Chapter 78

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"Why do I have to wear a disguise? It isn't even a good disguise. The school already knows who I am and why I'm going there," Loki whined as he stood in front of Thor in the common room having his disguise examined. It really was hardly a disguise. It was just a deaged version of himself, to look 17 so he could go with Peter to his classes. The school had been told that he was going to be attending classes to keep Peter safe after the kidnapping. Which was technically true, just not the whole truth. Only Aunt May and the Avengers knew the whole truth. "If the students and staff all know who I am and why I'm there, then why bother with a disguise?" Loki grumbled. He knew he sounded like a whiny teenager. He was a whiny teenager, especially right them. Asgardians aged weird, it was a whole big thing that included too much math.

"Because the school believes that you are there to protect the spider child from an outside source. It's safer for everyone all around if you pretend to be a teenager," Thor replied patiently. He knew that Loki hated this plan and was getting the whining out of his system now. He had to pretend to be a normal student at the school. At least as much as he could when everyone knew who he was.

It was going to be torture, but it was necessary to keep Peter safe.

Thor seemed to understand what Loki needed and stood, wrapping Loki in his warm embrace. "I know this is difficult, brother," he soothed as Loki's arms wrapped around Thor in return, without stabbing his brother for once. He relaxed in his brother's arms as Thor pet his hair. "It's for Peter's sake,"

"I know," Loki said softly. "That's the only reason I'm doing it." He stepped back out of Thor's arms and gave his brother a glare that would have been far more withering coming out of his adult body. "If you so much as breathe a word of this to Sig, I will turn you into a frog again,"

Thor chuckled. "You have my word. However, that will not stop the spiderling from spilling the beans," he reminded Loki, which just made his brother groan. "Now, I believe that I promised you a trip to the zoo?"

Loki lit up, which made Thor's heart hurt. This was the Loki he remembered from back when they were close, before Odin had forced them apart. This was a joyful happy Loki, one who was accepted and loved. Thor never wanted to see anything bruise his brother's heart again. Not when he finally had him back after all the pain and torture. Thor chuckled and wrapped an arm around Loki's shoulder. "Come, let's see the animals and practice that disguise of yours," he said fondly.

Happy drove the pair of them to the zoo and Loki spent hours dragging Thor around, talking to all the animals. Loki loved the snakes in the reptile house and all the giant cats. It was nice to spend a day out with his brother and just be brothers together. They laughed and joked and ate too much food and it was just like old times.

"I missed this," Loki said as they headed back to the tower with his belly full of sweets.

Thor ruffled his hair and cuddled him close, giving Loki the affection his younger touch-starved brother, craved. "As did I,"  

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