𝟐𝟐|house hunting

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Callie and JJ ran to the Hawk's Nest just as Kiara and Pope were doing the same. It was hard to tell at first because of how far away they were but once they got closer, Callie could see John B laying on the grass and Sarah Cameron kneeling by his side in tears.

"Sarah, what happened?" Pope called out as they all got closer.

"I don't know what to do," the girl sobbed. "He needs help. Topper shoved him."

Looking around the vicinity, JJ was ready to attack. "Where the hell is he?"

Callie grabbed his arm, forcing him to focus. "Not now, JJ. John B needs us."

Knowing that she was right, he nodded. He wanted nothing more than to go after him and at the very least break his nose but not until after he knew that his friend was okay.

Sarah Cameron looked up at them all through tears, "Please, please, please get help. I don't care who. Just call someone."

Callie was definitely glad that she had worn sneakers to Midsummer. Letting go of JJ, she turned on her heel, hiked up her dress and began to run. She heard JJ tell Pope to go with her and within a matter of seconds, the boy was running beside her.

"Hurry!" Kiara screamed after them.

Callie tried to run faster, pushing through the burning feeling in her chest as her lungs struggled to keep up. She and Pope kept going until they spotted a house in the distance. Hoping that the occupant would be willing to help, they headed in that direction.


Thankfully, the people living in the house they had come across had been more than happy to help. With their assistance, they managed to get John B to St. Olive's hospital. 

The Pogues had wanted to stay the night in John B's room but the doctors made them leave, telling them that they could come back during the day. They didn't like it but knew that arguing with the doctors wasn't going to help John B.

So they all piled into the Twinkie and left the hospital. JJ dropped them off one by one, planning to drive the Twinkie back to the Chateau and stay there for the night. And since her house was closest to the Chateau, Callie was last on the list.

The ride had been silent enough as it was but then when it was just Callie and JJ, you could practically hear the crickets on the other side of the island. When JJ pulled over, that silence wasn't broken, either.

Something had nearly happened between them. The tension of the moment blurred every line she had drawn to stop herself from acting on her feelings. She wanted to talk about what almost happened and make it clear that it couldn't happen again but another conversation felt more important to have. 

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐌𝐒 ∴ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now