Chapter 36

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The group took one of the skyboats to the palace since neither of the teens knew how to ride a horse. Loki promised they'd learn if they visited Asgard again. For this adventure, they could deal with the skyboats, even if they were bulkier than horses. As well as more conspicuous, especially with the princes driving.

Peter took pictures the entire flight from the Bifrost chamber to the palace. They were both amazed at flying across the Bifrost, at all of the beauty of the golden city. They made it to the palace and disembarked. Thor left the skyboat to one of the servants to handle while their group headed into the palace. The teens had to rush to keep up with the Asgardians.

"Loki, slow down!" Wanda whined as she had to jog every couple of steps to keep up with Loki's long strides.

"Yeah, Loki, what's the rush?" Peter asked. He'd been trying to get pictures of everything, but Loki was moving too quickly to let him. He tried anyway, but knew the pictures weren't going to come out well. He'd delete all the bad ones later when he had time.

"We need to get you and Lady Wanda properly attired before your meeting with the Allfather and we do not have an abundance of time," Loki explained. He'd gotten formal again by being home. At least by being in the palace. He was perfectly casual around Sig.

"Lady Wanda?" Peter questioned. Loki hadn't been that formal in ages. Of course he would poke and prod at things. That's what he did, especially when it came to Loki. He had to understand why his friend was being weird.

"Have you forgotten that I am a prince, spider-child?" Loki asked sourly. That wasn't a helpful answer and Peter looked to Thor for a better one. Thor could usually be convinced to translate Loki's odd behavior when Loki was being unreasonable. At least he was only down to 'spider-child' and hadn't degraded to 'spider-brat' yet. It was easy to tell when Loki was annoyed, even without Peter's number system. His nicknames for people changed based on his emotions.

"It's stressful for Loki to be home, especially when he has to go before Father," Thor explained as they continued walking. "He and Father have never seen eye-to-eye and Father knows that it is because of Loki that there are Midgardians in Asgard. Of course, he approved your visit and no harm will come to you while you are here, but your appearance before Father must still go well for you to be invited back to Asgard," Thor explained.

"Oh, Loki's nervous it won't go well," Wanda replied. That made plenty of sense.

"Don't worry, Loki. You explained what we had to do thousands of times before we came here," Peter reassured him with his usual lopsided grin.

Loki sighed. They didn't understand how important this was. If Odin didn't like them, he could banish them from the realm. He wouldn't have them killed since Frigga had wanted them to come and they were under Frigga's and Thor's protection as well as Loki's. But Odin could stop them from ever coming back.

Sig kissed his cheek. "It'll be alright, Lokes. Your proteges won't let you down. Or do you have so little faith in your teaching?" she teased, joking with Loki to ease the tension and his worry. She knew him so well and the teens saw how well she dealt with him, easing his fears with a smile and a few words. It was amazing to watch.

They paused in a hallway that Thor explained was in the family wing. "Lady Wanda, come with me, I will help you dress for Asgard," Sig tells Wanda kindly. Wanda hesitates, she's still a little hesitant around strangers, though she liked what she saw of Sig so far. She also knew that Loki wouldn't send her with someone who couldn't be trusted. And Loki was also careful of propriety, he usually presented as male and wouldn't help Wanda dress, even if she would need assistance with the Asgardian clothes. So he was sending her with his fiancee, who he would trust to help her and keep the girl safe. She looked over at Loki for confirmation.

He inclined his head. "Go with Lady Sigyn, witchling. She will help you dress. You will also be staying in her suite with her while you are staying on Asgard," he reassured her. Traditionally, the guests would be given their own rooms, but since they were minors from Midgard, and Loki promised their safety, they all felt it better if their visitors were staying with Loki and Sig. It wasn't like they didn't have extra bedrooms for their visitors.

Wanda nodded and went with Sig down one end of the hall. Sig started chatting with Wanda, getting the teen to open up. Loki led Peter to his own suite while Thor went to his own to freshen up before he appeared before Odin.

Peter looked around the room in awe. It was large and airy, decorated in Loki's colors. He had two bedrooms, plus a study, and the sitting room, and bathing rooms. He also had a balcony that looked out onto the gardens. Peter bounced around looking at, and taking pictures of, everything. Loki chuckled as he watched his overexcited friend.

"Arachnid, come get dressed before you tip me over to a seven," Loki told him when he'd had enough of the teen's excitement.

"Good idea, there's no bakeries here to drag you to to cheer you up," Peter replied with a grin. He usually dragged Loki to bakeries or out crime fighting with him when he needed to calm down and cheer up. Or when he needed to relieve stress, usually from Stark pushing his buttons. They couldn't do either of those things in Asgard.

Peter would have to figure out quickly how to lower Loki's evil-ometer while they were on Asgard since he usual strategies wouldn't work. It was imperative he have a way to keep Loki from being homicidal, especially if things with Odin really were that bad.

Maybe Sig had some ideas. She seemed like she'd know.

Peter was distracted from his thoughts and made a face when he saw the court clothes that were laid out for him. "You expect me to wear that?!?!" he demanded at the elaborately decorated tunic.

"Yes. I do," Loki replied pleasantly, too pleasantly. Peter knew by that tone that there was no negotiating or wheedling his way out of this. Especially when it was so important to Loki that he be properly attired for court. Peter sighed heavily and rolled his eyes, but dressed and let Loki make sure everything fight properly and was laying as it should.

Peter had another plan anyway to distract Loki.

"Why didn't you tell me that you have a fiancee??!?!" Peter demanded once he was dressed and Loki was satisfied.  

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