Chapter 15

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"What's the number today?" Peter asked as they strolled the streets of New York in costume.

"That depends on your answer to the following: what exactly is this?" Loki asked as he stared at the Midgardian food Peter had handed him while they were out on patrol after they'd finished Peter's homework. Peter was a growing boy and starving all the time and Loki was Asgardian and a bottomless pit, though not as bad of one as his idiot brother. They often bought food while they were out on patrol and Stark left them money just for the purpose of making sure Peter was fed and happy.

"It's a hotdog," Peter replied. He'd lifted the bottom of his mask up above his mouth so he could eat.

Loki looked dubiously at the meat? in the bun in his hand. Plus all of the glop on top of it. "Are you sure this is edible? The meat is... questionable..." he'd probed it with magic and didn't want to know what it was made of after that.

Peter laughed. "C'mon Loki, everyone here eats them. New York is famous for their hot dogs. You have to try it, at least. If you don't like it we'll go to that cafe you like and get you a slice of cake," he offered.

Loki huffed. "We are doing that regardless, spider-child," he teased his friend, which just made Peter light up in laughter. He stared dubiously at the hot dog for another moment before he took a bite of it.

"Well?? What do you think?" Peter demanded once Loki had swallowed.

"Edible," Loki finally admitted. "Though I doubt it will ever be among my favorites," he pondered Peter's original question. "Three. Two after we get that cake," he said with a wistful expression. Sweets were his weakness and Peter wasn't above using them to bribe the god.

Peter chuckled and they wandered in the direction of the cafe Loki liked, eating their hotdogs as they walked. They stopped a couple of robberies on the way and Loki lit up in delight when he finally got his cake. The cafe had taken to setting a slice aside for him in case he showed up on afternoon patrol. He always made sure to tip well when he did stop by. After Peter had explained the concept of tipping, of course.

Peter seemed subdued as they left the cafe, something was on his mind. Loki looked him over thoughtfully. "What is on your mind, arachnid?" he asked. He was as careful as always not to address Peter by name while they were on patrol. Peter didn't seem to mind the nickname. He knew it was a nickname of friendship. He could usually gauge Loki's mood by what nickname the god chose for him that day.

Peter sighed. "Sorry, it's just a hard day..." he hedged. Loki was a patient hunter and just looked at his friend, his adopted little brother, expectedly. Peter sighed heavily again before he answered. "It's the anniversary of the day Uncle Ben died..." he admitted softly.

Loki paused in their strolling. "You should have told me," he said and wrapped his arm around Peter's shoulders comfortingly. He teleported the two of them to the top of the nearest building so they'd have privacy.

Loki had learned a lot about hugging in his friendship with Peter. He'd also heard tons of stories about Peter's uncle. Peter obviously highly admired the man. Though if Loki had to hear the phrase 'with great power comes great responsibility' one more time he might be tempted to place a silencing spell on the child so he could never say that phrase again.

"Midgardian tradition is to go visit his... resting place... correct?" Loki asked, trying to be supportive of his friend when he was in need. Peter's arms wrapped around Loki's waist and he nodded against Loki's shoulder. "Do you wish to visit him?" he asked, gentling his voice. He knew this was difficult on the teen. He'd been so young when he lost his parents and his uncle had been like a father to Peter until he died. Peter had had his powers then, which made his uncle's death even harder, since even with powers, Peter hadn't been able to save him from getting shot.

Peter hesitated. "I do, but... I'm scared," he admitted softly. He always said that the reason he always wore a mask was so the bad guys couldn't see when he was afraid. "I couldn't save him-"

"I know, arachnid. And I am sure he understands," he could see how much Peter wanted to go visit his uncle. Wanted to say something to him. No, not wanted to, needed to say something. "W-would you like for me to accompany you?" Loki asked gently. Peter tended to be braver with his friend with him. Since he'd gotten shot, Loki had been a bit overprotective. The result was that Peter was 10,000% sure that Loki would never allow any harm to befall him. And if any did, those who had done so would die a slow and torturous death. Peter didn't completely approve of that, but he'd spoken with Thor about it to understand more of their culture. He understood why Loki had reacted that way, even if he didn't completely agree with Loki's actions.

"You would come with me?" Peter asked, pulling off his mask and giving Loki a hopeful expression.

Loki huffed and rolled his eyes. "I would not offer were I unwilling," he replied, which made Peter smile at the usual response. Loki appreciated anything that could get Peter to smile. "Shall we go now?" Loki asked. Peter nodded before he lost his nerve. Loki let his magic shimmer over the pair, dressing them in their usual clothes for strolling around the city. Peter gave him the address for the cemetery and Loki teleported the pair there. Peter led the way unerringly through the cemetery and Loki stayed by his side as they walked in silence.

He stopped in front of the grave of one Benjamin Parker.

Peter stood in front of it, looking sober for a moment before he offered the grave a bright smile. "Uncle Ben, this is my friend Loki. Though I think he's kinda adopted me as a kid brother by now. I've told him all about you. I think you would've liked him had you gotten the chance to meet him," at Loki's confused look at Peter's sudden change Peter explained with a smile, but a slightly haunted look in his eyes. "Aunt May kept insisting that he would want me to remember him as he'd been, to honor his life, not mourn his death, and acknowledge that he's in a better place,"

Loki nodded. "That he is," he agreed. Then, to Peter's surprise, knelt down in the grass in front of the tombstone, in his full suit. Peter knew Loki well. He knew how little Loki would want to ruin his fancy clothes, even if they were illusion. Nor would he willingly kneel before anyone unless it were important. Loki bowed his head and recited the slow and careful prayer: "Benjamin Parker, I bid you take your place in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave shall live forever. Nor shall we mourn, but rejoice, for those who have died the glorious death." His prayer completed, he summoned a flask of Asgardian alcohol and two shot glasses. He poured two shots, one of which he drank, and the other he poured out on Ben's grave.

He stood and stepped back, brushing dirt off his pants, and allowing Peter to continue his visit properly. Peter was looking on amazed and would be asking questions the entire way home. "Uncle Ben, I'm so sorry I couldn't save you. I'm Spiderman and a superhero, and I couldn't save one of the people who meant the most to me. You always said 'with great power comes great responsibility'. My responsibility is to protect those I care about and I failed you," his voice shook as he spoke. Loki wrapped an arm around Peter's shoulders while tears fell from the teen's eyes.

"You did not fail him. His death was a tragic accident. As simple as that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. You were not even there. You honor his memory with your determination to help those weaker than yourself," Loki reassured him.

Peter smiled up at him. "Thanks Loki, you're right." Peter turned to his uncle's grave. "I promise to do my best to make you proud, Uncle Ben," he said with a bright smile and the pair turned to leave after saying goodbye to his uncle.

"So, what was that prayer?" Peter asked Loki and the inquisition began. It lasted the entire way back to the tower. Loki explained about Valhalla and his people's traditions and beliefs about the afterlife. Peter was immensely curious about everything and Loki didn't mind teaching someone so willing to learn.

Peter gathered up his school things when they returned to the tower. He needed to get home for dinner and he was sure Aunt May would want to visit Uncle Ben. "Thanks for today, witch," Peter said with a smirk as he left.

Loki glowered. "I am not a witch! Annoying little spider-child!" he protested loudly while Peter laughed and ducked into the elevator before Loki could retaliate. 

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