Chapter 60

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"We best get this out of the way," Loki eventually said, stepping back from Thor and Frigga. He had to be strong to face Odin, especially when he knew he was going to be punished for his actions. He had broken a lot of laws after all. He knew he wasn't getting out of this unscathed. Even though Frigga had given him the golden apple to give to Peter, even though she had Seen this particular future. It was still going to be Loki's fault in Odin's eyes.

Loki would take the blame, would accept any consequence as the price for saving Peter's life. He would have made the same decisions a thousand times over. He knew he had changed from who he had been when he had first met the teen. And he knew that change was for the better.

Despite what Odin might believe.

Odin would never see the best in Loki.

Loki finally understood that and finally understood what family really was. He had that family with Thor, Frigga, Sigyn, and most of all, with the teen who had forced his way into Loki's shattered heart to repair it.

So Loki would take whatever punishment came his way for saving Peter's life.

He offered Frigga his arm to escort her to the throne room. He would always be the first to offer to escort his mother as he doted on her more than anyone else. She placed her hand on his arm automatically and the three of them made their way to the throne room together. As they went, Loki donned his court mask. He wouldn't let Odin see his fear. He had learned that lesson a long, long time ago.

All too soon, the guards were opening the double doors to the throne room and the three were striding up toward the throne. Loki kept his back straight, kept his formal court mask in place as he made his way across the room, empty save Odin seated on his throne. Frigga dropped Loki's arm when they reached the bottom of the stairs and made her way up them to stand at Odin's side. Thor stayed beside Loki and both of the princes bowed to their father. The only one who never had to bow to Odin was his wife.

"Rise," Odin ordered his sons. He sounded like he was barely holding back his rage. Loki and Thor rose as one and wisely remained silent, waiting for Odin to continue. It was a lesson they had learned in their youth when they'd misbehaved. Odin had stared them down for confessions, which had led to Thor babbling to Odin about mischief their father hadn't even known about yet. Which got them in even more trouble. Even Thor had learned to keep his mouth shut so they only had to confess to things Odin already knew of.

So they waited.

And waited.

Until Odin finally lost his patience. He glared down at Loki. "You have broken the laws of this realm. What have you to say for yourself?" He demanded, trying to goad his son into losing his patience. He'd chosen the wrong son for that tactic.

"Which laws do you say I have broken, father?" Loki asked calmly, his words careful as ever. Odin was judge, jury, and executioner, as was his right as king. Loki wasn't going to give him any more ammunition than necessary. He was also reminding Odin of the family relationship between them, even if it was by kidnapping. If there was any hope of mercy, it would be through that familiar bond.

Odin's glare turned icy. Loki's expression remained passive and calm, a perfect court mask. He didn't let Odin see his emotions, though he felt Thor stiffen next to him. Thor's emotions were always clear to read on his face and Thor was shifting quickly toward anger at Odin and fear for his brother.

"You gave one of the golden apples to a mortal. Not only that, but the mortal in question was not of age to consent. Nor was he asked. You acted without permission and have spoken for Asgard out of turn," Odin recited, glowering at Loki.

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