Chapter 56

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The moment stretched and stretched as Frigga absorbed Loki's words. He picked at his hands and hung his head. He couldn't look at her while she processed what he said. He couldn't face the revulsion or anger, not coming from her, not coming from his precious mama. He had thought, that even adopted, that she would love him no matter what stupid thing he did. She had always loved and seen the best and the worst in him. She'd treated him as her own son from the moment he was brought home to her.

And now he had done something so unconscionable that he didn't think even his beloved mama would be able to forgive him for it.

He'd turned Peter Asgardian, without permission, without Peter's consent, and before the boy was of age to make the choice. He'd taken that choice from Peter. He'd done it to save Peter's life, sure, but he had still broken so many laws and used what was questionable morality at best.

His mother had taught him better.

But he couldn't let Peter die.

He needed Peter to keep him grounded, to keep him caring about the little everyday things. Peter was a hometown hero, he helped little old ladies, and stopped petty crime. He was a teenager, whose cares were about school and girls. It wasn't big epic battles and universe ending destruction. He didn't have to be a perfect god, a perfect son, a perfect anything in front of the child. He could be himself.

Peter always accepted Loki for who he or she was at any given time.

And Loki needed that grounding in the real world. He needed that grounding after finding out he was Jotun, after falling from the bifrost, after the torture and abuse from Thanos and his cronies, after the mind control and pain, after everything he had been through, he needed that normalcy that the child provided.

He couldn't lose his little brother now. He needed him too much.

Frigga watched her son carefully, saw him pick at his hands, a tell he had picked up from her when he was upset, saw his downcast expression like he was expecting pain, either physically or emotionally. She saw his conflict and saw his pain.

She stood from where she'd been sitting next to Peter's bed and went to him, enfolding him in her arms as she'd done numerous times in his life. He was taller now than the child she had comforted, but he would always be her baby. Loki's arms wrapped automatically around her and he held onto her tightly. She stroked his hair soothingly, waiting for him to relax a little. "I know, darling," she said gently.

Loki pulled back enough to look down at her. "You know?" He asked, confused and unsure.

Frigga gave him a warm, reassuring smile. "Yes, darling. I have known since I gave you that apple. I had a vision and saw that you would need it to save young Peter's life," Frigga had had a vision. That explained a lot. Loki had wondered why she'd given him the apple for Peter before he was allowed to offer it. It was still two years too early. The apples never went bad, so that wasn't an issue, but it had been strange at the time. Still, Loki was used to oddities from his mother and knew not to question them. She wouldn't give out information about the future unless it absolutely necessary. And she wouldn't answer questions about the future. One had to accept what information she gave and know that it was enough to combat whatever future she had seen that she felt she had to interfere in.

"I couldn't get his consent," Loki fretted, pulling his mama back into his arms and burying her head in her neck, a child, a son, seeking comfort while admitting his crimes.

Frigga stroked his hair. "And he will have to forgive you for that, but he is alive to do so," she reminded him. "And knowing Peter, he will be quick to accept what happened and he will not blame you for not having the ability to gain his consent,"

Loki looked into her eyes. "Are you sure?" He whimpered with tears in his eyes, so desperately afraid of losing his best friend, his little brother. So afraid Peter would hate him for thousands of years to come.

"As sure as anyone can be," Frigga replied. She wouldn't lie to Loki and didn't know what Peter would do, but she had a feeling from what she knew of the young man.

Loki nodded and held her for another minute before he pulled away to sit on the edge of Peter's bed and help his mama with the rest of the healing. By the time Tony and Thor arrived all that was left of the healing was for Peter to wake.

Loki sat by his side while Frigga told Tony and Thor what she'd had to do healing-wise and the effects of the apple for Tony's benefit. Loki held one of Peter's hands in both of his, waiting anxiously for him to wake.

It felt like hours of Loki trying to figure out what to say.

It felt like no time at all passed.

Peter's eyes slowly fluttered as he woke with a groan. He looked over at Loki and Loki waited anxiously. He expected hate in Peter's eyes, expected betrayal and anger. Instead, there was relief in the teen's expression. "Elphaba?" He asked in a croak, with a hint of his smirk. 

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