𝟏𝟒|the merchant

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The Pogues were up early the next morning, eager to get out on the water. They all got dressed, the visitors rifling through the bags they'd brought with them to the Chateau, and then piled into the Twinkie and headed in the direction of the docks.

Arriving at the Surf Shack, they all saw that the lights were on already, a customer leaving as they pulled up. The group all climbed out and entered the building, spotting Andrew Merrick over at the register. 

"G'morning, Dad," Callie smiled as she approached the man. "I'm just here to grab the keys to the boat, please."

"Morning, Cal," he greeted as he embraced his daughter before turning to her friends. "Hey, kids."

The rest of the Pogues all responded in kind, each also thanking the man in advance for letting them take out of his boats out. The man let go, stepping back behind the counter. He went over to the lockbox attached to the wall, opening it and removing a set of keys from one of the hooks.

He went to hand them over, before changing his mind and closing his fingers around them. "It comes back exactly as you found it, got it?"

"Yes, dad, of course," Callie promised.

When the man looked over at the Pogues expectantly, they were all quick to nod, a resounding "Yes, Mr Merrick," coming from them all.

"Alright," the man sighed, finally handing the keys over. "Be careful out there and don't go out too far; the waves are supposed to pick up a bit. I'll see you all later."

"We will! Thank you!" Callie grinned, giving him one more quick hug.

The Pogues then followed the girl out the back door to the dock behind the Shack. There were five boats minus the ones that had already been rented out, each a different size depending on what the customer needed it for. Callie led the group over to a mid-sized boat which would definitely do the trick for today's mission. The girl climbed aboard with the Pogues in tow, all of prepared to help ready the boat.

Turning to JJ, she threw him the keys before giving him a pointed look, "Crash it, and I'll kill you. Right before my dad kills me."

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle," he grinned as he closed his hand around the keys.

The girl raised her brows before rolling her eyes. She had known JJ long enought that statements like that were just expected at this point. "You're an idiot."

JJ didn't say anything, just smirked as he held back a laugh, pinching his bottom lip between his teeth. Tightening his hand around the keys, he turned around and headed to the front of the boat. Callie's eyes didn't leave him as he walked. She watched him as he went to ready the boat, removing his red hat that he always seemed to be wearing to run his fingers through his hair. 

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐌𝐒 ∴ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now