored leads to frustration. Especially when you're in a foul mood. But he was curious about his wife's night activities with his Delta. So he chose to go on. They walked through the night into the deepest and poorest parts of his pack. A zone he never noticed before. He was startled to see it. As if he was discovering it for the first time. He has been always busy arranging the packs external matters that he forgot the internal ones. That he forgot the inner portion and looked at the outer. Like choosing a great title for a bad essay.
He was disturbed by Dexter's call. He wanted to ask something when Dexter asked him to play along and indulge himself. In what exactly?
Before he could ask that he saw Dexter adjusting his hoodie lower and he followed. Before they both walked to one low wooden door. At Dexter's knock, there was a joyful scream of a boy. "Finally!" The boy breathed out as he hugged Dexter. The boy looked up at Tyler. And frowned. "Bb" the boy said looking back at his delta. "Where's our Robin Hood?"
Robin Hood! Wow! Tyler thought. The female that stood behind the boy apologized asking them in. 'Ellen is Robin Hood?'
Dexter agreed.
'You came here with her?' He paused 'why?'
Dexter asked him to wait. 'Patience your highness.'
The boy stood in front of Tyler examining him. He didn't miss the woman, that looked like the mother, looking at him from time to time as she poured something into cups. Old cups with broken hands. 'Please, Alpha. Accept the offer. Just this time. Please.'
The woman walked to him with the cup. The smell wasn't bad, tea with some other ingredients, but the cup looked awful. He hesitated but took it anyway. He couldn't believe these were his people.
The boy asked again,"Where's Our Robin Hood? And is this your friend?"
Tyler noticed Dexter thickening his voice to change its tone. "This is my friend. Robin is staying by the Luna. Luna is sick and he needed rest. I didn't visit last night because I was by Robin's side."
The boy looked down at his tiny fingers,"Is Robin.. I mean is she" the boy hiccuped,"alright? Was it our letter? Or our cookies?"
"No" Dexter hugged the boy. He ruffled his hair. "She was planing to eat the cookies and she will read the letter over and over. She thinks it will help her"
The boy laughed. "Robin is funny"
They stayed for few minutes. Then stood to leave. Tyler saw Dexter handling the woman an envelope. "She says she's sorry for upsetting your children. Use these to buy them few toys as a gift from her. And the rest are her gift to you." Tyler saw the woman's eye tearing as she thanked him over and over. They said their goodbyes and walked away.
"What was in that envelope James?"
Tyler stopped to ask once they reached his office again. Through their whole walk back, he kept thinking of his pack. His people. Of how a bad Alpha he was.
Dexter took off his hoodie,"Some cash."
It was as he expected. He sat down. "Why this family particularly?"
Dexter took permission to sit and answered,"We usually, me and Luna, visit all the families in that neighborhood. But this boy, he keeps sending gifts and letters to Luna. He kinds of reminds her of Jimmy. She mentioned it once that her son used to get her gifts from time to another."
"You give every family money? Where do you get it from?"
Tyler was curious to know. He was so oblivious of his wife's doings.
Dexter accepted a cup of coffee the Alpha offered. He watched as his Alpha took his cup and walked toward the window. Thinking probably.
"The cash was Luna's saving from her daily payment. We pay the Luna 15% of the taxes collected."
Tyler nodded. "I'm aware of that". Eden once asked him where does his wife spend those dollars. And he said he didn't care, maybe shopping cause every woman has it as a hobby, spending free paid money. He scoffed. His wife had a hobby spending the same money he was talking about, for the sake of his people.
"We studied every family's income. And the number of children. And the needs. And so every week, we place money in front of their doors, knock and hide until they collect it. Everyday we have a family to visit. We visit as good neighbors wanting to make sure they have what they want. We act innocent. We pretend we are getting money from this mysterious Robin Hood. One family know our secret. The one we visited today. They know we are friends with the royals. And the boy keeps sending letters to the Luna. And cookies."
Tyler remembered something and frowned."the letter Ellen was reading on the balcony wasn't from you?"
Dexter smiled. "No."
Tyler exhaled. "How does a new citizen. Like Ellen. How does she know about these people,my people while none of us knows?"
Dexter smiled again. "She's kind. She asked me about it once and I said our people are doing great. We have 0 poverty, 0 badness. She smiled sadly then. And later she took me in a journey to that neighborhood. I was really shocked. She said she searched the pack's land inch by inch. She said and I'm quoting (my job as a Luna, even if I'm new and totally out of place, my job is to look after my people despite what they think of me. Despite what their Alpha thinks of me)"
Tyler looked out of the window embarrassed. "Did she say anything about me?"
Dexter nodded."She always praises you"
It wasn't the answer he expected. "Praises" he looked into Dexter's eyes.
"She said you're a great Alpha. One that cares of his pack. And that she was a burden and hated herself for this. That's a cause for running."
When Dexter saw his Alpha's shock. He couldn't help but to ask,"You didn't read it. Did you?" Dexter tilted his head,"She told me about a proposal you refused. A yellow envelope? She said she doesn't know why you did it when it's the best way"
Tyler remembered it. He never read the papers. He didn't reply and that's why she thought he refused it. He walked to his drawer and took out a yellow file. The only yellow file. He opened it. And for the first time he saw her nice handwriting with a black ink, A Proposal - You and Eden.
Tyler sat as he skimmed the papers. There was lots of words. But on the last page he read, Summary. He closed his eyes for a moment and then focused.

Alpha and husband,
As a summary I'd like to tell you. Your relationship with Eden, your mate, is a right I respect. She was there before me. And if it wasn't for the pact our fathers sealed, you'd marry her and live happily ever after. I'm sorry for interfering. But I would like you to think about this relation again. It's not a good reputation for you as an Alpha to have a second woman. A first actually, considering the time classification. So, I decided to fix it. I accept it. It's one of your rights. I'm not telling you to hide. But you are still building yourself as an Alpha. Let's keep it a secret for a while. I've done something. A secret pathway from my room to Eden's. I've dig it myself. And I have kept the last meter for you to decide. If you agree, I'll complete the left meter. Otherwise, thank you for hearing my opinion.
Your Wife,
Luna Ellen

Tyler read it again. His wife has made him a secret path to get into Eden's room. The maids and everyone else would see him getting into his room. But in fact he would easily reach Eden's room without any ones notice.
Dexter interfered in his deep thoughts. "There's one thing more, your highness."
Tyler felt dizzy. The facts he was learning was killing him from the inside. How blind he was!!
"There was something odd Luna ordered."
Tyler snapped his head up.
"Luna was cautious about keeping it secret. for the last few days there were two of my guards following you from a distance to make sure nothing harms you."

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