Chapter 31

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After dinner and after the teens had finished their homework (Loki was very insistent on them not shirking on their schoolwork especially after the incident with Peter's Spanish test) Loki did as he promised and took them out to get formalwear for the dance. It was easy to acquire a suit for Peter. They met with Tony's favorite tailor at a little shop near the tower and acquired a perfectly tailored extremely high quality suit for Peter. Peter triedto protest that it must be far too expensive, but neither Loki, Tony, nor the tailor would let him see what the suit cost. Tony wasn't even there. He had just donated his credit card to this adventure. They all just insisted that Tony's protege needed to have at least one well-fitting suit, especially with all the events Tony hosted.

So Peter submitted to getting measured for his suit with input from the peanut gallery of Wanda and Loki. He was grudging about it and shy, thinking he was accepting a handout, no matter how many times Loki reassured him that the Avengers had plenty of engagements they went on where they needed formalwear.

Loki and Wanda teased Peter good-naturedly through the fitting and sizing and he was soon laughing along with them, which didn't help the measuring process go any faster, but it made Peter more comfortable with the situation.

Loki smirked when he caught a look of interest in Wanda's eyes when she saw Peter in the final suit he would have for the dance. It needed a bit of work to be perfectly sized, but all pinned into place, they got the effect.

And Wanda's interest was more than just friendly.


"We can drop you back off at the tower," Wanda offered Peter as they were leaving the suit shop. She didn't think he'd be interested in helping her find a dress. She knew that most males wouldn't be. She was surprised that Loki was putting up with the chore, but then Loki did turn female on occasion and loved fashion.

Peter shook his head with a grin. "You helped me pick out a suit. The least I can do is help you pick out a dress," he replied brightly. He wouldn't abandon his friend on this adventure, especially on something that he knew wasn't the easiest task. "That's what friends are for," he added with his usual lopsided grin. Wanda grinned back and linked her arm with his as they walked to the next shop to begin the hunt for the illusive perfect dress for the dance.

They searched for a long time, through multiple shops until they found the right dress.

The second Peter saw Wanda in the elegant floor length red gown, his jaw hit the floor. He gaped like a fish for a moment, unable to find anything to say. He did eventually come up with a couple non-sensical noises.

Loki chuckled. "Allow me to translate drooling teenage boy. He says you look lovely," Loki told Wanda, impressed himself with how lovely and grown-up she looked in the dress. Not that he was interested in any way, shape, or form, but he appreciated that the dress looked nice on her. And was absolutely perfect for the dance. "And I agree, witchling. That dress looks wonderful on you,"

Peter made an incoherent noise of agreement.

Wanda giggled and there was color in her cheeks from all the praise on her appearance. "Thank you both," she told them brightly and ducked back into the fitting room to change back into her real clothes, her dress chosen.


"Loki! What do I do?!?!?" Peter demanded, fwumped on Loki's bed the next evening. The pair were talking in Loki's room where they'd have privacy. Loki allowed so very few people into his room, into his sanctuary that Peter knew it was a privilege to be allowed there.

"About what, Arachnid?"

"About Wanda!" he wailed as if that were obvious.

Loki laughed. "What about Wanda?" he asked, though he had an idea. He had a very good idea, in fact. He had been waiting for this conversation.

"I'm an idiot," Peter grumbled and flopped over on his other side.

"You are a fifteen year old boy. Of course you are," Loki said dryly and laughed when Peter smacked him with one of Loki's own pillows. "What particular idiotic thing did you do this time?" Loki asked, which just got him smacked again.

"I didn't ask Wanda to the dance. And if I ask her now, she's just going to think that I'm only asking her because MJ would say no," Peter said in a whine. He didn't know how to fix this problem and realized he was an idiot for not even considering to ask one of his best friends, or thinking she could be more. "I could ask her to come as friends. But I don't want it to be just friends! Why am I so stupid not to realize that I had feelings for her before now?!?!?" Peter whined. His voice got higher pitched when he was distressed and if it weren't so amusing, Loki would be annoyed. "She's perfect for me and I'm a moron for not realizing it sooner! I don't have to hide who I am around her. I can be myself. She's been on patrol with me, she knows I'm Spiderman. She knows my internship is fake. She's intelligent, and pretty, and the sweetest girl ever!" he groaned and made a sound like a dying whale in distress when his words ran out.

"And she is interested in you as well, arachnid," Loki told him when he could speak without laughing at his friend.

Peter bolted up into a sitting position. "Really?!?!" he asked, looking and sounding like an overexcited puppy. As per usual.

"Yes, arachnid. I saw the glint in her eyes when you tried on that suit. She was definitely interested. I know she values you as her best friend and as one of the few people who are not afraid of her powers. Even if her control slips," Loki told him. Peter knew all about Wanda's powers and had seen her during a particularly bad meltdown of PTSD induced terrors. He had seen her powers completely out of control. And confronted her with his lopsided grin and lack of fear. Between Peter and Loki, they had gotten her calm and gotten her powers back under control. And the entire time, Peter had never been afraid that she would hurt him, not even accidentally.

That meant the world to the little witch.

Peter fwumped back on the bed, clutching one of Loki's pillows to his chest. "That doesn't change that I'm a moron who didn't ask her," he said, sounding devastated. "Seven," he told Loki, looking at his friend with desperation in his eyes.

Loki chuckled. "No need for such theatrics, little arachnid. Here is what you do..."

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