Chapter 43

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Loki watched the teens and Sig play quidditch for awhile before he whistled, using magic to make sure they heard him. The three of them flew down to see what he wanted and why Loki of all people was interrupting their fun. Loki didn't interrupt fun. He lived for fun.

He gave Sig a warm smile and kissed her cheek when she flew up next to him, finally tall enough for Loki to just lean over and kiss her without having to bend down so far. She stuck her tongue out at him, knowing he was silently teasing her for her short stature. Peter took a picture of the pair for photographic evidence.

Or to use against Loki when they got home.

Loki wasn't entirely sure which.

He glared over at Peter. "Arachnid..." he said warningly.

Peter gave him an innocent look. "Yes, Elphaba?" he asked too innocently.

"You're planning on distributing that video, aren't you?" Loki asked, sounding resigned to Peter's antics.

"How else am I going to prove to everyone that you have a fiancé?" Peter protested. The team would never believe him as Loki hadn't mentioned Sig to anyone on Midgard. Even Thor had kept quiet about her existence.

"Six," Loki grumbled, annoyed at his friend teasing him. "There is a reason I did not tell those on Midgard about Sig. It was safer to keep her existence secret from them," he explained patiently to the spider.

Peter raised an eyebrow in a very Loki-like expression. "Why would you need to hide her?"

"To keep her safe. You know the truth behind the battle of New York. And you know that... man... is still after me. If word got to him that I have a fiancé, I doubt Sig would remain safe." Thanos would use Sigyn to hurt Loki without hesitation.

Peter still looked confused. "Then why tell us now?" he asked Loki, knowing the amount of trust Loki was putting in him and Wanda.

"I have my reasons," Loki replied, not quite ready to explain them to the teen. Peter knew not to press Loki when he wasn't comfortable with a subject and nodded. He'd wheedle it out of Loki in time. Befriending Loki had taught him a bit of patience. Though only a bit.

"So why'd you call us down here?" Wanda asked, getting them back on track as she finally dismounted her broom, however reluctantly. She loved flying. Loki saw it and sighed. He'd have to help her learn to use her powers to fly. She was capable with a bit of manipulation of her powers of flying.

Loki just wasn't thrilled about the prospect of teaching her, since that would involve him having to fly. And Loki was not a good flier.

"It's nearly time for graduation, Sig. You should go get ready," Loki addressed his fiancé. She glanced at the clock-tower and cursed.

"I lost track of time!" she said and after kissing Loki quickly, zoomed off on her broom to get ready.

Loki chuckled after her and turned to the teens. He led them at a much more sedate pace back into the castle. They got seats right in the front, thanks to Loki's title. No one would dare keep him from being front and center for his fiancé's graduation. The ceremony was beautiful and full of magic as each student was presented with their accomplishments.

Sig made her way up onto the stage when she was called by the headmistress. She looked adorable in her student robes and Peter snuck more pictures of her, which Loki didn't mind this time. "Lady Sigyn, daughter of Freya, has excelled in all of her studies at the Academy. Though most impressively is her excellence in the art of healing," the headmistress gestured to someone off stage and everyone was shocked to see Frigga herself come out on the stage.

Including Sigyn.

Most especially Sigyn.

Frigga approached the girl and handed her a small jewelry box, the perfect size for a necklace. Sig opened it while Frigga spoke. "Very few students I have taught have done so well in their studies to be awarded a position at the palace to train with the healers upon graduation. Even fewer have earned an apprenticeship with me. And none before now have done well enough to earn their full healer's credentials upon graduation. You have earned your healer's wings through your hard work, Lady Sigyn. Wear them with pride." There were tears in Sig's eyes as she never thought she'd earn her full credentials at graduation. No one did. Ever. They had to spend years toiling under Frigga's watchful gaze after graduation before they earned the honor.

The audience cheered at Sig's accomplishment, though none louder than Loki for his beloved fiancé as she pulled out the necklace and clasped it around her neck. Healers were cherished as true healers were so rare and a healer of such caliber was honored more than most.

Nothing could beat the look of pride in Loki's eyes as he watched Frigga hug Sig and congratulate her again.

Peter took more pictures as proof that Loki cared about something besides Loki and Peter and cheered nearly as loudly as Loki himself.

The cheers were cut short by alarms blasting throughout the palace, academy, and surrounding grounds. Loki listened for a moment, to gauge the exact tone and rhythm they were using, discerning the message from that. He grabbed Peter and Wanda and dragged them up onto the stage. He looked to Frigga. "Mother, please return to the palace. We will handle the danger," he bid her, remaining polite and calm because it was his mama and he couldn't actually order her around, much as he wanted to teleport her to safety.

Frigga nodded, willing to leave the danger to the warriors. She would ready the healing wing in the meantime. "And your soul-brother and student?" she asked, preparing to take their arms and teleport them back to the palace with her.

Loki shook his head with a smirk. "They stay. They may look young, but they are both trained in combat," he said with pride. He looked to Frigga and paled slightly. "Not that you aren't capable, Mother," he tried to backtrack quickly.

"But the queen's place is at the palace," she bailed him out, amused. She kissed Loki's cheek and bid him to be careful before she vanished.

Loki turned to Peter and Wanda as his armor shimmered into place. Sig was doing the same as he spoke. "Suit up, Spider-child, little witch. That alarm is only sounded for one thing: frost giants have invaded Asgard," 

Of Numbers and Strange FriendshipsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon