Hospital visit ✅

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You haven't been feeling good for the two months and Taylor finally convinced you to go to the hospital.

"What do you think they will say?" You asked.

"I don't know but they will at least do some tests on you to see what's wrong." Taylor said.

"What if it's bad?" You asked scared

"They will know how to fix it. We just have to see what they say." Taylor said trying to calm your nerves but you have been worried as you continue to get sick.

You and Taylor go into the waiting room and a nurse call's your name,

You walk back and the nurse quickly weighs you and takes you to another room to get your blood pressure and ask you other personal questions.

After that was done you spoke up,

"Can my girlfriend come back here?" You asked.

"Sure what is her name?" The nurse asked.

"Taylor." You said.

A few minutes later Taylor walks into the room, and sits down in one of the extra chairs.

The doctor came into the room,

"Hello Y/N. I'm Dr. Thompson. What brings you in today?" The woman asks.

"My stomach has been hurting for the last few weeks." You said.

"What is your diet like?" The doctor asks.

"Normal. I don't eat too much fast food." You said.

"Can I feel your stomach?" The doctor asks.

"Yes." You said.

The doctor puts in gloves and gently pushes on your stomach, she stops and puts pressure on a certain spot, "Does that hurt?" She asks.

"Kinda yes. It's uncomfortable." You said.

"We may need to take a MRI on your stomach." She said.

"Okay." You said.

"And we may need to take a sample of your blood. Just to run some tests." The doctor said.

"Okay. When can we do that?" You asked.

"We need to schedule for the MRI. But we can take your blood drawn today if you'd like." The doctor said.

"Okay I'll do the blood drawn today." You said to get it out of the way.

"Great. Let's schedule for the next appointment for the ERI and I'll tell one of the nurses so she can take you to get your blood drawn." The doctor said.

A nurse comes to get you and you follow her to get your blood drawn, once that was done she wrapped it with a daze and you walked out of the hospital with Taylor.

"Was taking your blood drawn scary?" Taylor asked.

"Kinda. It felt warm as it was coming out." You said and Taylor squirmed

"You are much tougher than me." Taylor said.

"Uh I'm just so worried. I hope they don't find anything serious." You said.

"I'm sure everything will be okay." Taylor said.


Author's Note

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