Christmas tree farm ✅

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You and Taylor arrived at the Christmas tree farm and get out of the car.

"Wow you can already smell them all." You said waking to the front gates and you both see all of the Christmas tree's.

"Look at them all! They remind me on my childhood home." Taylor said happily as she walks through all of the rows and rows of Christmas tree's

"Let's go find the perfect one." You said.

You and Taylor walk around all of the rows of Christmas tree's and you try to find the perfect one.

"No that one is too small."

"Too skinny."

"Too tall. I didn't think it would fit in our living room. How would we get it inside?" Taylor asks.

"Yeah and when we untie it the tree would be too wide as well." You said.

You turn to see a perfect tree, "How about this one?" pointing to a tree.

The tree was a perfect size, not too tall not too short. It was cut perfectly and lots of branches on it.

"That one is perfect." Taylor said.

You walked to one of the workers, "Can take this one?" You asked.

"Yes. I'll go get the paperwork and someone will cut it down for you." The women said.

Another worker comes and chops down the tree and it was put in the shake machine to get rid of all of the bugs out of it.

You and Taylor paid for it and you both tied the tree on top of the roof of the car. You both got into the car and drove back home.


Author's Note

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