Chapter 64

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Wanda moved to take Thor's place on the couch with Loki's feet on her lap. The teens covered the god with a blanket and Peter continued stroking Loki's hair to keep him calm. Well, really it was to keep Loki purring as both Peter and Wanda were fascinated by it and absolutely adored it. They both thought the god was adorable when he purred and wanted to keep him purring and happy.

Or as happy as he could be with his mouth sewn shut.

They let Loki rest while the team geared up and headed out of the tower with Thor. Stark and Cap ordered all three of them to stay in the tower while they were gone, to make up some excuse for Aunt May of why he wasn't coming home. They would all figure out how to explain what had happened to Peter to her later. None of them were looking forward to that. But that was a problem for later.

First, the Avengers had to Avenge the unfair treatment to Loki. Or was it Revenge? Either way, they were going after Odin for hurting one of their own. Loki had been officially accepted as an Avenger. He'd grown in his friendship and brotherhood with Peter. He wasn't just on Midgard for punishment anymore, but had built a life and a family there, not only with Peter, but with the entire team.

None of his found family would stand to see him bullied and mistreated. Especially by the man who had adopted him, who claimed to love him, who claimed to be his father and his king.

Odin was acting like a shitty father as well as a shitty king.

It took the team awhile to prepare, to don their armor, gather their weapons, and make plans for dealing with Odin. The teens stayed with Loki while they worked, staying out of their way and trying to come up with a plan that would work to sneak to Asgard with them. It would never work and they had Loki to take care of, but it was worth the wishful thinking. They were just as upset or moreso than the others.

Except maybe Thor.

Thor was livid and sparking lightning, hating the delays, but knowing that they were necessary for planning and preparing.

Finally, the grownups all left the tower. "I wish we could know what was happening," Peter said glumly when they'd gone.

"I know, but they're making us stay here and we know better than anyone that Jarvis can't connect all the way to Asgard," Wanda replied reasonably, though she hated it too. They were trying to keep their voices down so they didn't wake Loki. They had been the entire time he was napping. He needed to rest after the pain and healing potions he'd been through.

"I hate being left in the dark," Peter groaned. "I'm not a little kid. I'm Spiderman. I'm a superhero, an Avenger. I'm not helpless!" He complained, his voice getting louder. He wanted to get up and start pacing, but Loki was still laying with his head in Peter's lap. "Loki's my brother. We should be there with the others facing down the person who hurt him. He was hurt because of me and they won't even let us watch what they're going to do!" He ranted, getting upset enough that Loki stirred.

"But we can't. Jarvis can't connect that far and my magic can't reach all the way to Asgard," Wanda reminded him gently. She understood his frustration. She was just as frustrated as he was. She wanted to help more than anything, but she was just as stuck on Midgard as Peter was.

Loki sat up slowly, groggily. The healing potions really made him woozy and it took him a minute to fight through the haze that they made. Peter took his hand and squeezed it. "Sorry, witch, didn't mean to wake you," Peter said gently.

Loki still looked like hell, the wounds on his lips barely closed. He needed rest, to heal, and for those stitches to come out. He couldn't have any of those things at the moment. He could however, help with the problem the teens were having. Loki took Wanda's hand to make the magic easier between the three of them. He was the one initiating all the magic, but it was easier to do with two mages. And he was less likely to blow their brains out. Which was a concern if one tried to use mental magic with a mortal.

/I can't take you two to Asgard. It's too dangerous for one thing. For another, Heimdall will have been told by Thor not to open the Bifrost for me until he has spoken with the allfather/ Thor didn't outrank Loki, but Heimdall would listen if he thought it was for Loki's own good that he remain on Midgard while Thor smoothed things over with Odin.

Even Thor, the witless oaf, could spin stories to Heimdall. He'd seen Loki do it often enough. And Thor would do anything to protect his brother, especially right now when Loki was vulnerable.

"We know. We're not asking you to," Peter reassured him quickly. He wasn't used to using his magic yet. He didn't know how after the first accidental use. So he was speaking aloud. He was just glad he could hear Loki's voice in his mind, no matter how strange it was.

/But I can let us all see what's going on on Asgard/ Loki continued as if Peter hadn't interrupted him.

Both of their eyes widened in shock. "You can??" They demanded at the same time, desperate to find out what their friends were up to, desperate to see what was going on, desperate to see Loki avenged and Odin put in his place.

Loki inclined his head. /Wanda, I'll need some magic to pull it off/ he admitted. He wasn't up to full strength and would need her help. /Do you remember how to share yours with me?/ they'd worked in magical harmony together before. Loki was teaching her to better control her powers after all.

Wanda nodded and squeezed his hand tighter in hers.

"I can help!" Peter offered quickly. He had magic now too and was willing to do anything to help Loki.

Loki's lips twitched into the tiniest of smiles, careful not to pull his stitches. /I appreciate the offer Arachnid, but it's dangerous to do until you learn more about magic than that you have it now/ Loki replied dryly. Peter sighed and nodded, accepting the answer. Loki knew far more about magic than he did.

Wanda's eyes glowed red with her power as she drew it to the surface. She carefully opened herself to Loki, gave him access to all of her magic, all that she was. /Take what you need. Freely given freely taken/ she spoke in his mind, words of protocol. Words Loki had taught her for this kind of magical working.

/Freely given, freely taken/ Loki repeated, gratitude and love in his voice. He drew on her power as well as his to conjure the image in front of them.

The wall they were facing shimmered and glowed with swirls of red and green power. Loki concentrated on the spot and the image cleared, leaving the wall looking like a TV showing Asgard. It was a complex scrying spell, which is why Loki had needed help with it while he was still on pain potions and pain.

When the image cleared, they saw all of the Avengers in their armor striding down the Bifrost bridge toward the palace. There was so much strength and determination in them. They were all geared up and ready to face down Odin, to give him a piece of their minds.

And all of them were there for Loki's sake.

Loki still couldn't believe it, even as he watched them through the scrying spell. The people he had hurt had accepted him into their found family. After all this time, he finally had a real family.

He tried and failed to hide the tear that slide down his cheek. "Loki? You ok?" Peter asked him worriedly. He couldn't remember ever seeing Loki cry.

Loki looked at him and his lips twitched into the same tiny smile. /One/ was all he had to reply for Peter to understand.

Peter squeezed his hand. "Me too, witch, me too," he replied and they all turned their attention back to the scrying screen to watch their friends.

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