Chapter 30

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Peter came into the common room after school a few days after senior prank day and fwumped face first onto his couch with a groan, backpack still on his back. It was the perfect image of a distressed teen.

"What's wrong, Arachnid?" Loki asked from where he'd been reading on his own couch, waiting for the teens to get home. Some days he went to the school to walk them home, but not every day.

"Everything," Peter grumbled in typical teen fashion.

Wanda laughed as she set her bag down next to her usual spot. "The school dance is in a couple weeks," she told Loki.

"That does not explain why the Arachnid is facedown on the couch, little sister," Loki told her, sounding more amused than anything, especially when Wanda bounced over to hug him and kiss his cheek. She'd gotten more openly affectionate with her adopted older brother and Loki relished the affection and contact.

He was really looking forward to taking the teens to Asgard in a few weeks.

"He was going to ask MJ to the dance, but he heard her talking at lunch about how the dance is just patriarchal nonsense and she's boycotting it," Wanda explained as she stepped back and looked up at Loki to explain while Peter made a noise that sounded like a dying whale. "And Pete procrastinated, so most of the girls already have dates, so now he has no one to ask,"

Loki nodded, pondered over that information. He looked concerned. "And you, witchling? Has no one asked you to the ball?" this was the first he was hearing of it, so he assumed that Wanda hadn't been asked to it.

She shook her head and tried to smile, tried to reassure him that she didn't care. He saw through the lie. Of course he saw through the lie. "I'm probably not going to go," she replied, trying to sound ok about it. Loki's heart bruised at the thought that she hadn't been asked. He heard through her lie. She was sad she hadn't been asked, as any fifteen year old girl would be. Loki wished he could fix it, but this was one thing he couldn't solve, even with all of his magic and power.

"Just because you do not have a date does not mean you cannot attend the ball," Loki told her gently, trying to goad her into attending anyway. He knew she'd have fun if she just went. "I can go to the mall with you to find a gown," he offered.

Wanda gave him a tentative smile. "It's really alright to go alone?" she asked nervously, but if anyone would know about propriety, it would be the literal prince.

Loki gave her a warm smile. "Of course it would. It would be a fun evening among your friends," he told her. She lit up in absolute delight and Loki chuckled. "Now scat and do your homework quickly so we can begin the hunt for a gown," Wanda bounced up on her toes and kissed his cheek before she bounded off to do as she was told. Loki chuckled after her, before he turned his attention to Peter, who was still on the couch making dying whale noises. "Arachnid?"

"I wanted to ask MJ to the dance!~" He whined, finally sitting up and looking at Loki.

Loki gave him a gentle look in reply. "I know, but she does not wish to attend at all," he reminded the teen.

"I can't go to the dance alone!" Peter whined, nearly wailing in distress. Loki knew Peter didn't have many friends. And only had eyes for MJ.

Loki shrugged. "Then don't. Wanda would go with you, even as friends. Then you shall both not have to go alone," he suggested reasonably. It was a good solution. Both teens would be able to attend the dance and neither would be truly alone.

And wouldn't it be interesting if they became more than friends.

"I don't have anything to wear," Peter said softly.

Loki rolled his eyes. "Wanda and I are going out to look for a dress for her. You can tag along and look for a suitable outfit as well,"

"I... I don't know how to dance," Peter admitted. Loki could hear how much he wanted to go and have fun though. He wanted to be a proper teenager for once, to put aside being Spiderman for an evening so he could live his life.

Loki wanted to encourage that.

"Then I shall teach you, Arachnid. All you ever had to do was ask,"

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