𝟐𝟎|midsummer mayhem

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Callie and JJ walked up the beach towards the Midsummers party side-by-side. The girl was buzzing slightly, their mission exciting her. Being Pogues they never got to see this side of living on the OBX, so she was interested to see what a real Kook party was like. But even if they said the grass was greener, she knew it wasn't going to be anywhere near as fun as one of their beachside bonfires.

Plus, seeing how JJ kept looking at her out the corner of his eye very unsubtly didn't exactly hurt, either.

The blonde had managed to get his hands on a serving tray and some glasses to really sell the whole 'waiter' thing he was going for. As they got closer to the building, Callie put a hand on JJ's arm to get him to slow down.

When he stopped to look at her she dropped her hand. "Remember, you just need to get the note to Sarah. I'll keep an eye out but just try to keep a low profile, okay?"

"I'm a stealth-master, okay? They won't even know I was there," he reassured her with a sly smile.

"Right, so stealthy," she nodded slowly. "Like that time you tripped over your own feet and got us caught when we tried to sneak out of school? That stealthy?"

JJ's smile fell, "You're never going to let that go, are you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm agreeing with you," Callie said innocently. "It's like you're James Bond, or something."

"All right, I get it," JJ laughed, beginning to walk again.

"I mean, you're practically a ninja."

"You'll see. I don't need a babysitter to deliver a note," JJ said over his shoulder as they were just about at the porch.

Callie laughed as she crossed her arms, "Wanna bet?"

She knew it was a serious situation that she should be treating as such but Callie has a tendency to get carried away a lot of the time. And then there was JJ, who was practically unable to resist a challenge. Habits in themselves that the other didn't exactly discourage.

JJ slowed down, looking back at her with narrowed eyes. "Ten bucks says I get this done without a hitch."

"Can't wait to take your money later," she stated as she reached out and shook his hand.
"You are getting way too cocky for your own good, Maybank."

"I like to think of it as confidence," he corrected.

Callie shrugged, "Think of it however you want. All I know is that you're paying for my coffee later. Time to split up, Bond." 

The Pogues went their separate ways, JJ pretending to be part of the wait staff as Callie casually entered the party, acting as if she belonged there. It felt strange to her that no one was staring or giving her dirty looks. Because I look like one of them, she reminded herself.

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐌𝐒 ∴ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now