𝟎𝟗|solving the clue

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"I mean, it's obvious, right?" John B asked.

The Pogues had all piled into the Twinkie and left as soon as possible, not wanting to wait around for the two men who were after the compass. The item was currently in Pope's hands, the boy holding it up to examine it.

From what they could see, besides the word 'REDFIELD' etched into it, it was just an ordinary compass. The logical conclusion would be that the word was what they were really after if they could only figure out what it meant.

The boy shrugged, looking over his shoulder at his friends, "A family heirloom. I mean, what better place to hide a message? He had to know it was gonna get back to me, right?"

Glancing beside her, Callie saw that JJ still seemed shaken from what had happened at the Chateau and in the coop. His hair was dishevelled and his face flushed, eyes slightly wide as he sat there silently; that would've been worrying enough, given that JJ always had something to say.

Reaching across, Callie told ahold of his hand, squeezing it gently. Part of her was waiting for him to make some flirtatious comment, but it never came. Instead, he squeezed her hand back and gave her a small, grateful smile.

They were all nervous right now and JJ knew that he didn't have to pretend. At least not with them.

"Yeah, it's possible," Kie agreed, but her face didn't exactly tell the same tale of faith.

Pope lowered the compass as he looked at John B, "It could also be possible that you're concocting wild theories to help, you know, deal with your sad feels."

"Pope," John B said simply, shaking his head, answer enough as to how he felt about what the boy had said.

"Bro, you know how I process my sad feels. Dank nugs and the stickiest of ickies, that's how I do it," JJ stated, breaking his silence.

"I'm not concocting, okay?" the driver claimed. "My dad's trying to give me a message."

"If it helps you believe, John B," Kie told him.

"Alright," Callie nodded, running her tongue over her bottom lip. "Fine, you're not concocting. But we need to tread carefully. Those guys weren't screwing around, okay?"

"I get that, Callie," he insisted. "Look, I- I don't need a therapy session, okay? Look, I'm not trippin' out."

JJ looked up from his hand, his fingers still intertwined with Callie's. He wasn't really sure why he hadn't pulled away yet, but she didn't seem to mind so neither did he.
"It's okay to trip, bro, but-"

John B turned around, a pain-stricken look on his face, "Look, my- my dad is missing, okay? Missing. You don't know what it's like to have the person closest to you vanish and then have no idea what happened."

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐌𝐒 ∴ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now