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I was pulled aside by bunny into a room the morning of physical exams, and he had me follow him to the courtyard, and into the maze. "So, is something wrong?" I asked as he sat down, while I leaned against the pillar of the gazebo. 

"Sort of."

"Shit, did I make you uncomfortable or something? I-"

"No, it's not about yesterday... If I'm being honest, I... I kind of liked it."

"Kind of?" I asked, with a small smirk playing on my face, while I slide in next to him. "So you wouldn't mind if I were to, oh I dunno, so it again?" He stayed silent while I lifted his face to meet mine. "I need you to answer me bunny." He looked me in the eyes, and closed them, along with the gap between us, as I pulled him closer to me. Fireworks felt like they were exploding in my chest as we moved our lips slightly, before pulling away. 

"Is that an okay answer?" 

"More than okay. This was what I was hoping for."

"For me to kiss you?"

"Look at our position, and then change your answer." He looked down, not noticing before that he was straddling my lap with his hands on my shoulders, and mine on his waist. His face went red, and I pulled him in, hugging him. "I was hoping to hold you." We stayed like this for a little bit. 

"Hey y/n?"


"Why did you kiss me in the first place?"

"Cause I think your cute, and wanted to," I replied semi-sarcastically. "What do you think?" 

"I think you like me."

"And I think you like me too." He mumbled something I didn't catch. "What was that bunny?" 

"I do like you." I chuckled. 

"Well I guess this works out perfectly then. How about the two of us go out to the melting pot this weekend. Just the two of us."

"Are you asking me on a date?"

"Of course I am." He smiled that signature smile

"I'm free after five on Saturday." 

"I'll pick you up at six." I kissed his cheek as he got off, and we headed back to the school. 

When the announcement was called, the three of us put on doctor costumes and stood there waiting on people. I have no idea how tamaki talked me into this, oh wait. I do. I didn't want these two to look like idiots alone. Right. Although the thick glasses did sort of make me want to laugh, and I got a picture of the three of us looking professional. 

"Honey senpai! Mori senpai! Y/n! you're all so obvious."

"Don't worry, they're not going to do anything. They're for backup in case anything goes wrong."

"But why are they in doctor disguises?"

"To help set the mood. Besides, it makes this feel like a real espionage mission." 


"Stealth and spy mission. I see that someone is a fan of spy movies." 

"Correct." We overheard a doctor tell this girl she lost 2 kilos, and she was thrilled. (2 kilos is 4lbs) That's not that much, but I guess even a minor celebration is a celebration. 

"Dont you think it's weird that these doctors are all so joyful and nice?"

"They're chosen by the schools chairman. This may be a school, but it's also a business, therefor, he wants to keep the students happy. After all, most families here have their own private doctors at home. So this, is just a formality."

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