Chapter 16

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"Loki! It came! It came!" Peter said excitedly as he came into the common room after classes one Friday. He was holding a video game in his hands as he rushed into the tower.

Loki chuckled and gave him an indulgent smile as Peter's backpack landed on the couch. Loki was already over at the TV setting up the console. "I am aware, arachnid. That was the purpose of tonight's sleepover," Loki replied warmly.

Peter huffed. "I've been waiting for a year for this game, witch, I'm allowed to be excited!" He told Loki.

Loki mock-glared at him. "I am not a witch. I am the Master Magician of Asgard," he grumbled. "Not some little hedge witch. Or a wannabe Midgardian-sorceror Strange. Lady Wanda is a witchling. I am not a witch," Loki grumbled. Peter burst out laughing at Loki's rant. It always amused him, which is why he called Loki a witch in the first place. Plus he knew that Loki was pleased to have a nickname, even if he did have to grumble about it. He knew Loki wasn't really upset with him anyway. If he were truly upset, he'd just threaten to stab him. Or list a high number. Instead, he ranted and then: "annoying baby spider," he grumbled under his breath.

Which just made Peter laugh harder and Loki cracked a smile to see his friend happy.

The two of them got the game set up.

"The pizza should be here soon. In the meantime there is junk food," Loki said proudly, gesturing to the collection of soda, chips, brownies, and other miscellaneous snack food he'd gone out to buy. He was so proud that he'd successfully navigated to the Midgardian grocery store, bought junk food he and Peter would both like, and made it home without killing any of the mortals.

It was quite impressive indeed.

Especially since the stupid mortals in the store had been terrified of him there without Peter. As if they thought the teen was the only reason Loki behaved and didn't go on mass murder sprees. So he behaved and let them live.

This time.

Peter lit up in delight and congratulated Loki on his successful shopping. Loki made a mock elegant bow with a chuckle. The pair settled on the couch with their junk food and video games, only moving to get the pizza. They lounged on the couch, just enjoying their stupid normal teenage boy evening.


"LOKI!" Stark bellowed much later that night. Peter had moved at some point and was sitting on the ceiling playing the game upside down. He said it helped him concentrate.

At least it did until Stark's bellowing caused him to fall from the ceiling. Loki stood in one smooth motion and caught Peter around the waist before he could hit the ground and set him on the couch. Lucky the kid was so small or Loki couldn't have managed it without magic.

He turned and glared at Stark. "You almost killed your brat. What do you want?" Loki demanded, growling that Stark had put Peter in danger. Loki could handle a lot of shit. But he couldn't handle Peter in danger. Or hurt.

He didn't care that Stark hated him. He did care when that hatred put Peter in danger. Peter was supposed to mean as much to Stark as he did to Peter. Hel, the team joked that Stark was "Irondad" when it came to the spider-child. Loki cruelly reminded him of that fact by calling Peter "Stark's brat"

The rest of the team came milling in at Loki and Stark yelling at each other. It was amazing that Stark hadn't gotten thrown out the window yet. But he hadn't actually done anything to Loki yet.

"Why is there a goat in the training room?" Stark demanded.

Loki relaxed instantly. If that's all that was wrong... "It is a present," Loki replied calmly with a smirk on his face.

Peter lit up in excitement. "Is it-?" he asked, nearly bouncing.

Loki inclined his head with a grin. "It is. Would you like to see?" he asked Peter. "I was intending to show you later. But now is just as well," he added. Peter bounced in excitement.

"Yes!! C'mon c'mon!" he said and grabbed Loki's hand to drag him to the training room in question. Loki laughed and went with Peter while the others all just stared in confusion. Stark followed them to find out what was going on with the stupid goat and why it was a present.

Why did Peter need a goat as a present?

Loki led the way to the correct training room and opened the door. "Ta-da!" he told Peter with a grin when the teen saw the horrendously ugly goat. The goat was also walking with its head tilted and seemed incapable of thinking enough to do anything but walk in circles.

"What is going on with the goat?" Tony demanded.

"That is the biggest, ugliest, stupidest goat I have ever seen!" Peter tells him excitedly. He was bouncing as he went into the room to investigate the goat.

"Seriously, what's with the goat?" Tony asked again.

"Does it meet your specifications?" Loki asked, amused at Peter's thorough examination of the goat. "You did request one that was ugly and stupid,"

"What is going on with the goat?" Tony demanded again, annoyed at being ignored by Peter. He was used to Loki ignoring him, but Peter usually didn't.

"It's perfect! Thank you, Loki!" Peter said and wrapped his arms tightly around Loki in a hug.


Loki and Peter both laughed. "I made a promise to the spider-child," Loki replied vaguely.

"What. Promise?" Tony demanded. The others had arrived by now and were looking at the stupid ugly goat.

"The mortals did not deal with the pesky human who was tormenting Aunt May. This was the requested solution if their 'Human Resources'," Loki made the finger quotes. "Did not address the matter satisfactorily. The mortals gave the man a slap on the wrist for tormenting Aunt May. I turned him into a goat as a present for Peter," he replied with absolutely no remorse.

"You can't just turn humans into goats!" Tony protest.

Loki grinned maliciously and gestured to the goat. "I believe the evidence is in front of your eyes that I indeed can simply turn humans into goats,"

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