Chapter 48

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The next morning, Loki, Thor, Peter, and Wanda all made their way to the Bifrost to head back to Midgard. Frigga and Sigyn both went with the group to see them off. Loki and Sigyn had decided that it was safer for Sig to remain with Frigga on Asgard. Loki trusted them to keep each other safe and they were both on the lookout for any sign of Thanos. Loki didn't trust Odin to believe him about the mad titan, but his mama and fiancée did.

That knowledge didn't stop Loki from hugging Frigga far too tightly and kissing Sig with way more passion that was entirely appropriate for in front of his mother, or in front of the queen of Asgard. They were the same person, yes, but there was a difference between what Loki's mother would accept verses what the queen of Asgard was willing to let slide. Even still, Frigga didn't comment about Loki's too prolonged and passionate kiss with his fiancée. It might be awhile before they saw each other again after all.

After the final goodbyes, the group headed into the Bifrost to return to Midgard. Loki held onto Wanda and Peter as they went through, knowing the trip on the rainbow bridge was jarring for those not accustomed to it.

They arrived safely outside of the tower and Loki escorted the teens inside quickly while Thor entertained the paparazzi. They tried to keep Wanda and especially Peter out of the spotlight. Sure, Peter was seen being friends with Loki around New York, but they did at least attempt to hide his secret identity.

The keyword was try.

Really, Jarvis just kept the information secret on the backend and sent false trails as to who Spiderman might be. Poor Jarvis had to work overtime on some days to keep Peter's secret when he was particularly bad at hiding it. He'd done a really good job making it look like a lame conspiracy theory that Stark's intern was Spiderman and made it look like a hoax.

The secret would get out eventually, but the entire team wanted it to be on Peter's terms.

The team was waiting in the common room for the group to return and they all jumped to their feet to welcome them home. There were plenty of hugs for Peter and Wanda who appreciated them. And for Thor once he'd joined them. Only Nat was brave enough to hug Loki without risk of getting stabbed. Loki was smart enough not to stab her. She stabbed back and was scary.

That evening they had a big welcome home dinner and even had Aunt May over to the tower to join them for the fancy catered meal. Peter babbled on and on about their trip to Asgard and all the cool things they'd seen, including showing off all the pictures Peter had taken of Asgard. Thor, Loki, and Wanda interjected parts of the stories as well. Everyone was beyond amazed that Peter had managed to get a selfie with Mama Frigga.

"This is Hogwarts!" Peter said at the pictures of the magic academy.

Loki huffed and rolled his eyes. "Arachnid, it's the Academy of Magic," Loki reminded him in a tone that was overly patient.

Peter grinned across the table at him. "Like I said, Hogwarts," he replied. Loki pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation at the teen's comments.

Wanda giggled. "It was quite a lot like being at Hogwarts," she admitted.

Loki changed the topic to the dancing and pictures of Peter in traditional Asgardian formalwear, which had Aunt May grinning. "Are you going to use these in your report?" She asked Peter, who blushed at the idea of the school seeing him in Asgardian dress.

"What report?" Loki asked curiously. He hadn't heard anything about a report. He would have made sure Peter had whatever he needed for his studies while they were on Asgard.

"We have to write a report of what we did on our summer vacation," Peter explained. He wasn't looking forward to writing the report, which was clear in his expression. "I was planning on writing about the trip to Asgard, especially since I have pictures to back it up," he explained.

Loki smiled. "I'm sure you'll do well on it, Arachnid," he said fondly. Peter was brilliant and he was sure the spider could do well at anything he decided to study or do for school.

Aunt May grinned. "Yes, let's start the year on a good note this time," she said in an exasperated parent tone, which got the eye roll from Peter it deserved. The entire table laughed at the exchange.

Loki found himself smiling fondly. This is always what he thought a true family would be like. It wasn't something he'd ever experienced on Asgard, though Thor had. Loki had always been the outcast, only truly understood by Frigga. But here? Here he had somehow become part of the group and could laugh among them and be welcomed among them for who he was.

It had taken time for them to forgive him for the Battle of New York, but after they knew it wasn't his fault, that he was mind controlled, they were much more open to getting to know him.

And a lot of the change was Peter's doing.

Loki owed him more than the spider child knew.

Loki's attention was drawn back to the conversation when Tony spoke again. "Who is that?" Tony demanded at one of the pictures.

Loki turned his attention to it to see which one Jarvis was currently displaying on the wall. He smirked when he saw it was a picture of him with his arm around Sigyn. "That is Lady Sigyn, healer of Asgard, daughter of Freya," Loki explained and everyone could see the gentleness and fondness in his expression. His smirk only grew to a Cheshire Cat grin, though. "My fiance,"

"Fiancee?" The team demanded while Loki, Thor, Peter, and Wanda, burst into laughing at the outraged astonishment on their faces. 

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