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I managed to wake him up and get us into the shower early so his parents wouldn't see us layig togehter naked. That would be.. really, really hard to explain. And in all honesty, I'd rather not try to explain that. After we got dressed, honey said he wanted snuggles, and who am I to deny that for him? CUddling in the bed, we heard a knock at the door. "Mitskuni, it's time to get up."

"I'm already up takashi!" He came in, seemingly not believing it, and saw us cuddling.

"Hey." He nodded in my direction.

"Food's ready then if you guys wanna come down." He yawned.

"I think that's the most I've heard you say at once.."

"I haven't had any coffee yet."

"Takashi's more talkitive when he's tired. We'll be right down!" He smiled, and mori closed the door. I gave honey a kiss before we got up and headed down. He was still a bit sleepy, and was talking about how his legs hurt. I offered to carry him, but he said his family would be suspcious about us if I did that. So he walked as normally as he could down the stairs, and acted like nothing was wrong. I smiled, and made sure to keep as much of an eye on him as I could without giving anything away.

"Good morning you two! How'd you sleep?" His mom asked. The whole family was there, including bunny's aunt and uncle and both his cousins.

"Pretty well, how about you bunny?"

"Yep!" I felt his brother giving me a weird look. I turned to face him.


"Why do you call him bunny? What are you his boyfriend or something?"

"And what if I am?"


"Chikara! I'm sorry about him, he's usually not like this."

"What's this about dating?" His dad asked, seemingly just coming down.


"I asked y/n if he was dating mitskuni cause he calls him 'bunny'."

"So what? Not like we can control what he does. He's old enough to make his own choices anyways." Bunny's face was redder than a tomato.

"Well bunny, what do you say?" I teased. He put his face in his hands and I lauhed a bit, rubbing his back. "Come here." I pulled him in for a hug, and played with his hair, and he seemed content. I looked down at him lovingly, when we heard a camera snap. Both our heads snapped up to see Chiyo with a camera, and a huge smile on her face.

"Oops! I left the sound on."

"Mom!" He said, his face so red, even his ears were a bright red color.

"What! What was cute!" He huffed a little as mori drank his coffee. I just took a bite of my food, and tried not to stare at my bunny.

"If we were, would it be a bad thing?"

"No not at all honey. You can't control who you love." His aunt said. He nodded, and I could tell he was thinking it over, while his little brother and mori's brother were whispering about something. He gave me a kiss on the cheek, and his father shrugged. His uncle had no reaction, but the younger two sarted yelling.

"HA! You owe me 5000 Yen!" Mori looked at his little brother, visibally confused, and bunny looked mortified.

"You two made a bet on us?"

"Yep." He said, popping the 'p' of course.

"Okay even my cheeky little sister wouldn't do that." The family laughed, and I smiled. I could tell I was alreadt going to love this family.

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