Chapter 34

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"How was the dance?" Loki asked with a too innocent smirk over his cup of tea the next morning when Peter came for patrol. It was pancake morning in the tower, so Loki was in an extra good mood. Like, not even on the evil scale he was having such a good morning. Loki adored pancakes as practically his favorite Midgardian food (though anything Aunt May made him was pretty high up there, home-cooked meals from a mom-figure ranked extremely high for Loki, though he would never admit it).

Peter mock-groaned. "The entire tower knows, don't they?" he whined as he took the seat next to Loki for breakfast. Peter was always invited to eat whatever he wanted in the tower. Stark kept it stocked with all the boy's favorites. And anytime the team was eating, Peter was always invited to join. The team knew Aunt May didn't have a lot of money and helped however they could, including making sure the boy was fed. So Peter got a stack of pancakes to eat.

Loki's smirk grew. "Know what, Arachnid?" he asked pleasantly.

Peter rolled his eyes. "That I kissed Wanda last night," he replied, huffing in annoyance at his friend.

"Why would we know any such thing?" Loki asked pleasantly and too innocently. "Though I am glad for you," he said.

"Thanks-" whatever else Peter was going to say was lost when Loki flicked his wrist and the security footage of Peter kissing Wanda appeared on every Jarvis screen in the vicinity. "LOKI!" Peter protested loudly, turning all sorts of shades of red while Loki roared in laughter at the look on his face as the clip played over and over on repeat. "Turn it off! Turn it off!!" Peter wailed. Stark started to protest since Peter was so upset. Peter wasn't really upset, of course. It was a joke from Loki and he knew it, a harmless bit of mischief, even though the others might think it mean. It wasn't. It was weirdly Loki saying he approved of the relationship. "Before Wanda sees! I don't want her embarrassed!!" Peter could take the embarrassment and teasing, Loki meant it in good fun, but Peter didn't want Wanda embarrassed.

Loki's laughter and the clip vanished when he felt Wanda approaching. He could feel Wanda anywhere in the tower (or out though he didn't go advertising it to Wanda) by her magic, especially since he'd been teaching her magic.

Peter sighed in relief. He really didn't want Wanda embarrassed. He smiled brightly when he saw her enter the room. She grinned as well. The two lovebirds were vomit-inducingly adorable. Wanda bounced over and kissed Peter's cheek, making Peter turn a million shades of red and the table couldn't help smirking or flat-out laughing. They were adorable and so happy and no one wanted to do anything to ruin their day.


"And you have your phone?" Aunt May asked at dinner the night before the trip to Asgard.

"Yes, Aunt May," Peter replied with a groan, trying not to roll his eyes. "And Mr. Stark worked with Loki to fix it up so it will work on Asgard," he continued. The two of them working together on a project had terrified the entire tower. No one believed that Tony would survive the experience. They had only managed because Peter was involved. So they had mixed science and magic together to make a line of cell phones that would work across the realms.

"And your girlfriend is coming?" May asked, starting to sound disapproving at that. She was a mother figure so of course she'd be concerned.

"Yes," Loki replied warmly. "Wanda is my student and my mother adores her," he added, which relaxed May, remembering that there was plenty of adult supervision. Plus Peter wouldn't dare misbehave in front of the queen of Asgard. Peter wouldn't dare misbehave, Aunt May had raised him to be a gentleman. He would be fine on Asgard. Plus, Loki would be looking after him and Wanda. Thor would too, as would Mama Frigga. Peter would be fine.

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