Chapter 58

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Frigga insisted that Peter had to stay in the healing wing for the rest of the day to recover properly. Despite the teen's protests that he felt fine now, all of the grownups sided with Frigga. Loki would never go against what his mother said, especially not when it came to healing. Peter's protests were further smothered when he fell asleep halfway through a sentence. Loki chuckled and stood, sure that Peter would be alright. His mother's healing spells had taken, Peter was Asgardian now. He would be alright.

That kid could bounce back from anything, including this.

By then, Tony and Thor had caught up, so Loki had to deal with them, despite how much he didn't want to deal with either of them. He wanted to sit by Peter's side until his little brother was better, but that wasn't an option at the moment. He would likely also still have to face Odin's wrath, but Frigga had said she'd taken care of Odin.

Hopefully, that would mean Loki was spared for breaking so many rules.

He highly doubted it and wondered what his punishment would be this time. He was already serving penance on Midgard.

He pushed those thoughts aside and went to where Thor and Tony were waiting outside of the private room. "He will be just fine," he reassured the pair. They both sighed in relief. "He needs to stay here for the rest of the day. He is still recovering. He just fell asleep, mother's healing spells are strong,"

"Can I see him?" Tony was only being polite because Loki had just saved Peter's life, very illegally, and because Frigga was there. Even though he wasn't Asgardian, he knew better than to be anything less than perfectly polite to the queen of Asgard. She'd made an impression on them all when she'd come to visit Loki on Midgard.

Frigga inclined her head. "Yes, though I doubt he will be entertaining company as healing spells are quite exhausting," she told Stark. She knew that he was there as Peter's guardian and wanted to make sure Peter really was ok.

Tony went into Peter's room to check on him and the group let him have his privacy. Peter was Stark's charge, enough that the team teased him about being 'Irondad'. There was no question that he wanted to check on Peter and make sure he really was ok and healing. He wouldn't believe it until he saw it with his own eyes. He was too much of a scientist for belief otherwise.

Thor looked to Loki. "Father isn't pleased," he warned his brother.

Loki sighed and looked down "I figured, but you know I had to, and mother did give me the apple for Peter,"

Frigga nodded her agreement. "Your Father already approved that," she agreed

Loki sighed in relief, though knew at the back of his mind that Odin would come up with some way to punish him for bringing Tony here, giving Peter the apple early, any number of illegal things Loki had done to find and save his blood brother.

Loki would take whatever punishment it was, as long as it meant that Peter was safe.

Eventually, Tony was satisfied that Peter was alright. Since he wasn't leaving the healing wing, or Frigga's care, until at least dinner that night, Thor decided that they should take Tony on a tour of the palace and grounds. "Come on, brother, it will be fun to show off our home!" Thor pleaded with Loki.

Loki pinched the bridge of his nose. "Very well," he replied, knowing that Thor wouldn't give up until he agreed to come along. Thor was trying to distract him to keep him from worrying about Peter.

Loki smirked and gestured at Tony before the man could think to protest. His magic wrapped around Tony and dressed him in Asgardian court clothes. He actually dressed Tony well, in reds that looked good on him and gold armor pieces.

Thor beamed "You look good as an Asgardian," he informed the spluttering Tony before he could rage at Loki.

Loki's attention turned from Stark to the doorway as Sigyn came in. She bounced over to Loki and kissed him in front of Stark who stood staring open-mouthed at the display. "Hello, my love," Loki greeted her warmly, wrapping his arms around her. He burst out laughing at Tony's expression. "Did you truly not believe me about my fiancé?" Loki asked, holding Sigyn close.

"How-? But-?"

Loki just laughed louder and kissed Sig's temple. She looked up at Loki. "Sorry it took me so long to get here. I was doing a healing in one of the villages," she explained.

"Are you going to stay with Peter while I have to entertain my idiot brother and his friend?" Loki asked her, relieved she was there.

She nodded and stole another kiss. "Go attend your duties, Lokes. I'll watch over the arachnid," she said fondly. She'd taken a liking to Peter while Loki had been here last time.

"I am in your debt, my darling," Loki purred and kissed her again before he would agree to tour Asgard with Tony and Thor. They showed Tony around the palace, though keep him away from the throne room, not wanting to bring more trouble upon themselves than they might already be facing. Tony was technically allowed here as Peter's guardian, but only technically, especially since Odin hadn't approved it first.

They introduced Tony to Thor's friends, while Loki made sure Tony was kept away from the Asgardian alcohol so he didn't die of alcohol poisoning. Thor's idiot friends were all impressed with Midgard's hero and he fit right in with them.

Eventually, they headed back to the healing wing to see if Peter was up to coming to dinner with them. He was awake and chatting happily with Sigyn, catching her up on things that had happened since he and Loki had gone back to Midgard. Loki smiled warmly at the sight of his brother and fiancé getting along so well.

"Are you up to dinner in the great hall, Arachnid?" Loki asked Peter warmly, wanting to get the kid back to a sense of normalcy. That was what he really needed right now, not fretting about his future.

Peter nodded eagerly. "I'm starving!" He agreed and practically jumped out of bed.

Loki laughed and gestured at the teen, magically dressing him for Asgard. "Let's go then," he replied. He offered his arm to Sigyn and she placed her hand on his arm automatically so he could escort her to dinner. The three of them chatted amiably the entire way there. Loki felt like he was home with the people who loved and accepted him for who he was. He was in no rush to get to dinner, enjoying the moment with his blood brother and his love.

He tried to shake the feeling that Odin was going to do something to have Loki's world come crashing down around him.

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