Chapter 62

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The brothers landed outside the tower. Unfortunately, the Bifrost never had the ability to set someone down gently. So Loki's knees jarred as he landed hard. Thor's grip on his arm steadied him as he regained his balance. He nodded a silent thanks to his brother for his help and support.

Thor nodded back, and Loki noted that his brother was on alert for danger. He saw Loki as injured, which he admittedly was, and was taking up the protective position. Thor spotted something and his grip on Loki's arm changed. He pulled Loki closer, shifting their positions so Loki was on his other side. Loki saw why immediately, the press had spotted the Bifrost lights and were coming to get a glimpse of the Asgardians, of the Avengers. Thor and Loki both didn't want them seeing Loki's mouth sewn shut. "Can you get us inside?" Thor didn't think Loki had enough ability at the moment to teleport them.

Loki shook his head. Under normal circumstances, teleporting that far would be no trouble, but his mind and magic were muddled with pain and healing drugs. He couldn't safely teleport them. He could and did summon a hooded cloak over his shoulders and pulled the hood up to hide his face.

"That isn't suspicious at all," Thor said dryly. Loki rolled his eyes and elbowed him hard in the ribs, which made Thor chuckle. Some things about his brother hadn't changed at all. At least he hadn't gotten stabbed for annoying Loki. "Let's get inside," he said and led Loki into the tower, keeping himself between Loki and the press so the press couldn't bother his brother, couldn't find out about the stitches in Loki's lips. None of them wanted to explain that to anyone, but especially not the leeches who were the press.

Once they made it through the front door of the tower, they were safe. Or safe enough. The press couldn't come in, the security and receptionist would make sure of it. The brothers strode past the security, Thor and Mjolnir getting them passed without Loki even having to lower his hood. Loki finally lowered the hood again when they entered the private elevator that took them up to the common room.

"Everything will be alright, brother. I'll make sure of it, I swear it to you," Thor reassured him. Loki heard that there was more behind the words, more than just this immediate situation. Thor was going to go back and deal with Odin for this atrocity.

He just wanted Loki safe before he did. He wouldn't risk his little brother. Not again.

Loki laid his head on Thor's shoulder and purred softly, accepting the reassurance that Thor gave him. Thor pulled him closer, though was careful not to squish Loki and upset him. "I've missed you purring. You used to all the time when we were children, before you realized that it made you different. I was sad when it vanished, though, as I could always tell when you were happy when you would purr," Thor explained, his arm around Loki's shoulders. He then considered. "You've truly been unhappy all that time," he said softly, as the realization truly dawned on him. "When we grew apart, when you were in my shadow, when father gave me undue praise and gave you nothing. That's when you stopped purring, that's when you stopped letting all of us but Mother in," he said, horrified that Loki had truly been so unhappy all of those centuries. Loki didn't answer, but his slightly bowed head was answer enough. "I won't let you feel like that again," Thor swore to him.

Loki nodded, hearing the truth in Thor's words. Thor would keep his oath, no matter what it took.

Thor's grip remained firm around Loki's shoulders as the pair walked out of the elevator and into the common room. The entire team was there, clearly waiting for the brothers. It was just as clear that they'd gotten some of the story from Peter and Tony. Peter was pacing anxiously for the brothers to get back and Loki could see clearly that he'd hated being sent home early, hated not staying behind to help.

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