Chapter 22

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Loki needn't have worried.

At all.

Frigga came forward and hugged them both around the neck, though Loki had to bend over for her to reach. He minded oh so much.  He loved any contact from Frigga that he could get.  "Any blood brother of my son is a son of mine," she told them and kissed each of their cheeks in turn.

Peter blushed red as Frigga stepped back while Loki lit up in pure excitement that his beloved mother had accepted his blood brother.  Peter looked up at Loki. "Did your mom just adopt me?" he asked in a shocked whisper.

Loki chuckled.  "That she did," he agreed and ruffled Peter's hair affectionately, while Peter gaped at just being automatically adopted by Frigga.  Though that's what Frigga did.  All of Thor's friends she treated as her own children.  Of course she would do the same for Loki's.  Especially a friend he cared for enough to claim as a brother.  "You should head to class, Arachnid.  You and Aunt May will be having dinner with us tonight," he reminded the teen.  "Happy will pick you up, so do not be late getting home from patrol,"

Peter grinned. "Whatever you say, witch," he teased.  Loki rolled his eyes, but didn't complain any further in front of his mother.  He looked to Frigga and offered her a polite smile.  "It was a pleasure to meet you ma'am. We'll see you tonight."  Peter and Wanda both waved before they rushed off to make it to class on time.  It was a good thing Happy was driving them or they never would have made it on time.  At least not unless Loki teleported them.  Which he'd done for Wanda exactly once, since she'd been out all night on a mission and he'd taken pity on her. 

Loki turned to Frigga and offered her his arm.  "Would you care to meet the rest of the team, mother?" he asked her warmly.  

She took his arm with a bright smile.  "I would love to meet the rest of your friends, darling," she told him warmly. 

The four of them started to head inside.  "They are more Thor's friends than mine," Loki warned her.  Besides Peter and Wanda, the rest of the team were pretty much all Thor's friends.  Though Bucky and Loki had become close over shared experiences (and Loki healing Bucky's abused mind), and the rest of the team was friendly with him, except Stark, who tolerated his presence.  Loki and Stark had agreed on a truce while Frigga was in town.

"I am sure they are your friends as well, darling," Frigga told Loki reassuringly, as she had his entirely life when he complained about Thor's idiot friends and not having friends of his own. 

The team was gathered around the common room when the trio returned and they all stood to be introduced to the queen of Asgard.  Everyone was equally polite and Clint had even made pancakes for Frigga, at Loki's request.  "This is my favorite Midgardian food," Loki told Frigga warmly as he pushed her chair in at the dining room table. 

"Then I must try it," she replied just as warmly.  Clint looked nervous when he placed the stack of pancakes in front of Frigga.  No one wanted to upset the kindhearted queen.  Knowing what they did of Asgardians, they didn't want to see her upset.  She or her sons would kill them where they stood and not feel a drop of remorse.  They didn't need to worry about the gentle, caring Frigga, though.  Once everyone was served, she took her first bite of pancakes and nearly moaned in pleasure over them, just as Loki always did.  "These are wonderful," she told Clint approvingly and wish such open honest that Clint actually blushed as he accepted the praise.  

After breakfast, Thor and Loki took Frigga and Sif around New York to see the sights of Midgard.  Loki and Peter had been working to create an itinerary of fun things to do that Loki's beloved mama would love.  Loki had also gotten Stark to give up Happy for the day to drive them around.  Tony had also gotten them VIP passes to anything they wanted to do.  He wanted to stay on Frigga's good side as much as anyone else did.

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