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Our father approved of her transferring, and Tamaki made a few calls, and talked to his father about it. Soon enough, she was allowed to start school there the following Monday. And for the first time in a long time, she used her cane. As I woke her up in our usual silly manor, I walked her back to her room, and laid her uniform out on her bed. The hosts allowed her to keep it, so we figured we'd use it.

"Ready for your first day?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." She said, as I put her hair into a couple of braids, finishing them off with pastel yellow bows.

"Let's get going." Missy jumped off the couch from next to the two of us, and we walked out the door, locking it behind us, helmets in hand. Luna had her cane compacted down in her bag as she climed onto my bike behind me,and she held on tight as we started to go.

When we got to the school, I got some weird looks, people wondering why I had a little girl with me, as I lead her to the elementary building. I arrived early so I could make sure we arrived on time today.

Getting into the office, the woman looked at me, looked at my sister, and sighed. "Name?"

"l/n Luna." She piped up. "I'm here for my schedule?" She gripped her cane closer to her, as it was handed to me.


"Who will be picking her up?"

"That's would be me for the most part." We talked for a while, before I looked at the room number. 5-C. We walked, and Luna used her cane to get familiar with her surroundings, as we arrived.

"Okay, you know what to do? What to ask?"

"Yes, I know. You need to stop being so worried about me." She giggled, as the teacher opened the door.

"Can I help you?"

"Just dropping her off." She looked at her.

"You must be the new girl I was told about."

"Yes ma'am."

"Just call me Kayla." She looked at me. "Don't worry about her. She's in good hands." I nod, before walking away, overhearing the teacher. "Come on, let's show you your cubby. I'm sure you want to put that helmet away." I smiled to myself. She's gonna be fine.

The day was uneventful at most for me. If I'm being honest, it was boring. We didn't have the club today, so I just picked up Luna from the elementary school, and walked to where my bike was. "So, how was your first day?"

"It was fun! We worked on some math, which was really hard, but then we had recess, and I made some new friends! Their names are Emma and Ray. Emma's blind, like me, and Ray's got something called BPD, so he's there for something to be monitored. We played tag outside, but Emma tripped and we stopped cause she was bleeding. But the teacher fixed her up, and we went on the swings!" I smiled a bit.

"It sounds like you had a fun day."

"Yeah! I can't wait to play with them again tomorrow! I'm gonna tell dad all about it when we get home."

"Sounds like a plan."

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